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if you've been on a PPI (prevacid, etc.) and wanted to or needed to go off of it


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What did you do?  I tried to go cold turkey, but that was a disaster.  I do plan to go to a doctor, but it takes forever to get appointments.  They say to wean off of it, but that's impossible since those pills only come in one form OTC.  I'm hoping they come in another form as a prescription so I can wean off, but I have no idea if they do.  I'm going to a doc's office on Monday that takes walk-ins.  It'll be a family practice doc though so I don't know if they can help me. 



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I haven't come off those in particular, but I other meds where you can't split the pill, and you can't get a lower dosage. I would gradually take the pills further and further apart. Like, instead of taking them once a day, I'd take them in the morning, then at the next day's evening. After doing that for two weeks, then I'd take them every other night, until I worked my way off them completely. If I remember correctly, it took me about four weeks to come completely off them. And that was not w/o side effects, but they were manageable.

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I haven't come off those in particular, but I other meds where you can't split the pill, and you can't get a lower dosage. I would gradually take the pills further and further apart. Like, instead of taking them once a day, I'd take them in the morning, then at the next day's evening. After doing that for two weeks, then I'd take them every other night, until I worked my way off them completely. If I remember correctly, it took me about four weeks to come completely off them. And that was not w/o side effects, but they were manageable.


Oh now this is a good idea.  My husband said start by going every other day.  Nope...that was not good.  But maybe extending the time gradually starting with a difference of hours might be worth a shot. 

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I was on Pantaprazole 20 mg and it took me 6 weeks to wean off. I think the first week was a full dose one day and 1/2 a dose the next, 2nd week was a full dose every third day and 1/2 the rest, third week was 1/2 a dose , 4th week was every other day 1/2 dose and 5th week was every third day etc. I also started taking Braggs apple cider vinegar every day in the morning, a good probiotic (Florastor daily) and didn't eat after dinner. When needed I took Tums. In addition, I have a small hiatel hernia, so every morning I do exercise/movement to get my hernia down before eating breakfast.


I was experiencing many odd medical issues and didn't realize they were associated with the antacid medicine. Now one year off of them and some other allergy  medicines, I feel back to normal.


My husband, fellow workers and neighbors have all weaned themselves off the PPI. The gastroentologists now say they are only a short term use drug for healing purposes. Ideally you are to change your diet and lifestyle.

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I was on Pantaprazole 20 mg and it took me 6 weeks to wean off. I think the first week was a full dose one day and 1/2 a dose the next, 2nd week was a full dose every third day and 1/2 the rest, third week was 1/2 a dose , 4th week was every other day 1/2 dose and 5th week was every third day etc. I also started taking Braggs apple cider vinegar every day in the morning, a good probiotic (Florastor daily) and didn't eat after dinner. When needed I took Tums. In addition, I have a small hiatel hernia, so every morning I do exercise/movement to get my hernia down before eating breakfast.


I was experiencing many odd medical issues and didn't realize they were associated with the antacid medicine. Now one year off of them and some other allergy  medicines, I feel back to normal.


My husband, fellow workers and neighbors have all weaned themselves off the PPI. The gastroentologists now say they are only a short term use drug for healing purposes. Ideally you are to change your diet and lifestyle.


Ok well it's good to know that it can be done!  After last night oh my word I wanted to die.  I got the probiotics.  I am going to try the no eating after dinner.  That'll be hard, but I think that will help.  I tried the apple cider vinegar in the past and that was hellish so nope, not doing that.


I can't wean down on the dose, just on the frequency.  Not unless there is some other form it comes in or other dose.  OTC it comes in one form and one dose. 


My symptoms have been odd too.  It's the only medicine I take so I thought maybe it's the Prevacid.  I looked up side affects and it sounds exactly like magnesium deficiency.  Exactly!  So I also got a supplement for that. 


I have already changed my lifestyle and my diet has never been bad.  That's what I found odd about my symptoms.  In particular my blood pressure has been going up and up.  It makes no sense.  I never had blood pressure issues.  I have exercised regularly for 5 months and lost some weight.  I cut back on alcohol (very little at this point).  So why on earth would my blood pressure be worse than ever?!  Makes no sense unless it's the Prevacid. 

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can the pills not be split?

Or switch to a different PPI that comes in different dosages/is splittable?


No.  They are powder filled capsules. 


I found another similar drug today that does have a caplet version.  I tried it years ago and it didn't work as well, but was ok.  I bought 2 weeks worth to give it a try.  If it works well enough then that'll be easier to decrease the dose over time.

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The OTC PPI's are all extended release, which are not to be split due to the coating.


Yeah now that you mention this, my idea might not work.  The other pill is a caplet, but it has a heavy coating on it.  I could cut it, but it might make it not work quite right.




They talk about weaning off these things and give one no means in which to do so.  The time interval idea I had might work, but I know it's going to be difficult to keep up with that. 

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I took 40 mg. of generic Protonix (pantoprazole) for about two years and then weaned off it w/o a bit  of trouble. Unfortunately, I can't remember the exact schedule I followed. I do recall that I weaned off over several weeks.


Assuming you only take yours once a day, what you might try is (for example) if you take it tonight then instead of taking it tomorrow night try waiting until Tuesday morning. So you're going from every 24 hours to every 36. Do every 36 hours for a week and then go to every 48 hours for a week, etc. (ETA: Now that I've actually read the other replies I see this is exactly what Aura already suggested. Sorry for repeating, but . . . . ditto!)


Also, you might try taking an H2 medicine (Pepcid, Zantac, Tagamet, etc.) to help out while you're weaning off the PPI.

Edited by Pawz4me
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Magnesium will likely help with bp too. It did for me.


There is a Rx 10mg omeprazole that is not available OTC if you need it to help wean.


Were you taking the magnesium with the PPI? 


I figure it can't hurt, but I wonder if taking the PPI will interfere with it doing anything.




And getting in to see a doctor takes FOREVER!!! 

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I took 40 mg. of generic Protonix (pantoprazole) for about two years and then weaned off it w/o a bit  of trouble. Unfortunately, I can't remember the exact schedule I followed. I do recall that I weaned off over several weeks.


Assuming you only take yours once a day, what you might try is (for example) if you take it tonight then instead of taking it tomorrow night try waiting until Tuesday morning. So you're going from every 24 hours to every 36. Do every 36 hours for a week and then go to every 48 hours for a week, etc.


Also, you might try taking an H2 medicine (Pepcid, Zantac, Tagamet, etc.) to help out while you're weaning off the PPI.


Yeah the time interval might be the only option.  I took a Zantac last night before bed.  It didn't help AT ALL.  It was probably the worst night of sleep I ever had.  I even have a special wedge pillow.  Awful. 

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I've weaned off it successfully by extending the interval as described above.  But I am back on it now, after an endoscopy showed some potential problems, including precancerous cells.  I'm waiting for biopsy results now.  


You don't have to answer, but why do you want to wean off it, if you are still having a lot of trouble?   I know there have been a lot of articles about the dangers of them.  But 2 doctors I respect highly (ENT and gastroenterologist) say that for some people, the risks of going off it are much worse than the potential risks of taking it.


I don't want to sound like I think people should stay on medications forever.   But I was mad to get off it about a year ago after reading some articles, and now I kind of wish I hadn't, kwim?  


Anyway, Sparkly, I don't assume you don't have good reasons for wanting to taper off.  But, be careful, 'K?  

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I've weaned off it successfully by extending the interval as described above.  But I am back on it now, after an endoscopy showed some potential problems, including precancerous cells.  I'm waiting for biopsy results now.  


You don't have to answer, but why do you want to wean off it, if you are still having a lot of trouble?   I know there have been a lot of articles about the dangers of them.  But 2 doctors I respect highly (ENT and gastroenterologist) say that for some people, the risks of going off it are much worse than the potential risks of taking it.


I don't want to sound like I think people should stay on medications forever.   But I was mad to get off it about a year ago after reading some articles, and now I kind of wish I hadn't, kwim?  


Anyway, Sparkly, I don't assume you don't have good reasons for wanting to taper off.  But, be careful, 'K?  


I totally agree and maybe I won't ultimately have to.  I am concerned it is causing high blood pressure and possibly magnesium deficiency.  If this is a matter of I can take a magnesium supplement then maybe I don't have to go off of it.


I do plan to go to a doctor, but it takes forever to get an appointment. 

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I use prilosec 'as needed' which is sometimes pretty often.

There is some evidence that longterm use reduces the body's ability to digest B12 out of foods, so I take a B12 tablet when I use it.


But what really cures the need for it for me is drinking ginger tea frequently (very curative), and not eating close to bedtime, avoiding some trigger foods (for me they are mostly pizza and tortilla chips) in the evening, and never going to bed *very* full.  Also I sleep on my left side, not leaning over onto my stomach.  The ginger tea is made by cutting 5-6 thin 'coins' of fresh raw ginger, pouring boiling water over them in a mug, and letting them steep until the water is cool.  When I'm triggered I drink this about every 3 hours during the day.

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I totally agree and maybe I won't ultimately have to.  I am concerned it is causing high blood pressure and possibly magnesium deficiency.  If this is a matter of I can take a magnesium supplement then maybe I don't have to go off of it.


I do plan to go to a doctor, but it takes forever to get an appointment. 


I didn't know that, about high blood pressure.    But magnesium, yes; I've been taking 400 mg of mag. citrate daily for a while - not for this reason, but because of leg cramps and chronic constipation.  (I feel like I have to apologize for tmi now, since it seems everyone does when that and similar topics come up. :-) )    My doctors all see that as a fine thing to do.  Not that I am recommending it, of course. 


My primary care doc also suggested slippery elm bark as there is some evidence that it might help.   I'd been doing that for a while, but had to quit a few weeks before the endoscopy, so I'm not sure it actually did anything.


Ginger tea is great.  I also like Trader Joe's turmeric/ginger tea even better.    Before I was told to stop. drinking. coffee. already. I was putting turmeric in my morning cup.  So good. 

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I didn't know that, about high blood pressure.    But magnesium, yes; I've been taking 400 mg of mag. citrate daily for a while - not for this reason, but because of leg cramps and chronic constipation.  (I feel like I have to apologize for tmi now, since it seems everyone does when that and similar topics come up. :-) )    My doctors all see that as a fine thing to do.  Not that I am recommending it, of course. 


My primary care doc also suggested slippery elm bark as there is some evidence that it might help.   I'd been doing that for a while, but had to quit a few weeks before the endoscopy, so I'm not sure it actually did anything.


Ginger tea is great.  I also like Trader Joe's turmeric/ginger tea even better.    Before I was told to stop. drinking. coffee. already. I was putting turmeric in my morning cup.  So good. 


Well good I'm hopeful the magnesium supplement will help with my symptoms.


Not TMI...very helpful.  Thank you.

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Hmmm..I have had to be on one of these (Pantaprazole) since the car crash over two years ago.  Worse heartburn of my life hit in rehab - felt like a heart attack.  Since ginger ale and belching made the pain stop (and the EKG they quickly did showed not a heart attack) I have carried little packets of generic Pepto Bismo, a small cup and a small bottle of water at all times PLUS I take a prescription PPI daily.  Had a breakthrough heart burn while driving the other day - not fun.  But it was the first one in over a month, so am staying on those PPI pills.  Without them I was randomly getting that crushing heartburn pain almost daily.  I have slept sitting up on a big wedge pillow for years already anyway.  And I no longer keep dal in the fridge :-( as lentils and I just don't get along anymore. Am now on Omeprazole 40mg since the other med I started getting breakthrough heartburn attacks again.

Edited by JFSinIL
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I've weaned off it successfully by extending the interval as described above.  But I am back on it now, after an endoscopy showed some potential problems, including precancerous cells.  I'm waiting for biopsy results now.  


You don't have to answer, but why do you want to wean off it, if you are still having a lot of trouble?   I know there have been a lot of articles about the dangers of them.  But 2 doctors I respect highly (ENT and gastroenterologist) say that for some people, the risks of going off it are much worse than the potential risks of taking it.


I don't want to sound like I think people should stay on medications forever.   But I was mad to get off it about a year ago after reading some articles, and now I kind of wish I hadn't, kwim?  


Anyway, Sparkly, I don't assume you don't have good reasons for wanting to taper off.  But, be careful, 'K?  


That's where I am. I tried weaning off several times, and gave up. At this point, it is what it is. Aside from esophogitis, I also had horrid damage to my teeth from the reflux before getting stable on meds. 


I DID mange to get down from nexium to prilosec. But I'm sticking there. 

Edited by ktgrok
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I use prilosec 'as needed' which is sometimes pretty often.

There is some evidence that longterm use reduces the body's ability to digest B12 out of foods, so I take a B12 tablet when I use it.


But what really cures the need for it for me is drinking ginger tea frequently (very curative), and not eating close to bedtime, avoiding some trigger foods (for me they are mostly pizza and tortilla chips) in the evening, and never going to bed *very* full.  Also I sleep on my left side, not leaning over onto my stomach.  The ginger tea is made by cutting 5-6 thin 'coins' of fresh raw ginger, pouring boiling water over them in a mug, and letting them steep until the water is cool.  When I'm triggered I drink this about every 3 hours during the day.



See for me, ginger is one of my biggest triggers! More than most things. When it is bad, even water flares it up. 


This is my first pregnancy where I got stubborn and, after researching it, decided to use it despite the warnings. And I'm thrilled I did. Last pregnancy I was waking up gasping, after inhaling stomach acid into my lungs. Not this time. 

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I use prilosec 'as needed' which is sometimes pretty often.

There is some evidence that longterm use reduces the body's ability to digest B12 out of foods, so I take a B12 tablet when I use it.


But what really cures the need for it for me is drinking ginger tea frequently (very curative), and not eating close to bedtime, avoiding some trigger foods (for me they are mostly pizza and tortilla chips) in the evening, and never going to bed *very* full. Also I sleep on my left side, not leaning over onto my stomach. The ginger tea is made by cutting 5-6 thin 'coins' of fresh raw ginger, pouring boiling water over them in a mug, and letting them steep until the water is cool. When I'm triggered I drink this about every 3 hours during the day.

What is it about tortilla chips?!!! They seem so.. neutral! But they get me every time I have them past lunch time (even eaten plain, no salsa or other dip).

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Have you tried Gaviscon for an acute attack? I just have occasional heart burn but when I do it makes me nauseated and I can't sleep.

Gaviscon works instantly for me and stays working all night. It works differently than the antacids.


I know it's not a long term solution just something to help you get through.

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