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Whole Lotta TMI Requested


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Hi folks,


After having 4 kids I have found that I tend to leak a bit when running, doing jumping jacks, even sneezing.  It's embarrassing and I'm shying away from fun activities like going on the trampoline with my kids because I know what's going to happen.


I was on Pinterest and an advertisement for this product popped up:



Have any of you used this?  It stops leaks by blocking the urethra and that just sounds like infections waiting to happen.  But I'd love to hear from any of you who may have used it.  


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I don't have personal experience, but looking at the number of one-star and two-star reviews on amazon I'd be super hesitant. 


For one thing, they need to be replaced every time you need to use the restroom (probably b/c of the infection issue) and aren't cheap.

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I had pelvic floor therapy with a physical therapist that specializes in it. It was covered under "outpatient" by my insurance so after my $450 deductible I was on the hook for 20%. I think out of pocket for me was close to $600. It was a good thing I had insurance, too, because the provider wrote off half of the charges.


Anyway, long story short, it basically did nothing. I did it because while my every day bladder leakage basically went away with weight loss, my bladder leaks like crazy when I run (and I'm the longish distance type) unless I'm dehydrated. I use the most absorbent pad that doesn't make me look like I'm wearing a diaper under my running pants. Even then, I usually bring an extra change of clothes/towel to sit on post run.


Kegels are also of no use, ime. I keep doing them, though. I use the Kegel Trainer app to remind me and run the timers. And yes, I know I'm doing them correctly because the PT and the biofeedback program told me so. So, not saying that you shouldn't do kegels, but even after the PT and months of doing kegels, there was no change in the amount of lekage while running. It's frankly embarassing, but not running is not an option for me.


I've tried the Poise pessaries - no luck. I have not tried the one you linked to. I'm basically down to spending a lot of money on trial and error Rx pessaries or spending a lot of money on surgery. I have decided I have spent enough money on this for now since I'm still paying off the PT.


I kind of wish I had bought the Elvie. It's basically half the price of the PT and does the same thing the biofeedback did (minus the bit where they use electric stim, but I am not convinced that helped like it was supposed to).

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I have the same problem.  Kegels never seemed to work.  I just have to wear pads whenever I exercise.  (And I stay off the trampoline!) I bought a friend of mine these period panties for Christmas and they work great.




They are a sister to the iconundies linked above.  I've been curious about those icons.  If you try them out, let us know how they work!



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I would see a gynaecologist if possible to try to work out the cause.  My mild leakage was connected to prolapse.  I now wear a pessary every day which has given support to the bladder and stopped the leakage.  I also do kegels and keep my core strong through yoga.

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Thanks ladies.


I have about 30-40 lbs. to lose so I'm hoping that helps a bit.  I try to remember to do Kegels but I'm not consistent, I'll give that app a try.  


I never considered seeing a Dr. because we hadn't be done having kids and I figured why fix something if you're just going to wreck it all again.  But now that we're done it'd probably be worth speaking to my OB about.  


I knew the HIve would be good for some suggestions!  Thanks for the input!

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I had surgery (I also had a uterus that was hanging part way out so it was more than just the bladder issues).  My bladder was completely out of place.  It was low and to the right.  Poor thing had no chance.  I'd go see your doctor.  There are things they can do when it's not so bad to prevent it from getting worse (and requiring surgery).

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I haven't tried those things and honestly, I think they look awful.  What works for me is my menstrual cup. It's a Keeper (brown rubber) cup, which has the right amount of firmness to stop stress leaks, while still allowing me to pee easily when I want to.  I just put it in when I know I'm going to be away from home for longer than just a quick errand.  And when I have a cold (sneezing is what gets me). Oh, and I use it for my period, of course!  That's how I figured it out.  I realized I never leaked urine no matter how hard I sneezed when I was using my cup.


I love my cup, have had it over 15 years, and it's still going strong.

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Thanks ladies.


I have about 30-40 lbs. to lose so I'm hoping that helps a bit. I try to remember to do Kegels but I'm not consistent, I'll give that app a try.


I never considered seeing a Dr. because we hadn't be done having kids and I figured why fix something if you're just going to wreck it all again. But now that we're done it'd probably be worth speaking to my OB about.


I knew the HIve would be good for some suggestions! Thanks for the input!

Do kegals at red lights, or before you get out of bed.

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