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Iron Man.....appropriate????

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Phlox, my sister saw this movie and mentioned that Iron Man (in his non-super hero form) is a playboy. I'm wondering how much this will be emphasized in the movie before we decide if it is worth family viewing. Batman was a playboy as well, yet we were able to discuss this as a family. I'm not sure about Iron Man. Blessings.

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We watched it.


There is a brief bedroom scene, no nudity.


There's no language.


There's a gross-out scene where wires are shoved down a character's nose, and later where another pulls them out of his own. Eeeuuu.


There's violence, as in seeing the bad guys being shot, and some implied violence, but there's no blood (there's some blood after a couple of the characters are tortured, but not torrents of it, KWIM?).


Some friends at church, whom I respect, allowed their dc (dds 8 and 9, ds 5) to watch it and then bought it. The dc thought the wires in the nose were nasty :-)

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My husband was able to download it for free (with German subtitles..huh?) off the internet...have no clue how he does that, but since we're learning German it actually was kind of cool (only subtitles that were spoken in foreign languages were German...so I may have missed some of the plot...das German ist nicht sehr guht)


So, I would say that someone over 12, I would not mind with a few reservations, my husband covered the eyes of my daughters who were 10 and 9 when that romping scene came up...they romped on the bed with clothes ON but then she wakes up in the morning with a sheet draped over her...so I gave my husband the eye like "you didn't tell me this was in there"....there is a lot of murder. It is at the expense of those who are about to murder innocent people..but again, it's there. The concept is good, but if you want a long play by play of each area that may concern you so you can make a better judgment for yourself...I would go to http://www.pluggedinonline.com they have a great review for most movies and I know Iron Man is on there....



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If you are concerned about the suggestive scenes, do not watch the deleted scenes. The scene on the airplane with the flight attendants just keeps on going & going.


Amber in SJ


Oh, I forgot about that one.::making note to self not to forget again:: Of course, the flight attendants were just dancing...skimpily clad, but just dancing.

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We saw it in the theater and just bought the movie. The two scenes mentioned were the only parts that would be deemed inappropriate by us. the violence was similar to that in Transformers.


I loved Robert Downey Jr. in that role. It's a story of redemption, IMO. He changes from the greedy playboy into someone that is concerned for more than himself. That is the discussion we had with ds after the movie.


Now we have Black Sabbath's "Iron man" stuck in our head. We've been singing it around the house for the last two weeks. :lol:

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I watched Iron Man with dh last night. I found myself continually being shocked that it was rated PG-13. There were scenes with torture, bombings, shootings, people on fire, etc. I guess because there was no bad language or nudity it wasn't rated R.

I didn't like it because I found it to be incredibly sexist.

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I watched Iron Man with dh last night. I found myself continually being shocked that it was rated PG-13. There were scenes with torture, bombings, shootings, people on fire, etc. I guess because there was no bad language or nudity it wasn't rated R.

I didn't like it because I found it to be incredibly sexist.


Then by no means read the original comics from which it is based.

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Isn't this stealing? :confused:



not necessarily.


copyright laws aren't consistent globally. There's a lot to investigate.


kinda like --it is illegal to import cigars from Cuba, but it is legal to import Cuban cigars from another country.

eta: as long as you don't call them Cuban cigars ;)


or -- just because person A sells an item in one neighborhood doesn't mean that person B who has the right to distribute item A --or the buyers-- is necessarily doing something illegal. It merely means that Person A's neighborhood has different rules about how the item can be distributed.


I'd be interested in researching this a bit more tho.


now whether it is ethical or moral is a different question ;)

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