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The Teachers Lounge 9-6-2016


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I know it's been awhile and I said I was done opening the Teachers Lounge. However, it occurred to me this morning, that even if only

a few people pop in, or even one or two, it's okay. Someone may NEED a place to come chat and hang out with actual adults.

So, here we are!


If you're new to the Teachers Lounge, it is exactly that. A place for TEACHERS (no students!!!) to hang out, hash it out, or just relax.


Have you started school yet officially? Doing catch up activities? Or wondering if you really have to start school? ;-)

                      We have been working on catching up on some subjects and will officially start school tomorrow. I spent Labor Day weekend sorting through 

                     curriculum and hashing out a schedule. It's taken many more hours than I thought it would but it's almost done! Mostly now I just need to 

                     clear out some space to make it usable. Hoping to get that done tonight while kids are at Tae Kwon Do. 


What's for lunch today?

                  My kids had grass fed beef burgers on a bun. I had grass fed beef burger on gluten free bread, accompanied by a sugar-sweetened Dr. Pepper,

                  and loaded Bacon & Cheddar Ruffles.


Who's tired?  Me!


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Hi ya, Scrap!


School - we start officially 9/12.  Right now dd is still working on some remedial math stuff to give her a better foundation before starting Algebra.

Ds is having his ASD orientation at college (yes, they have a special orientation) all this week.  We've had 3 major meltdowns in as many days.  Sigh. 


Lunch - for me it was a gf tortilla with some lunch meat stuck in it.  I have no idea what the kids made.  I made dh a sandwich to take to work.



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We are currently in our 3rd history unit. :) We started in July, though, a bit earlier than most.  Big child started in the middle of August (back to school here) so it's a little odd for me to see all my East coast friends talking about today being the first day!


Lunch today was leftovers for me, and a "snackable" for the kids: juice, cheese, crackers, applesauce, Lara Bar.  Not the healthiest thing in the world, but all kid friendly and portable.  Neither one ate it.  Go figure.  Tomorrow they get chicken, carrot sticks, and mashed potatoes and I bet it'll be gone as soon as I put it on their plates.

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Hi!!! We started back in July. Doesn't really feel like "starting", as mostly we are continuing stuff that didn't get finished last year. So, it's more like resuming.


Falling into a routine has been hard, was not ready for summer to end, and I am still not ready.


Life has been busy, and very tiring at times, but we just keep going

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We started mid August so are in week 4. No schedule or routine troubles, but Dd does not love school and is hard to teach.


Dd is struggling a bit to adjust to more work this year. Learning to plan and budget time. All her academic work is good. Looking forward to starting WWS soon.


I was not very patient with Ds today. :(


Lunch was fish sticks, green beans, sweet potatoes, cottage cheese and peaches.

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I'm new to teaching, don't feel like I really belong here in the Lounge...


We started homeschooling in mid-June and got about 5 weeks in before the new baby was imminent.  Now he's 3 weeks old and we are starting school again.  The past couple days have mostly been review... and my kids have done pretty well with retaining what they've learned, but the work is taking them f.o.r.e.v.e.r. to finish (motivation issues).  Yesterday they weren't done until close to dinnertime, which is crazy.  I had been getting up extra early with them to get much of it done before the toddler woke up, but now we are starting school at 9am while juggling a toddler and a newborn at the same time.


Lunch: various people ate hot dogs, chicken nuggets, leftover BBQ pork, along with carrots.  Meals are all about convenience right now!

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I'm new to teaching, don't feel like I really belong here in the Lounge...


We started homeschooling in mid-June and got about 5 weeks in before the new baby was imminent.  Now he's 3 weeks old and we are starting school again.  The past couple days have mostly been review... and my kids have done pretty well with retaining what they've learned, but the work is taking them f.o.r.e.v.e.r. to finish (motivation issues).  Yesterday they weren't done until close to dinnertime, which is crazy.  I had been getting up extra early with them to get much of it done before the toddler woke up, but now we are starting school at 9am while juggling a toddler and a newborn at the same time.


Lunch: various people ate hot dogs, chicken nuggets, leftover BBQ pork, along with carrots.  Meals are all about convenience right now!


Welcome to homeschooling and congrats on that new baby!! :) 


We are in week 3 of full time back to school. We did part time over the summer. The 9th grader has been running hot and cold on me since we started full schedule, but something clicked over the weekend (yes we got to do school all weekend thanks to her procrasintation techniques!) and now she's back to being a delight. Just when I was ready to invest in boarding school too. Funny how that works out. 


Lunch today was ham sandwiches and fruit. 


And who's tired? ME! :) 

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Hey everybody :seeya:


We started today.  Not prepared, family had been in all weekend (house a mess), and not a full day BUT it was a start :thumbup:


Lunch - we have always taken dc out to lunch for 1st day of school.  Ds chose tacos.  Glad he picked that place (I had a gift card for it :thumbup1: )

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Technically we started this past Thursday, but it was just an intro day to get us back on track, then I came down with strep, so today was our first real day.


4 yo did well entertaining himself. 6 yo was in tears before we got started because she didn't understand some written instructions while I was helping her brother (she's a new reader). Once she realized she was jumping ahead she had a good rest of the day. She remembered more math than I realized, so that was awesome. 8 yo did fine but was in tears at one point too. Thankfully once we are in a routine again there won't be as many tears.


The older two had their first cross country meet, they did great! My son placed 7th and my daughter beat six 8 & 9 year old boys. I was just happy they gave it a shot.


I don't remember what we had for lunch. Supper was sub sandwiches.

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Cecropia, WELCOME! You are teaching and therefore you BELONG here!


To all that are starting with fits and bumps, it's really OKAY. 

To the new mamas or veteran mamas with new babes, it really is okay to have a relaxed schedule

while adapting to the new member of the family. If you have littles who like to watch 

Sesame Street, let them! That's an education in itself!


As for a routine and a structured schedule, that's something I've never truly been good at keeping

but this year, my son actually ASKED for it. So I will do my best to honor that request. Here's a hint, 

thought: a structured schedule/routine does not happen without advanced planning.


What I had to do, and it took a few hours over a span of about 3 days, was to:

*inventory the curriculum I planned to use this year

*sketch a rough daily schedule for each day we planned to do school (we're following a Tues - Sat schedule this round)

*figure out what subjects I could use with both children simultaneously and which needed to be done separately

*and remember something I've learned from a special needs teacher and a veteran homeschooler:

1) often lesson plans change on a daily basis and 2) have your lesson plan for the day BUT what you write down in the Lesson Plan book

    is what actually happened that day.


*My special needs teacher friend also let me in on a secret: the public school system considers a "full day" 3 hours. 3 hours! 

You and I both know if we get 3 hours of work done with the younger kids, that's an accomplishment! For the olders, if that's ALL

you get done, great! You KNOW you've accomplished more than the ps in that time.


Also, remember, homeschooling is NOT school-at-home. It's a lifestyle. EVERYthing can be educational. Have FUN! Create GREAT

memories with your children. Let other kids be envious of YOUR homeschool, not the other way around.


You Got This, Mamas!


Good night!

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