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I feel miserable


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Blech. Sore throat, head is throbbing, muscle aches, chills, some point way beyond exhaustion but can't sleep, probably because I've been sleeping for two days, and dizzy when I try to sit up. Been awhile since I felt this sick physically. Plus depression and anxiety.

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I hope my reference to caring for yourself didn't make you feel worse.


I meant just what Sadie said. By seeing the doctor and resting as advised, you are taking positive action to get better. Give yourself credit. You're setting a good example for your dd, too.


Hope you feel better soon.

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Terabith, I was laid low by a virus this fall as well. So low I just could not get up out of bed. Going three steps to the bathroom was a major effort. I had a fever for five days, and I coughed hard for two weeks. The cough lingered after that but did eventually go away. The worst of the virus was about seven days, five of them with high fevers. 


Are you still with your inlaws? Just stay tight in bed and rest. It will pass. It really will. 

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DH had it and it ran the course of almost 2 weeks, fever for over 5 days.  He did go to the Dr., but it was a virus.  He went to work, but he shouldn't have.  The worst of the fever was over a weekend.  He was exhausted when he got home and fell asleep constantly in his chair.  Coughing was as Harriet Vane said, 2 weeks plus a lingering one.He did get an inhaler and used Mucinex.


So sorry you are hit with this. It's just plain nasty.  Take care of yourself, or let others.  It's just needs to run it's course.

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Yeah, I'm tucked up in bed at my in laws with NyQuil.


ETA: I'm just worried because I have stuff I need to do (class to attend, class to teach), but I just flat don't think I can, no matter how much I want to.



Yup. I was in the same boat. I did nothing that first week except stay in bed. 2/3 of my work is online, so I managed somehow on week two. I taught all day at co-op on day ten, then collapsed into bed for a 2-hour nap.

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Sigh. Am I ever going to feel well again? I may have overdone it. I took a bath, and while it feels good to be clean, I'm beyond exhausted. I want to cry but my head and eyes hurt too much. Seriously, how long do people feel this sick with the flu?


It's been about three days. Rest easy. A nasty bout of flu can last a while. My flu was intense for a week. The second week I was creeping around but stronger every day. 


If you think you might have pneumonia, you might like to get to the doctor for antibiotics. Otherwise your best bet is to just rest...rest...rest.  :grouphug:

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:(. I'm sorry you still feel bad. It may be the actual influenza virus instead of a common cold, which is very debilitating. I'm sorry you're facing deadlines too. Is there some student liason that could help you with stuff? There are always exceptions that can possibly be made.

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I hate feeling as sick as you do right now. it seems it will never end. :( Dd felt sick and dizzy for a good week and extremely tired after that. Focus on what you can get done for school. Professors have the option of giving you an incomplete and letting you finish during the break. 

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I'm definitely resting and getting help. Just hate feeling so sick and depressed and needing help getting around the house, let alone not able to take care of daughter.

Getting help when you need it is taking care of your daughter. I've had times when I've been too proud to admit I needed help and it was my kids that suffered.

Edited by Ausmumof3
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It's not ridiculous, it's normal. Can you try regular pain meds to see if that helps? Tylenol plus Motrin? Maybe the mouth pain sprays? I hope you get better! ETA - if you're having trouble swallowing, maybe try chewable or liquid versions.

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She tried to do blood work but I was too dehydrated. Wants me to get iv fluids. Told me to go back to bed and stay there.

Wants but did not give them to you?  Are you saying she didn't have the ability to give you IV fluids?  Is she saying you go to the hospital for those?  Or just straight home, drink a lot and HOPE you don't actually need IV fluids?


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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