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Terminology question re body type


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The PC way to word this it to not say it in the first place. I cannot imagine when a circumstance would happen where a PC way would be needed to say this. Either you are discussing it with the doctor, in which case, the doctor can see with his own eyes and you would not concern yourself with PC. Or, you are simply observing someone and trying to describe them, in which case..forget it. You don't. Sometimes PC means..don't say, don't comment.

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The PC way to word this it to not say it in the first place. I cannot imagine when a circumstance would happen where a PC way would be needed to say this. Either you are discussing it with the doctor, in which case, the doctor can see with his own eyes and you would not concern yourself with PC. Or, you are simply observing someone and trying to describe them, in which case..forget it. You don't. Sometimes PC means..don't say, don't comment.


I've had to physically describe my brother to someone who didn't know him. He was the coach for my sons' baseball team and I was the manager. When it came time to place the uniform order our first year, I had to ask the uniform people how the fit of their shirts were. Because he has such broad shoulders, it's often necessary for my brother to size up if they shirts are athletic-fit or are a certain brands that we know to run more narrow.  I described his build (non-PC, I said he was built like a linebacker) so they could help me select the best size. I imagine this might also be true of anyone clothes shopping for someone and wanting a salesperson's help to determine fit.


I think there are times when it's legitimate to a conversation, without any negative attachment to it - purely descriptive - especially true for a parent describing a child.

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Right, I'm looking for a convenient and inoffensive term for my daughters' body type.  This comes up in various contexts.  In the past few days:

  • My sister wanted to know their "size" as she was going second-hand shopping.  Well, it isn't that simple....
  • I wanted suggestions for a source of swimsuits that will fit my kid's proportions.
  • I told my daughters that Laurie Hernandez on the US gymnastics team is built like them.  (This is what sparked my question.)
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I would prefer broad shouldered. For some reason, it sounds almost like a compliment - that you have strong, muscular shoulders. (Maybe I'm biased because I've always considered myself broad shouldered?)


I had to google "barrel chested" because while I'm familiar with the term, I had a difficult time visualizing it. I also looked at pictures of Laurie Hernandez. I'd still go with broad shouldered. 

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My kids don't have broad shoulders though.  One of them actually has narrow shoulders.  So "broad shoulders" brings up a different image for me.


Athletic build would be true for one, but the other is more ... I dunno what to call it.  She looks more loosey-goosey than athletic ....

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