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I am starting to feel old


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This week 3 of my friends just became grandparents for the first time.  Then we realized that our youngest and oldest have the same age spread as my husband and his father did.  Our oldest is the same age as the mother of our 13 year old foster.


Granted some of my friends are a few years older than I am and we adopted our oldest when he was 7 but............I am feeling old.  My dh's response to that is to NEVER have an empty nest and keep up with school age kids so that we stay young and active.

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There's a 70 year old and a 69 year old currently interviewing for the job of leader of a superpower nation :D 

I think we've got a lot of opportunities still ahead of us, and we could be starting completely new careers/lives for many years yet. 

& did you see this story about the 97 year old dogwalker? I <3 her http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcthree/item/415001fb-f5c2-4925-a23f-59d60f82f6d3

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When my mother was my age (42), she was a grandmother. :ohmy:


I have a newly 21yr old and a newborn.I can't decide if I'm getting old or still young. (I do have a LOT of grey hairs, though...)

I'd say you are most definitely young 😊. Having little kids keep you 'young' I think. I am 50 but have a 6yo and 4yo who undoubtedly keep me young. I definitely don't feel, and sometimes even have trouble believing, that I'm 50. 😉

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My LITTLE brother is a grandfather and his grandson started kindergarten this year. My daughter was older than I was when I met her father. A friend and I were talking the other day about how we want to LOOK somewhat fashionable but we're really jot happy unless it FEELS like pajamas. My muscles now need warm-up time to move about normally in the morning. I'm jot sure I feel "old." I feel like me, even a youngish me, most of the time, but it's getting harder and harder to maintain my delusions and ignore reality.

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Last week, we dressed up at work for Halloween.  I went as an 80s rocker.  I had to figure out how to apply dark eye shadow at 7am and not have it pile up in the wrinkles around my eyes. LOL  That was a fun life experience.  :toetap05:


Oddly enough, everyone said I looked so young and sexy. I was wearing a black t-shirt and jeans (with an obvious muffin top), so i know I wan't looking all that great in the body department. LOL It was really surprising though what heavy 80s style makeup and and pouffy hair did to my looks.   When I was young in the 80s it made me look older....as a 45 yo, it made me look younger.  Funny how that works. 

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I feel over the hill since I turned 50.


Today my 10yo was trying to teach my 9yo how to do some sort of back bend from a standing position.  I used to do this all the time when I was young, so I thought, let's see if I can still do it.  Ha!  I did warn everyone to be ready to call 911 if necessary.  :P  In the end I wimped out.  Too stiff.  Scared of breaking.

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