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I HATE home selling!


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We had a showing today. The first one after 2 months of nothing. I took the day off and cleaned, scrubbed, laundered, set up scentsy burners with a subtle berry/vanilla scent, etc. I left the house with the kitties crated, the dog on her leash to go with me, and the trash taken out, feeling like the house shined like a well-cut diamond. 


Then I got home and noticed...a spot on the counter. Some fluff on the floor. A waste basket out of place and in need of a liner. BIRD POOP ON THE KITCHEN WINDOW!  :willy_nilly:  I've not gotten feedback yet, but I'm all a-dither now. I just hope they saw how sturdy and cute the house is, and not my spots, fluff, misplaced and unlined waste-basket and the *&^@*^ bird poop. 


I just need this place to sell. I hate this. HATE IT.

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Two months and your first showing? I feel for you, sort of. We had too many showings and 3 contracts that fell through in 4 months. Lookers, not really interested in buying our house, comparing is more like it, and stupid comments that were unnecessary. 


We are in a buying position for now and I don't like this either. This is our 4th go round on looking for a home to buy. The market is dreadfully hot here so prices are much higher than they were 8 years ago. 



Edited by Gaillardia
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We're about to put ours on the market. Haven't had an agent around yet because I keep finding something else I want to 'fix' before someone sees my house!


But from the other side - we looked at 4 houses last weekend. Two were carefully staged (e.g. no clothes in the open plan walk in wardrobe, beautiful dinner sets laid out on the table) but the other two were distinctly 'lived in' and I never would have noticed the things you mention. I noticed one door that had been scribbled on by kids but that would drive me nuts if it were my kids anyway, and I noticed damaged floor boards because I laid ours and brightly coloured walls because I've painted over similarly coloured ones and know it's a hassle. When you're buying you're too busy looking at the big picture and inserting yourself into it to notice the small stuff!

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We had two showings in one day. The first left feedback that the house was old and ill-kept and dirty. The second commented how clean and well-maintained it was. We weren't living there and hadn't been there for a month.


People are weird and everyone notices different things.

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Yeah, it is a pain.


I would reconsider the Scentsy thing, as it is frequently perceived as an odor coverup, and many others are allergic and have to leave. Clean smell is really good.


Most people pay attention to structural things, not the small stuff. Hope offers roll in soon.

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Between DH and I and various relatives' affairs that we've handled, we've sold over a dozen now.


Never fun, even when you're selling a departed relative's property and have less invested emotionally. You're still agonizing over the realtor and their approach, what to fix, etc. etc.

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We're putting our house on the market this summer... This post makes me want to move into a hotel while the house is on the market! My kids are very messy and I'm sure that Number 2 on the toilet will be the least of our sins. 


I hope your house sells quickly, though! It's never fun, and always a ridiculous hassle. 



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We're in the middle of selling ours.  We're under contract but it's so uncertain and has been beyond troublesome!  At least your lookers showed up.  We don't live in a hot market so didn't have many showings.  And sometimes, people scheduled a showing, and I cleaned my heart out (and my poor kids, I snapped at them so much!).  Then the lookers didn't show up!


When you do have a contract, I hope that your buyers don't have IRS problems.  Mine do.  Their lender tells the realtors it won't be a problem if X, Y, and Z happen.  Ugh!


I hate home selling, also.



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1. Clean is definitely nice but most won't notice the details. Especially not in a first walk through. Don't stress. Hugs. Keep in mind that if there ends up being no interest from these viewers it would almost certainly have nothing to do with what you posted. Please don't think you ruined the showing.


2. Agree with up thread, for future showings better a clean smell than a scented smell (they may think you are covering odors or they could be allergic).


3. If this is the first showing in 2 months, is it a super slow market? Do you live very rural? If not then I would be more worried about proper pricing and any elephants in the room than missing trash can liners.


4. Yes selling a house stinks. Agree 100%.


5. Huge hugs and good luck.

Edited by OneStepAtATime
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My kids are very messy and I'm sure that Number 2 on the toilet will be the least of our sins.


I've been using the "I need to have an agent drop by" excuse to get the kids to keep their rooms clean and clutter hidden away for a couple of months now. I suppose it can't last for ever - I'd better actually call an agent!

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One of our kids went number 2 in our downstairs bathroom and did not flush. The realtor flushed during the house tour. After the prospective buyers saw. I was *kind of* upset. However, they did end up buying our house.

This is hilarious🙃 Definitely something my kids would do, and there would be no tp in there.

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I'm in the same boat...Very few showings bc so rural.

Thankfully I don't *need* to sell, but I am buying another place so it would be really nice! I'm keeping a good attitude, because I've had to sell before in what turned out to be middle of the crash, and it was one of the most miserable things...

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did you get any feedback? 


I hate selling houses too.  I hope this is over for you very soon,.


No feedback at all.  :glare:


1. Clean is definitely nice but most won't notice the details. Especially not in a first walk through. Don't stress. Hugs. Keep in mind that if there ends up being no interest from these viewers it would almost certainly have nothing to do with what you posted. Please don't think you ruined the showing.


2. Agree with up thread, for future showings better a clean smell than a scented smell (they may think you are covering odors or they could be allergic).


3. If this is the first showing in 2 months, is it a super slow market? Do you live very rural? If not then I would be more worried about proper pricing and any elephants in the room than missing trash can liners.


4. Yes selling a house stinks. Agree 100%.


5. Huge hugs and good luck.


Because we have pets, the agent suggested either candles or a scent warmer. It's not overpowering. I had a friend come over and get a whiff. She said it was a subtle and pleasant scent. 


I wish we could just move and empty the place so I wouldn't have to worry about it. 

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