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My DH is going to Germany: What should he bring back?

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Besides himself, of course! Can you think of anything unique? Either great for homeschooling or Christmas, or just because its a favorite of yours? We have a DS (7.5), and DD(4.5). Thanks! He probably won't have too much time for shopping, but if I give him a list, or something to focus on, we may be successful! :)

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No joke!




I always tell my husband this when he pulls into a foreign port: Go to a store, not necessarily a store that aimed at tourists, and NOT a cheap store. Find something you think Ds, Dd, or I would like. THEN make sure the label, packaging, whatever is NOT American English. German, in this case.


So far those instructions have resulted in fairly good results.



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Besides himself, of course! Can you think of anything unique? Either great for homeschooling or Christmas, or just because its a favorite of yours? We have a DS (7.5), and DD(4.5). Thanks! He probably won't have too much time for shopping, but if I give him a list, or something to focus on, we may be successful! :)


Kinder Eggs!

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Customs allows beer and cheese. The problem with beer nos is that it has to be in the check in luggage, which can end up broken. So, cheese, chocolate, crystals are all good options. Most important, he ought to bring beautiful memories to share. May he be blessed to a wonderful and safe trip.

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I want an authentic cuckoo clock from the Black Forest. That'd be first on my list.


I was scanning down waiting for the Cuckoo clock!!! YES!!! I am listening to it click the seconds away right now...it's absolutely beautiful and that cuckoo is a sound that our family will remember for years to come, I'm really big about senses in building that memory of family....I've been trying for years to find a signature scent that will last for my lifetime (my mom always loved Opium and now when I smell it on someone else I always think of her)...I finally found a scent (not trying to change the subject but it's really on topic here)..and it's made by Dolce Gabana and it's called "Light Blue"...it's made in Germany so if you smell it and like it you might get it cheaper over there! :)


But, definitely go for the Cuckoo clock, you can look online for German cuckoo clocks and atleast show him which ones you'd prefer, they have painted ones, stained, some with woodpeckers, some with little birds, tree leaves you name it...mine just has the one bird pop out on the hour and half hour but some have dancing and music on the hour...give him a wish list of which would be your favorite...they're actually very light weight other than the weights...but I will say if you get one, go for the one that you only have to wind once a week...some you have to wind daily and if that were the case my weights would be hanging on the floor most the time! :) I think we pull the weights about every 4 days and the kids really get into it.





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Haba toys and play food. Erzi play food.


Ostheimer figures...




I'd probably have him look for a birthday ring...




Wooden vehicles...




Anything Spiel and Holz...




I would have him look for Kinderkram mobiles and Kathy Kruse items. I would definitely want a real cuckoo clock.


Have fun choosing!




Edited to add: http://www.moolka.com/jzv/search?c1=409

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I have always wanted one of those big tabletop carousels made of wood that run on the rising heat from candles. Those are even more fragile than cuckoo clocks, though, I think, as they must be light and very well balanced. I sure would like one, though.


I love the German Christmas ornaments that are made of poured metal and have a front and a back--it's hard to describe, but, for instance, an angel would be pretty flat but one side would show the front and the other the back.


I also really like the elaborate German tassels that are made of very fine silk threads--I have never seen them in this country. I would hang them from the keys on old desk drawers, or from the handle of an armoire.


For the children, Advent calendars are very elaborate in Germany. I would want a really special one.


And for the beginning of the school year, those cones that the kids put their school supplies and candy in to make the first day sweet are really cool.


For St. Martin's Day, 11/10, there are these great lanterns made of heavy paper, beautifully decorated. Those should be in the stores already. They are used like jack-o-lanterns in processions, but they also make great display items. Easy to transport, all folded up, as well. Lauterne, lauterne!

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Besides himself, of course! Can you think of anything unique? Either great for homeschooling or Christmas, or just because its a favorite of yours? We have a DS (7.5), and DD(4.5). Thanks! He probably won't have too much time for shopping, but if I give him a list, or something to focus on, we may be successful! :)


There are lots of Latin resources available. We have picture dictionaries and translations of Asterix books. (Warning some of the big bookstores don't take any credit cards, so he'll want to have cash.)

Toy food with German labeling. Pretend Euros.

Playmobil is great. You can find it in toy stores and even places like Woolworth. Maybe some of the police stuff in German police green colors. Playmobil often isn't in small specialty toy stores (where it is considered to plastic). Some of the independent toy stores do carry limited edition playmobil that is only available in those stores.

There are great wooden toys and doll house stuff (like the waldorf style flex dolls). Kaufhof and other department stores have great toy departments.

I love Erzgebirge wooden decorations. Pyramids, smokers, arches with candles and nutcrackers. Incredibly detailed little Christmas ornaments.

Tin decorations like this. Decorated glass balls as Christmas ornaments.


Warning DVDs are a different region format than in the US and may not play unless your DVD player is multi region. Same but worse for video cassette.

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Your suggestions are great! I forgot Christmas is right around the corner, so maybe I can convince him to actually spend a little time noodling around some stores. Christmas ornaments would be special. I'm not sure about letting DH pick out a clock, but then again...:)

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We spent New Year with our family in Germany and the children loved this tradition.

You can buy a set of lead pieces shaped as different things (they are in a very small and cheap packet). You get a figure and melt it in a spoon (by holding a flame under the spoon) and then pour into a bowl or bucket of water. For instance, if the lead forms a ball (der Ball), that means luck will roll your way. The shape of an anchor (der Anker) means help in need. It is quite silly and fun to interpret the shapes and the children loved the melting.

Here is a link (unfortunately it is in German but it has a picture)


Lebkuchen are wonderful little soft spiced cookies which are very traditional at Christmas.


Ostheimer figures I second and third as a suggestion!

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