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That Day that last child is off to school....


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I'm a mess.  When you stay home 20 years and pour out your lives for them, it is very disorienting. 


I know it is the way of the world.  I know you raise your kids to leave you and you are happy at their successes.  Rationally, I know all this.


But today.... 


Boo hoo. 

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Oh gosh. I can only imagine. I'm sending three off to college in a couple of weeks, but I still have three left at home. I know that the day the last one leaves will be hard to get through. Big hugs, mama.

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Oh gosh. I can only imagine. I'm sending three off to college in a couple of weeks, but I still have three left at home. I know that the day the last one leaves will be hard to get through. Big hugs, mama.


Wow!  You have a lot of kids!


I wish I'd had more, but when you don't get pregnant until your late 30's, that doesn't happen I guess, unless you get a lot of multiples. 

I wish I still had someone.

Thank you.  Tough day.  I wish I could talk to my mom every day, but big days like this, I feel the loss even more. 


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Its like the first time they went on the big kid rollercoaster. They will be back at Turkey Day with lots to talk about. In the meantime, you can have an icee and breathe.

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Oh hun.  I am so so sorry.


I know that I am going to be like this too.  I just want to keep having kids, so it doesn't happen for awhile.


I have thought that I am going to do things to fill in the void.  Do you have things you want to do? 


Maybe get a pet?


Get a massage? 


Go to the library and read books until your heart's content.



Just an extra hug.

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Oh hun.  I am so so sorry.


I know that I am going to be like this too.  I just want to keep having kids, so it doesn't happen for awhile.


I have thought that I am going to do things to fill in the void.  Do you have things you want to do? 


Maybe get a pet?


Get a massage? 


Go to the library and read books until your heart's content.



Just an extra hug.


Thank you for the hug!  No pets because of allergies.


I have decided to start selling on eBay.  I don't even need inventory.  I've got so much, acquired over many years.


Oh, PSA to those of you who have kids moving onto campus with mold allergies.  They keep the buildings unairconditioned all summer and it is a mess.


We had to go buy an expensive Air purifier with a HEPA filter for one, and it really helped!  This one actually stops breathing in the presence of mold and has to force it.  Sleeping was impossible and this one seriously considered the ER.  Next night, after cleaning the air of all that nonsense, wiping down the walls, cleaning the AC parts, etc, all was much better.  So be prepared, if this is you!


Edited by TranquilMind
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Its like the first time they went on the big kid rollercoaster. They will be back at Turkey Day with lots to talk about. In the meantime, you can have an icee and breathe.


Too much distance.  It will be Christmas for at least one.  ;(


I want some pie, since there is enough for everyone (your signature).  :)

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My last hasn't gone off to college yet, but when she went from homeschooling to high school, and my oldest went to college at the same time, I definitely felt 'the empty nest syndrome'. Ugh!  I think it was one just one step that helps prepare us for the big day...when they leave the nest for good. 


It's good that you have a project. Sounds like quite a big project at that! You know already what you will be doing, which helps to get in to a new routine.  Hope the ebay selling goes well! You will find you have more to do than you have time for!

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Today we're moving dd18 into her dorm. I've got so many mixed emotions going on. I'm going to miss her so very much.


Awww.  I am so sorry!  I get it.  It is so hard. 

We all think the baby years are hard, with the lack of sleep, and crazy schedule.  This is so much harder. 


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My last hasn't gone off to college yet, but when she went from homeschooling to high school, and my oldest went to college at the same time, I definitely felt 'the empty nest syndrome'. Ugh!  I think it was one just one step that helps prepare us for the big day...when they leave the nest for good. 


It's good that you have a project. Sounds like quite a big project at that! You know already what you will be doing, which helps to get in to a new routine.  Hope the ebay selling goes well! You will find you have more to do than you have time for!


Yeah, it is also hard to jump from homeschooling to high school. 


Thank you.  I should make some money.  These big kids are expensive!    And I don't want to move it all when we move. 


Sad today, so I'm wallowing.  Tomorrow I will pull myself together. 



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I am sooo sympathetic. I have BTDT. I was a home school mom for sixteen years and then my youngest started ps. I sure miss the mornings we read the Bible and then read aloud and then got started with math. It's been three years (the last year dd didn't attend ps she did TPS). I still cant read the general board because it makes me sad. Which is too bad, I have experience to contribute to the general board.

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I am sooo sympathetic. I have BTDT. I was a home school mom for sixteen years and then my youngest started ps. I sure miss the mornings we read the Bible and then read aloud and then got started with math. It's been three years (the last year dd didn't attend ps she did TPS). I still cant read the general board because it makes me sad. Which is too bad, I have experience to contribute to the general board.


Yeah, those little bodies climbing into your lap and putting their little arms around you.


Those kisses, going both ways.  Kissing them until they giggle. 


Those songs at bedtime (all of which I still have memorized).


Those nighttime hugs while you are tucking them in.


Those jokes.


The time your 6 year old asks, "What does spilling your seed mean?" while reading some randomly selected part of the Bible.  Of course, I say, "Your father will tell you" and get the worst glare ever, which cracked us all up.   ;)


Making all those lunches and reading through lunch to them. 


The time you are blasting "Free Bird" in the kitchen while making dinner, and the kids flee to the other side of the house, jokingly making fun of "your" music, then daddy comes in, throws down his stuff, and lifts his flashlight on the end of his keychain like a lighter at a concert, and we all start dancing wildly.


So quiet now.  :001_unsure:   I can't even see this screen. 






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I seem to be keeping mine - 2 are going to college locally - but they both work and are seldom home. My oldest stayed in SoCal for college when we moved and she is independently adulting now, as she puts it. They sure are noisy when they're all together (we had family reunion this week), but we just put her on the plane and I am missing her already.


My youngest was an unexpected bonus, and it's just she & I now @ home during the day....and she wants to work on her own. I definitely feel @ loose ends and I dislike even the idea of the day she moves on.


Many sympathies to you.

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My oldest is moving to her own place this week, and my second goes off to college in 2 weeks, but I won't be there to move her in.  :sad:  I have to move with my 3 youngest and get them started in school.  My dh will move my dd into her dorm.  It will be a rough day for me in TX thinking of her.  


:grouphug: again.  I can't imagine sending off my last.  He's just 11 so, at the moment at least, it seems far away. 


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That's why I told mine they are living at home until they are at least 25.  It's also probably why I encourage the youngest to "follow her dream" of being a stage/screen make-up artist.... or really any job that will keep her at home longer while she apprentices (she wants to travel Europe, and study abroad) .  I'm such a bad mom, I told DD if she moves to Europe she needs to find a place that has enough room for me to visit about 1/2 the year.  DS has also grudgingly agreed that it would be okay to live within an hour of his mother (I promised to cook for him when he visits).

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