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s/o Reading Fridge stuff...What is the most shocking/weird/icky thing a guest has done in your home?


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My much younger brother isn't a horrible house guest but he is the most memorable. Once he somehow managed to spray water from the shower onto the light bulbs over the sink (across the bathroom). He had no clue he had done it, I was just thankful he didn't cause us any electrical problems.


Another time he visited at the same time as another brother and his family. I had been to Sam's and bought what I thought was enough sandwich stuff and snacks to last 5 adults and 3 kids a weekend. My brother ate it all the first day! I had forgotten how much 20 year olds ate.

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My much younger brother isn't a horrible house guest but he is the most memorable. Once he somehow managed to spray water from the shower onto the light bulbs over the sink (across the bathroom). He had no clue he had done it, I was just thankful he didn't cause us any electrical problems.


This made me think of my best friend from 4th/5th grade.


We moved away but still stayed in touch & visited each other for many summers. When she was a teen, she visited us. Took a shower. Ruined the ceiling in the bathroom below the one she was in... because she didn't know to put the shower curtain inside the edge of the tub. (Her house had sliding shower doors.) It was an accident & my parents were very cool about it, but I think she felt pretty awkward at first!


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This is about a really lovely family, and it didn't irritate me at all, but I'll mention it because it's unusual (I think).  I have a friend who cannot travel without his dog.  So we invited the family to bring the dog.  What I didn't expect was that the dog would insist on sleeping in the bed with the family.  Thankfully she is not smelly at all and it was no big deal to wash the sheets.

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Once I was the bad house guest. Our host had a couple of young kids and was always running behind on laundry. I had insomnia and couldn't sleep, and in my crazed state (can I use that excuse? please?) I decided it would be a really kind thing if I did her laundry for her. All of it. There were at least three loads, with their underwear and all that. At the time, I thought of it as a Christmas-elf sort of thing to do, for my friend to wake up to magically folded clothes. When she was tight-lipped and didn't say anything about it the next morning, I realized how intrusive and thoughtless I had been (and how it might appear judgmental). I apologized, and she graciously accepted my apology. But I still cringe over it.


If you came and did all my laundry I'd be so excited and grateful! That would be a great gift. People definitely respond different to some of these things, but a few posters have given examples I just can't even fathom. Yours? Pfft!

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This is about a really lovely family, and it didn't irritate me at all, but I'll mention it because it's unusual (I think). I have a friend who cannot travel without his dog. So we invited the family to bring the dog. What I didn't expect was that the dog would insist on sleeping in the bed with the family. Thankfully she is not smelly at all and it was no big deal to wash the sheets.

This would bother me too. We have pets but I don't like the on the furniture.
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This made me think of my best friend from 4th/5th grade.


We moved away but still stayed in touch & visited each other for many summers. When she was a teen, she visited us. Took a shower. Ruined the ceiling in the bathroom below the one she was in... because she didn't know to put the shower curtain inside the edge of the tub. (Her house had sliding shower doors.) It was an accident & my parents were very cool about it, but I think she felt pretty awkward at first!



This reminds me of something that happened with people staying in the rectory of our church.  It's a really big old place and sometimes people doing work at the church stay there, or students or other visitors.


Anyway, there were two young married couples living there, and they complained the floor of one of the bathrooms was in bad shape - all spongy.  It turnd out that they were letting the water from the curtain run down onto the floor of the bathroom instead of inside the tub.  Somehow they thought this was the right way to do it. 


I could not figure out how anyone gets to be over 20 and not know that is a bad idea, or how it would not be annoying to have all that water on the floor, or at least think "gee, maybe that water will rot the floor."


It was a really annoying problem because it was an expensive repair but they were very annoyed about the floor and kept complaining.

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We've never had enough space to have houseguests other than my little sis when she was elementary age. This thread is making me think we should keep it that way! 


Even just day visitors have never done anything like any of this! I do wonder how I would respond to such things. I usually avoid making waves at all costs, but in my own home I often lose my filter so who knows! 

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A neighbor came to babysit my 1 year old while I had a doctors appt. we had a larger home and I was also a little compulsive about his clothes. In an extra bedroom down the hall, I hung all the clothes that didn't fit him yet (avid garage saler who bought ahead). It would have been extremely unlikely that there would have been a need for her to even step in that bedroom, yet she mentioned seeing the clothes and would I mind if her son borrowed them while I waited for my son to grow into them!!!!


So she snooped the whole house while we were gone and didn't even mind telling me that she did!

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A group of college students were in a rollover accident as they drove through our town on their way to a mission trip. My parents let them spend the night at our house. One guy left the bathroom door open while using the toilet in the basement down a dark hallway. My 13-year-old sister accidentally walked in on him. It was incredibly awkward for her.


DH had his engineer friends over for a a board game and miniatures painting night, and a new female coworker was invited along. She was 5'1" and petite, but ate 4 large grilled sausages, leaving only 1 for a couple of the large guys. She misused and damaged DH's paint brushes, even after he asked her not to use them that way. She also rearranged some of my (alphabetical by author) books in some indiscernible order that she deemed better. She was an odd one.


One of DH's acquaintances was 6'5" and 350 lbs. He broke a stool and a "banana" chair (that he was asked not to sit in as it had a 200 lb limit) and constantly flopped down on our cheap furniture. He was not apologetic about the breakage. I don't even let my 7-year-old flop on furniture like that.

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My Dad insists on sitting on the most uncomfortable/awkward place he can find -- when my kids were little, he insisted on sitting in the kid's recliner (weight limit ~80 lbs, he definitely did not fit that limit) and going on about how he fits. Now he likes to sit on the inexpensive storage ottoman we keep our xbox controllers in (from Target) ... it's NOT A CHAIR. If we say "That chair is broken" he will immediately and obstinately sit there and point out how it's working just fine.  Makes me NUTS,



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So she gifts you these special towels so you can...what? What did she actually think you needed them for? To decorate your house with unusable towels? Another weird one. That would confuse me.


My MIL and SIL have the decorative soaps (shells, flowers, etc) in the bathroom that you're not allowed to use. I used one at SIL's once because that was the only soap available to wash my hands.

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When I was pregnant with my first we had a family with 5 kids and teens over for dinner. The youngest, who was 2.5, found a couple of golf balls and started throwing them at things. I offered to find something else for her to play with, but my subtle hint failed because her mom insisted she keep them "because she likes them and she'd scream if we took them away." I ended up having to be direct because she then let her bang them repeatedly on my dining room table! It has visible dents from that day.


My best friend hosted a playgroup for our moms group. The other 3 moms decided to stay in the living room and ignore their children. So she spent two hours running around hosting and I spent two hours supervising up to 12 kids aged 15 months to 5 years old, who they sent upstairs to play without even looking to see what was up there. A couple tried to jump on the toddler bed, climb the blinds, and shut others in the dark closet. One boy refused to share the train controls and hit others who tried to take a turn. Right at the end a toddler tumbled down the stairs and smacked her head on the tile floor; my hostess friend had repeatedly expressed concern about her being unsupervised on the stairs. She never hosted another open invite playdate.

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So last week my mom hosted Thanksgiving and invited me and my same-age cousin and family over. While I was in the kitchen cleaning up and chatting with mom, cousin's husband yelled my name loudly from the living room 5 times in a row. It turns out he saw his three-year-old spill some water on the floor and was calling for me to clean it up! I did a double-take, as I had first assumed he was holding the baby, but no, he was just sitting on the couch chatting about his job with an elderly guest. I managed to stop myself from cleaning it up and said, "Hey, I'm busy. Why don't you clean it up yourself?". He didn't get up until my husband started doing it, then he just pointed out spots DH had missed instead of taking over. So entitled. He has 4 kids! I hope he's more useful in his own home, but I doubt it. I've seen his version of supervising kids (playing computer games, back turned, taking the side of whoever screams loudest even though he saw nothing) and won't let him babysit.

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We had a friend visiting. Apparently he had an itch on his back. He began rubbing his back up and down on a corner of my kitchen walls. He stood there talking to us, practically writhing up and down the wall. At first I was completely grossed out, and then I was pissed, because he rubbed so much that some of the paint rubbed off.


His wife was there. He should have asked her to scratch his back!


I didn't even know what to say. "Please don't rub yourself on my walls?" lol

Sort of like in The Jungle Book? Maybe he needed a palm tree/coconut tree to scratch on.

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