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Landry Academy Group Buy

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Hey guys. Alison ended up back in the hospital for Christmas and just found out someone is disputing their portion of the group buy payment through Paypal. She doesn't have the money anymore - she bought the generics from Landry for everyone. You might get your money back from her - but she won't be able to pay her rent this month if the dispute goes in your favor. Seriously not cool because she was doing all of us a favor by helping organize the group buy.


So, if you are the one who disputed your payment, please ask Paypal to drop the investigation. You're just punishing a completely innocent party.


I don't have a dog in this fight at all, having never even visited the Landry web site.


Just unbelievable someone would do this. Let's punish Alison, who is in the hospital for Christmas, doubly. Let's go after her for something she had no control over and because she was trying to help others . How shameful. 

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I don't have a dog in this fight at all, having never even visited the Landry web site.


Just unbelievable someone would do this. Let's punish Alison, who is in the hospital for Christmas, doubly. Let's go after her for something she had no control over and because she was trying to help others . How shameful. 

I'm hoping they didn't really realize this would hurt Alison directly and will try to make it right now that it has been made clear that it IS hurting her.

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I'm hoping they didn't really realize this would hurt Alison directly and will try to make it right now that it has been made clear that it IS hurting her.


Maybe, although I'm not sure how any adult who received credits in their Landry account would think she still has the money and it wouldn't be coming out of her pocket.

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Yeah, definitely not Alison's fault.


Does anyone know who made the credit card payment? I do think that person should file a claim for services not rendered.

I would love to know who made the payment to see if they could dispute it. Some people are winning their credit card disputes from what I've seen on FB. So, does anyone have more info??

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I don't have a dog in this fight at all, having never even visited the Landry web site.


Just unbelievable someone would do this. Let's punish Alison, who is in the hospital for Christmas, doubly. Let's go after her for something she had no control over and because she was trying to help others . How shameful.

Agreed. I keep thinking about this. Would love an update when resolved.

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I don't think disputes with a business that has ceased operations are going to go through. (On my credit card site, there is a note about trying to dispute an airline that has ceased operations. It says, "If an airline ceases operations due to bankruptcy or other circumstances, you should check their website or call your travel agent. Your tickets may be honored by another airline."


[i believe someone other than Alison made the payment via credit card on her account & she paypaled the money to the person who paid it. ETA: The person who made the payment for this group buy is going to try to dispute it through their credit card. I'll update as I hear more.]

When an airline folded here in Aus those who had bought tickets via credit card were refunded so it's definitely worth trying.

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Don't have concerns that it's somehow wrong or immoral to ask the cc company to cover you if they will. It's built into their business model and this protective feature is one of the reasons people use cards. The cc companies know that sometimes they will have to pay out even if it's not their fault, but that is more than offset by people swiping cards and paying interest and fees. It's like buying insurance.


Just mentioning that because I've seen elsewhere people saying it's wrong to hold the cc companies responsible.

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Don't have concerns that it's somehow wrong or immoral to ask the cc company to cover you if they will. It's built into their business model and this protective feature is one of the reasons people use cards. The cc companies know that sometimes they will have to pay out even if it's not their fault, but that is more than offset by people swiping cards and paying interest and fees. It's like buying insurance.


Just mentioning that because I've seen elsewhere people saying it's wrong to hold the cc companies responsible.

I have seen elsewhere that people were also hesitant to file a dispute with the cc company for fear the company would go after Landry. Seems many people would prefer to take their loss than to pile any more on Greg Landry by sending the cc after him. Though others were pointing out that there is nothing to recover from Landry and the cc would just write it off.

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* Update on the group buy credit card dispute *


The information I've been given indicates that Landry is given 60 days to respond to the credit card dispute (as of whenever the dispute was initiated - 12/29 or 12/30?). If Landry doesn't respond at all, it should go in our favor. (I don't know how this works as far as bankruptcy or if the credit card company covers it.) If they respond, the credit card company makes a decision based on what documentation / proof has been submitted from both parties. I've been told to not expect any *complete* answer on this until 60 days are up. (I don't know if that is business days or calendar days.) When it is all finalized, if the credit card dispute goes in our favor, Alison should be able to refund everyone straight from Paypal.


No word from Alison on the Paypal dispute that was initiated against her.

 - Edited to add that Alison is home from the hospital now, but isn't yet out of the woods medically.

Edited by RootAnn
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  • 1 month later...

I haven't heard from Alison in forever. I sent her an email after the maize's note but haven't heard back. I hope she's doing ok & will let everyone know if I hear from her.


On another note, the end of this month should be the 60 day mark for the credit card dispute, so as long as Alison is healthy enough, we will hopefully hear something very soon on it.

Prayers that Alison is ok!  :grouphug:

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Okay, I finally got a note from Alison. She was on the mend, but the stress from losing a close family member this month set her health back, so prayers are still appreciated!


The credit card dispute has been just been resolved in our favor! It will take a week (3-5 business days) or so for the money to get settled into the proper Paypal account and as long as her health holds, you should start to see refunds by next weekend, she hopes! She's determined to get everyone their money, so as soon as the money hits her Paypal account, she'll get going.

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Just an extra note because I had completely forgotten about this. Alison reminded me that part of our payment was for the Prime Membership Fee that she had to pay each month. So, the refund won't be exactly the same as what you paid, but it should be close. She can't do anything about any fees that Paypal charges for the payments (and Paypal subtracts fees on the refunds!), but I told her we are all happy to get back the majority of our money!


This has been such a headache for all of us, but especially for Alison. I'm sure it'll take over an hour once she sits down to do the refunding after the money settles into her Paypal account. 

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  • 1 month later...

Root Ann-


Thanks so much for keeping us in the loop...do you know how she is doing with the refunds?  I still haven't received anything and didn't know how far in she is in making refunds.  I can't imagine the stress of it all...I appreciate everyone's help though!


Thanks for your help!


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I haven't heard anything from her since my last note. I've sent her a couple of messages to check on her. I'm assuming she must have hit a snag in her personal or family health. I'll send her another note today, but I've found that she doesn't check her email when she's sick, so ... we're kind of at the mercy of her health. I'll certainly let you know if I hear anything. I don't think she's done any refunds yet, but I could be wrong since I don't know what order she will do them in. She said she was planning on sitting down and just doing them all at once.


I should add that I don't know for sure that the money hit her Paypal account, but the timeline & email I got said it was on its way, so I'm assuming it actually did go through. Hopefully, there wasn't a snag somewhere that held it up.

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I haven't heard anything from her since my last note. I've sent her a couple of messages to check on her. I'm assuming she must have hit a snag in her personal or family health. I'll send her another note today, but I've found that she doesn't check her email when she's sick, so ... we're kind of at the mercy of her health. I'll certainly let you know if I hear anything. I don't think she's done any refunds yet, but I could be wrong since I don't know what order she will do them in. She said she was planning on sitting down and just doing them all at once.


I should add that I don't know for sure that the money hit her Paypal account, but the timeline & email I got said it was on its way, so I'm assuming it actually did go through. Hopefully, there wasn't a snag somewhere that held it up.


Thanks for doing that for us!  I feel so bad, wish we could help!  :(

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I wish I could, too! I have an update.


She has, indeed, been back in the hospital with a series of health issues including respiratory & digestive problems. She'll be sending the refunds out in dribs & drabs as she can, but please be patient with her.


I will ask a favor - if you get one, would you post here & let the rest of us know? That way, we know when she's had a chance to work on them & I can keep from bugging her in email checking on progress. Thanks!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Bumping this thread just to let you know that I got a PayPal notification from Alison. I received my refund this morning!



FWIW, I am updating the Master List of On-line class providers pinned here in Gen Ed so if anyone has anything they want to provide a review for or a provider to add please feel free to do so.  That would be immensely helpful.  Self-paced, recorded or live classes are all fine.



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I'm here for a minute to write a quick note to you all.


First of all, I am finished with all of the refunds. YAAAAAAY!!!


Second of all, thank you all to everyone who gave me all of your unending patience in this. I have no words for how much stress this has been on this rollercoaster and I am so so grateful to everyone who patiently waited for me to work through all of it and get your money back to you. I am as relieved, as you all are too I'm sure, to see the end of this saga with Landry.


Thirdly, thank you all who prayed for me or sent their positive thoughts my way for my health. Unfortunately the extensive testing and treatment I've had done has led us to the conclusion that I am unlikely to be cured. If anyone has any more prayers and positive thoughts I'll take them as I am literally fighting for my life. With the help of a crap ton of medications, a team of medical professionals that cover me from head to toe, and the support of my husband, I am doing so more or less successfully at any given moment. Hopefully I continue to win for a long time yet, but what long equals is unsure. I know this paragraph is a bummer so I'm going to leave it there.


This got long and I need to go crash but I wanted to update everyone and make sure you all know how grateful I am for the support through this, and in general for my health.


Be well everyone! <3


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We got our refund this morning, too! It was for 30 generic semesters, so you can imagine how relieved our whole family was!


We earnestly thank you, Alison, for fighting the good fight on our behalf. We also pray that your health will be restored soon.


Getting these funds back is such a timely and fragrant gift from the Lord. He knew our urgent needs. And so we receive the refund humbly and gratefully from His hands and praise Him for his abundant grace and goodness!

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I'm here for a minute to write a quick note to you all.


First of all, I am finished with all of the refunds. YAAAAAAY!!!


Second of all, thank you all to everyone who gave me all of your unending patience in this. I have no words for how much stress this has been on this rollercoaster and I am so so grateful to everyone who patiently waited for me to work through all of it and get your money back to you. I am as relieved, as you all are too I'm sure, to see the end of this saga with Landry.


Thirdly, thank you all who prayed for me or sent their positive thoughts my way for my health. Unfortunately the extensive testing and treatment I've had done has led us to the conclusion that I am unlikely to be cured. If anyone has any more prayers and positive thoughts I'll take them as I am literally fighting for my life. With the help of a crap ton of medications, a team of medical professionals that cover me from head to toe, and the support of my husband, I am doing so more or less successfully at any given moment. Hopefully I continue to win for a long time yet, but what long equals is unsure. I know this paragraph is a bummer so I'm going to leave it there.


This got long and I need to go crash but I wanted to update everyone and make sure you all know how grateful I am for the support through this, and in general for my health.


Be well everyone! <3

:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


I am in awe of your herculean efforts to help everyone get their money back as you continue to fight for your health/life.  Praying for you and your family.

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Thank you thank you!


And prayers for you and your family Alison. I'm so sorry you're having health issues.


I'm so glad the Landry things are ending. That was so sad and frustrating.


On another note, my daughter is going to enroll in a bridgeway academy class this fall. Possibly my son as well. So we'll see how that goes.

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