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Burning stomach pain?


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It started a week or so ago I was woke up with abdominal pain but has been intermittent and now nearly constant the last couple of days.

It is in my lower abdomen and feels better when I eat but only shortly. I tried some Tums last night and again got a bit of temporary relief.

I had one serious nausea spell where I almost threw up but mostly it is just the burning and slight nausea. It isn't excruiating but definitely

uncomfortable. I think I've got some respiratory virus too, I've been hacking up my lungs for days, I'd think it was perhaps drainage from that

except it feels nothing at all like that. According to dr. google ulcers seems to fit the most, although that hasn't ever been an issue before. Thoughts? BTDT?

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When you press on it and then let it go quickly, does the pressure increase?  I heard that's a sign of appendicitis.


 I don't really feel any difference with pushing around. I can't really tell exactly where the pain is out it feels "deep" for lack of a better word.

Please go to the doctor.  This is how my FIL's stomach cancer showed up.

Heaven help me I don't need any other medical stuff, sure don't need this, my fil just got diagnosed w/ cancer, I'm pretty our family has met the quota!

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Stomach pain that gets alleviated by eating can be a duodenal ulcer. This is curable by an unpleasant but effective medication therapy. Go to a doctor and have a test for H Pylori.

Thanks for the info. It does feel better when I eat. I've heard of H. Pylori but never looked into it before.

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Thanks for the info. It does feel better when I eat. I've heard of H. Pylori but never looked into it before.


H Pylori causes stomach and duodenal ulcers. It is detected via blood test or stool test; blood test only works the first time, after therapy, subsequent tests have to be stool tests.

Eradication is a triple therapy: two antibiotics and  prilosec. Side effects are unpleasant, but it usually works.

Best luck. 

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The upper respiratory symptoms can also indicate appendicitis. I'd head to the doctor ASAP. 

We've had a bug going around so I think it is just that, last week dd1 was coughing like crazy and this week my son is coughing with me.


H Pylori causes stomach and duodenal ulcers. It is detected via blood test or stool test; blood test only works the first time, after therapy, subsequent tests have to be stool tests.

Eradication is a triple therapy: two antibiotics and  prilosec. Side effects are unpleasant, but it usually works.

Best luck. 

Well, I guess that is good news that I've not been tested before I can just do a blood test. 


I really don't want to have to go to the dr.  I hate going to the dr. :(

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Thinking of you and sending out positive energy your way. I know you've been through a lot of health stuff. Hopefully this is minor, but it's really good you're getting it checked out.



That is so sweet thank you, yes, when it rains to pours.

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I correct my kids but my experience is the complete opposite of yours. The parents I'm generally around over correct children, leaving them no room to actually figure out on there own. They also tend to over correct my children, which forces me to step in and specifically tell my child they were fine doing whatever it was they were doing.


I only have one mom aside from my sister's and sil who I hang out with regularly with the kids around because the rest are over critical and too in their kid's business for my liking.



Dr. said my pain is too low for ulcers. Ran a ton of bloodwork(CMP, UTI, cancer and a bunch of other stuff), he wants to do a CT Scan but I don't really want to pay for it so we are starting with blood. He said my combo of symptoms doesn't quite fit any one thing. Ironically pain is better today, although it was pretty bad last night. It makes me think I'm crazy. I should get those results by the end of the week so we'll see if anything pops up and if I continue to have problems.


Ironically the cough that I wasn't too concerned about- although has my dh worried sick was evidently pretty bad. I started wheezing today, got diagnosed with bronchitis and he said if I had had a fever when I came in it would have been a pneumonia so I got all kinds of meds for that.

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And I came back positive for a UTI, wouldn't have guessed that, no problem w/ urination. Hopefully that is all it was.



Do be proactive if you end up thinking it's something else in addition, though. We just learned that CT scans can turn up all kinds of things one would never suspect.


Hoping you heal quickly!

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Do be proactive if you end up thinking it's something else in addition, though. We just learned that CT scans can turn up all kinds of things one would never suspect.


Hoping you heal quickly!

Well, I guess if it is just the UTI I will get better, the dr. said the antibiotics for the lung stuff will take care of it but to let him know if it gets worse or doesn't improve. And we'll see if anything comes back on the blood tests.

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I get a weird pain in my abdomen when I have a UTI, but no pain actually urinating. Hopefully it is that. Although why that would be better with eating I have no idea. 

Interesting. I don't understand the eating thing, I swear I'm not crazy at least there is proof I didn't imagine the pain, a little concerned w/ the nausea and hot feverish flashes with it, hopefully it hasn't went further than a UTI.

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well, sh*t, I think I'm developing a rash. I noticed a bit of itching on my belly some time after taking the antibiotic. Woke up to a bit more itching but now of course I can't stop thinking about it. I guess we'll see in the morning if I wake up with spots or maybe this is my head or something else b/c a rash(no matter the size) is in the list of call dr. immediately, which is fan-freaking-tastic. 

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We've had a bug going around so I think it is just that, last week dd1 was coughing like crazy and this week my son is coughing with me.


Well, I guess that is good news that I've not been tested before I can just do a blood test. 


I really don't want to have to go to the dr.  I hate going to the dr. :(


I understand. It's not fun. It can be uncomfortable. But you NEED to see the doctor. If it's something serious, it won't get better on its own, and you'll later wish you hadn't waited. If it's something simple, you'll start feeling better so much sooner with treatment. Please come back and tell us you called today.



ETA: Just read further and saw you had an appointment. Hope you're feeling better.

Edited by Reluctant Homeschooler
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well, sh*t, I think I'm developing a rash. I noticed a bit of itching on my belly some time after taking the antibiotic. Woke up to a bit more itching but now of course I can't stop thinking about it. I guess we'll see in the morning if I wake up with spots or maybe this is my head or something else b/c a rash(no matter the size) is in the list of call dr. immediately, which is fan-freaking-tastic.

Could you be having a reaction/allergy to the antibiotic?

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