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Eww. Yick. Icky! Bug in dd's ear!

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Now my evening is complete.


DD8 came in, screaming. A bug crawled down her ear canal!


Thankfully, after a lot of flushing with water, we drowned the sucker. More flushing, and it came out. Happy not to have to go to the hospital -


But - ICK! I'm worried about the dreams I'm going to have!!!! :tongue_smilie:

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That has been one of my biggest fears since watching that Star Trek episode where they pulled the bugs out of peoples ears. YUCK!!


AAACK! I forgot about that. . . . . . .


This was our first trauma while dh is working out of state. Happily avoided the ER visit.


For any who read this - if it happens to you, flush, flush, FLUSH the ear with water or saline, to try to dislodge the bug. My sil (who is a pedi ER nurse) said that if that didn't work, I'd have to take her in, and they'd have to sedate her to remove it.


SO glad that didn't happen -

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What about that Twilight Zone episode, where the bug crawled into the guys ears and worked it's way through his brain while he screamed for days, only to find out when it emerged through the other ear that it was a female and had laid eggs in his brain???????


Sorry, not helping I know.

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Glad you got out. My dd4 wanted to learn about ear wax. We've checked out several books from the library to learn more, and we just read today that "the hairs and earwax make sure only sound waves get through to the eardrum. They keep dirt, bugs, and other things from entering and hurting the rest of the ear." Hearing, by Patricia J. Murphy



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Okay, I have to tell you a funny ear story. A friend was nursing her newborn and noticed something kind of orange and spongy in his ear. It looked like a fungus of some sort to her and totally freaked her out. So, off to the doctor they went. He was concerned to and pulled out a pair of tweezers to gently remove it. It came out easily, but a little crumbly. As they inspected the "fungus" they realized that it was not fungus, but a piece of CARROT CAKE that had fallen in the little guy's ear from the night before when my friend was eating and nursing at the same time! :)


We've had raisins and other items up the nose, but no bugs in the ears.

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I had this exact thing happen when I was round 5 years old. I came screaming to my dad who pulled out a beetle from my ear. It has started biting my ear and flapping it wings because it was afraid.


We went to the doctor and when he came in to see me he said "What's bugging you". :glare: I found his joke lacking.


Ever since that incident I have covered my ears at night and when I'm in a situation that makes me feel uncomfortable (visiting a cave, walking through the woods). It has also made me very sensitive to the noise of bugs flapping and buzzing around my head.



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LOL! Glad you got it out without difficulty. Was it a lady bug? They are looking for cozy nooks to hibernate in about now. One got into my younger son's ear when he was little, too!


No, it was a little flea-like hopping thing. I think it just flew in, and dd accidentally pushed it in when she went to shoo it out.


As we're doing the bug extraction, ds12 says, "Hey, Mom! Now we need to study ears!"


Yup. Homeschooled.

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Okay, I have to tell you a funny ear story. A friend was nursing her newborn and noticed something kind of orange and spongy in his ear. It looked like a fungus of some sort to her and totally freaked her out. So, off to the doctor they went. He was concerned to and pulled out a pair of tweezers to gently remove it. It came out easily, but a little crumbly. As they inspected the "fungus" they realized that it was not fungus, but a piece of CARROT CAKE that had fallen in the little guy's ear from the night before when my friend was eating and nursing at the same time! :)


We've had raisins and other items up the nose, but no bugs in the ears.





I'm liking that story, really!!!

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As we're doing the bug extraction, ds12 says, "Hey, Mom! Now we need to study ears!"


Yup. Homeschooled.

Yep. My oldest is only 4.94 (someone else gave their child's age this way...it applies well here too) and if there's something she's interested in learning about, she knows we can get books from the library. Yay! It's working! :lol:

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