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Anyone have a list of Picture Books for US Geography?


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We are doing US geography next year and would love to hear your favorites?? Chapter books are easy to find, as well as non-fiction, but for some states picture books are proving a challenge.


Here is a sample of some I have found and the type of books I am looking for:



Pop's Bridge (About the golden gate bridge)

Redwoods  by Jason Chin



High as a Hawk

C is for Centennial


New York

Sky Boys (building of empire state bldg)



Alaska's 3 bears

Under Alaska's midnight sun

Up on Denali



Wright on Time book 1 (I know it's a chapter book technically, but they're homeschoolers :) !)








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Thanks Beaniemom, I saw that series and may add it in with the non-fiction side. 

So if anyone else is planning to do US geography next year, I found this series free if you have kindle unlimited: https://smile.amazon.com/Grand-Canyon-Arizona-Alphabet-Discover-ebook/dp/B00ARB8FZ4?ie=UTF8&keywords=g%20is%20for%20grand%20canyon&qid=1464222918&ref_=sr_1_1&s=books&sr=1-1


Seems they have one for each state almost.

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Thanks Beaniemom, I saw that series and may add it in with the non-fiction side. 

So if anyone else is planning to do US geography next year, I found this series free if you have kindle unlimited: https://smile.amazon.com/Grand-Canyon-Arizona-Alphabet-Discover-ebook/dp/B00ARB8FZ4?ie=UTF8&keywords=g%20is%20for%20grand%20canyon&qid=1464222918&ref_=sr_1_1&s=books&sr=1-1


Seems they have one for each state almost.


NICE, thank you SO MUCH for sharing that.




For the OP, while we were in Alaska, I met (several times, she owns a hotel along the main road between Fairbanks and Anchorage) the author of this book, and I swear she wrote one for most, if not all, of the states.  I really liked them when my oldest kids were younger but I can't remember if they really taught any facts about the states.  

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I was looking for something similar, and didn't find much either!  I know there used to by a FIAR booklist by geographical location, but I couldn't find it.  SCM has a few picture books listed in their Visits to North America program.  The booklist is in the sample pages.  I think we'll just add one picture book for each group of states (New England, Southern, Pacific Coast, etc.), which should make it easier.  We'll be using  50 States and Where to Find Them, which schedules the Holling C. Holling books and The Drinking Gourd.


Eat Your Way Through the USA by Loree Pettit looks like a fun cookbook.  I keep thinking about adding it to our state study.



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I was looking for something similar, and didn't find much either!  I know there used to by a FIAR booklist by geographical location, but I couldn't find it.  SCM has a few picture books listed in their Visits to North America program.  The booklist is in the sample pages.  I think we'll just add one picture book for each group of states (New England, Southern, Pacific Coast, etc.), which should make it easier.  We'll be using  50 States and Where to Find Them, which schedules the Holling C. Holling books and The Drinking Gourd.


Eat Your Way Through the USA by Loree Pettit looks like a fun cookbook.  I keep thinking about adding it to our state study.

I know right??? I thought this would be easy to find, but not so. I will post mine when done and edit the title. I am done with about 19 states.


I really did not want to go with longer books as we are doing american history and biology with heavy lit element/assigned reading, so I really just wanted the geography to be fun. (Even my 12yo will listen while I read picture books  :p if they are well written and tell a story, ie not hop on pop!  :D )

Non-fiction is easy to find. Those I will check out from the library and use my USA atlases. Ends up I am going sometimes with a thing famous in the state or person from that state. Arkansas is proving a tough one. I found one old tall tale from there and a book about the little rock nine.

We are notebooking with these: http://www.currclick.com/product/92412/Exploring-the-50-States-Notebook-Journal

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Here is another list that may be helpful: http://www.nea.org/grants/50-state-booklist.html.


Thanks found that one earlier (as well as most of the lists mentioned :lol: ) but they had mostly longer chapter books.

We are doing 2 states a week, so I really want shorter picture books. I have found some (some out of print) for a penny each used on Amazon, but it takes some digging.


I will type up my list neatly (right now they are wish lists on Amazon) and post here soon.

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