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Dr Hive - best ways to clear chest congestion from a cold?


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DD got me sick a few days ago. As almost any cold / flu / respiratory bug does on me, within hours it went straight into my lungs and decided it loved it there. I've tried my asthma inhalers, Vick's Vaporub, hot steamy showers - nothing works for more than an hour at most. Cold & cough meds do little to nothing, and I'm stuck with a cough that sounds like I've been smoking from birth & keeps me up all day and night. Plus the dizzyness that happens after a coughing fit and the lack of energy. Doctor doesn't have any appointments open until July, and the walk-in clinic doesn't have a great track record for actually treating this on me - they normally just say to keep using OTC meds and my inhaler and it will go away with time. It will go away - normally in about 6 weeks. 


Anyone have any tried & true home remedies I can try? I'm open to just about anything at this point. 

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Have you tried an expectorant?  Any pharmacy will have something.



I take mucinex when I have a cough and need help getting junk out of my lungs. It really makes a difference for me.

I use generic guaifenesin (an expectorant), tastes worse than mucinex, but less expensive. Sometimes you have to dig around the shelves to find the pIain expectorant, without added cough suppresants.


Take with plenty of water. It will loosen the stuff in your chest, so you can cough it up. I don't take it in the evening, or I have difficulty sleeping.

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The latest opinion seems to be that steam doesn't work: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-35108249


The pharmacist reminded us to keep ds well hydrated. We're giving him OTC meds but I don't think they're effective. Propping him up at night helps to reduce night time coughing I think. I'm getting woken by one or two coughing fits rather than all night coughing.


Dizziness is not a fun aspect of a coughing fit but after two kids it's rather lower down that worries me. I have to stand still and cough now, or .... oops!

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My daughter gets that once or twice a year, and it just sits there for a couple months, sometimes turning into bronchitis.  What really helped her this last time was getting a steroid inhaler.  It was different than her rescue inhaler.  (And her asthma is really quite mild.)  It was specifically to help with the inflammation in her lungs due to a leftover cold.  I wish I could remember the name of it.  It was a prescription though.


Most clinics will get you in same-day if you are sick.

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Every cold I get goes to my chest, and I've gotten pneumonia more than I'd like to remember.


I buy Mucinex...the 12 hour kind....and take that along with lots of water.  I also like hot steamy showers, but they're not enough to do much.

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Every cold I get goes to my chest, and I've gotten pneumonia more than I'd like to remember.


I buy Mucinex...the 12 hour kind....and take that along with lots of water. I also like hot steamy showers, but they're not enough to do much.

Once, when I had pneumonia, doctor prescribed a giant guaifenesin pill. When I commented at how large it was, Doctor said something like - take it die. So, my thought is that larger doses may be beneficial. I could not sleep at though when I took the pill at night.

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What are your asthma inhalers?


What's your current peak flow rating?


How are your 02 saturations?


Because, frankly, if you have asthma, those are things that you need to be addressing.  If your peak flow and sats are fine and the cough is just annoying, go the mucinex route.  If your peak flow is in the toilet and you're sats are in the low 90s, you need a round of steroids, and better asthma meds....

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When you call the doctor, ask to speak to a nurse.  The nurse can usually bypass the receptionist and get you in if you are sick.  Are you in the yellow zone for asthma?  Tell the nurse.  They'll probably put you on a steroid for a few days.  It tends to clear things right up in my dd.  You need to get seen.  If you still can't get in... If you have a significant other/husband who is male, have him call and ask to speak to a nurse.  We have much luck with this.



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