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Separate linked gmail for kids?


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My Dh set it up that my boys have gmail accounts.


Their emails go: firstname.lastname@gmail.com

All email their receive shows up on my gmail account, which is good because I'm the only one who checks their email.

And it goes to yours because yours is lastname@gmail.com, correct?
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Gmail forwarding is very easy to set up in the settings. Both of my kids have Gmail accounts and I get copies of everything they receive. Because we chose an email address for them that is professional enough for them to keep long term, I will just remove the auto forwarding when I no longer need to screen their mail. (Mostly when they get into the habit of checking it regularly themselves instead of being promoting from me, so they don't miss deadlines - we're almost there with my 9th grader.)

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Gmail forwarding is very easy to set up in the settings. Both of my kids have Gmail accounts and I get copies of everything they receive. Because we chose an email address for them that is professional enough for them to keep long term, I will just remove the auto forwarding when I no longer need to screen their mail. (Mostly when they get into the habit of checking it regularly themselves instead of being promoting from me, so they don't miss deadlines - we're almost there with my 9th grader.)



I have a firstname.lastname email. It is not a form of directory. If someone leaves out the period, I still receive the email. The only way to "link" accounts to to set it up to forward all messages.

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It's called an alias on gmail. Say you are happy@gmail.com. You can add anything to it with a + and it will direct to your email.


So these could be aliases:



This is my plan.




Neat concept.

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