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Anyone use Plexus?


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I don't, but a girl I went to college with is posting pictures from the Plexus convention in Vegas. Apparently they have a new product that blocks the absorption of sugar and carbs. It seems similar to other friends who were just as amazed and thankful for their new Advocare business a couple years ago. Personally I'd stay away from it.

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I have a problem with any and every MLM, and you can google critiques on it.  I don't think it is better than a lot of supplements you can get yourself.  


I have friends who keep hounding me.  I keep saying no.  




I'd hesitate to trust anything on this website, because she's trying to sell her own weight loss.  (Not saying Plexus is good, I haven't tried it, just that I'm wary of sites slamming one "diet" while selling their own)

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I'd hesitate to trust anything on this website, because she's trying to sell her own weight loss.  (Not saying Plexus is good, I haven't tried it, just that I'm wary of sites slamming one "diet" while selling their own)



I didn't notice that.  But I won't buy any of them.  And my friends who sell Plexus have been less than forthcoming about all of the ingredients, which has me worried as well.   I had to dig for the ingredient list.  

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I tried it.  Some members of my family tried it.


Those that seem susceptible to placebos seem to think it helped a lot.  For about 3 weeks.  Then it "stopped working."


I don't think it helped with diet or blood sugar at all, but I did feel a little better on it.  Some of the ingredients are anti-inflammatory.  It seems quite overpriced to me compared to the quanity and cost of ingredients.

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I think it's pretty expensive, too. I have a friend who's promoting it and she seems to love it. But, I can't help thinking back to Herbal Life, Melaleuca (which I did use, but not the weight loss stuff), and other miracle supplements. I guess my question (rhetorically speaking) is, "Is this supposed to be a "for life" thing?" I just don't have the extra $$ a new weight loss fad.

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Horrible customer service/ripoff. I tried it for a month. Didn't work so I cancelled. They billed my card and sent me stuff anyway. I tried to return the unopened package they sent and get them to stop charging my card. Took way too long, too many calls and way too much time on hold. A friend who now sells it said she had heard that happened to lots of customers but it's a really great product. What? No thank you.

She also is pushing me to buy their expensive probiotic. Whole foods and trader joes have better ones than plexus for way less money.

Run away from plexus. Bad bad news

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I tried it.  Some members of my family tried it.


Those that seem susceptible to placebos seem to think it helped a lot.  For about 3 weeks.  Then it "stopped working."


I don't think it helped with diet or blood sugar at all, but I did feel a little better on it.  Some of the ingredients are anti-inflammatory.  It seems quite overpriced to me compared to the quanity and cost of ingredients.


This! I looked up the ingredients, and I'm sorry but you can find the same freaking things for WAY less money. 

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I use the Plexus Slim. I did sign up to get the discount, but I don't actively sell it. I tried a sample of it and it really did help my fibromyalgia pain. I've been drinking one slim a day for about 3 months. My sister is a type 1 diabetic and she is only using Slim and it has helped with her blood sugars. My mom is using Slim and the Probio 5. She has fibro, arthritis, type 1 diabetes and IBS. She likes it a lot. I know because she is allowing me to buy it for her because her budget is tight. If it wasn't helping with her medical stuff, she would insist I stop. Having said all that, I also tried the cleanse, ease capsules, and boost. None of them seemed worth my money or effort. The ease cream does work, but I also have used cheaper creams that work. And, none of us have lost weight on it. So, I'm not convinced it is helpful in weightloss. I do, definitely, feel better after I drink this slim. And that makes me mad because it is horribly expensive! I order for my mom, my sister, and sister-in-law, getting the lower price and hit the higher commission if I buy in slight bulk. That brings the cost down, but still too much imho.

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Isn't the active ingredient in Plexus Slim chromium? Can't you just take chromium for much cheaper, in pill form or whatever?

Maybe? I don't really know! Ha! I'm not really an expert on any of it. If a friend hadn't given me a sample and I hadn't been in a lot of pain, I would have never tried the stuff. But now I'm going to look up chromium.

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Maybe? I don't really know! Ha! I'm not really an expert on any of it. If a friend hadn't given me a sample and I hadn't been in a lot of pain, I would have never tried the stuff. But now I'm going to look up chromium.


It also has ALA..maybe that is what is helping?

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Hmmmm.  Looks like the ingredients have changed since the last time I looked it up. I'm pretty sure last time I looked it included a compound in cinnamon and more fiber.  Current ingredients are:

  • Chromium (helps with blood sugar)
  • Green Coffee Bean Extract (stimulant, possibly with antioxidants)
  • Garcinia Cambogia fruit extract
  • ALA (anti-inflammatory antioxidant)
  • Polydextrose (bulking agent)
  • Citric Acid (preservative, may reduce speed of absorbing carbohydrate)
  • Natural Flavors
  • Beet Extract (states for color, but the natural colors in beets are probably anti-inflammatory)
  • Stevia (sweetener)
  • Luo han-guo fruit extract (sweetener)
  • guar gum (thickener)
  • silicone dioxide (keeps the ingredients in a powder form)

So my thought is, if you go to Walmart Pharmacy you could match the original recipe with something like:

  • Chromium $8 for 100 ct
  • Cinnamon $8 for 100 ct
  • Green Coffee/Garcinia $10 for 100 ct
  • Beet Root $8 for 100 ct
  • ALA $8 for 100 ct
  • Equate Soluble Fiber $10 for 125 servings

And if you wanted to make it even better, you could add:

  • Turmeric $7 for 90 ct (but this is also a blood thinner, so don't take during your period)
  • Ginger Root $4 for 100 ct
  • Tart Cherry Extract $7 for 90 ct

If you combined those, you'd get one of each per day for 3 months, which is about the same cost up front, but significantly cheaper over time.  These supplements are very strong anti-inflammatory compounds that don't have the same risks as taking medications every day.  Several of them do things like thin out your blood too, however, so definitely discuss them with your doctor first.

Edited by Katy
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My husband uses it and I have friends that use it that have had good results.  I'm always really skeptical about things like this, but I think it's worth looking into.  I've seen too many people being helped by it. And these are people that I know well and trust. There probiotic especially is one of the best.  My sister was able to get over years of battling with yeast infections while using it and my husband was helped with a lot of digestive issues.

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My husband uses it and I have friends that use it that have had good results. I'm always really skeptical about things like this, but I think it's worth looking into. I've seen too many people being helped by it. And these are people that I know well and trust. There probiotic especially is one of the best. My sister was able to get over years of battling with yeast infections while using it and my husband was helped with a lot of digestive issues.

Probiotics are great. Have your family members tried other probiotics? There are a lot of high quality ones out there that could help and save you money. My family takes this one that we get at WF. It has 5 billion active cultures as opposed to only 2 billion for plexus. http://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/products/jarrow-formulas-jarro-dophilus-eps

My BIL has gird and all sorts of digestive issues. He swears by this one. It has 85 billion live cultures.


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