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Help me choose a path for Latin!

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My boys will be in 2nd and 4th this coming year and have never had any Latin instruction. SSL (I'd just use student book and CD) looks like a fun and light introduction, but Prima Latina looks straightforward and simple, which I like (but maybe it's a bit dry). Then looking forward I've heard such great things about both LfC and LC1...


I'm not sure how to order these for my boys. Should I just skip SSL?? I realize there isn't a whole lot of grammar involved in it and that's ok. It would be more to get them interested in Latin in a light and easy way... All I know is I don't want to do two different levels of Latin! I'd rather combine my two boys. help me decide a path for Latin, those who have used these two curricula!

Edited by Wholesomemomma
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I'd actually wait another year and do Getting Started With Latin with both of them, unless your second grader is already a strong reader.


However, IME, you well may need two levels of Latin at some point anyway, if the older one takes off with it quickly.  But ymmv.

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I am a huge fan of Memoria Press. My third child is almost done with Latina Christiana 1 and have all started with Prima Latina. My first son would have completed Third Form this year, but we put him in parochial school this year, and though we tried to after school Latin, he was having enough trouble with the transition, so we dropped it. I think MP does an excellent job laying the foundation for Latin Grammar. I am studying it myself with my kids.

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Those who use SSL, do you use the DVDs too? Is the whole package worth it? I was thinking I'd just get the student book and the CD that cones with it...

My kids love SSL and the DVD is their favorite part. I'm sure you'd be fine without it but it adds a lot, I think.

We are moving to MP Latin next year and forward because of the simplicity and straightforwardness that one of the previous posters mentioned. It's an interesting read when you search the differences in the approaches of MP Latin vs CAP.

Good luck deciding!

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My kids love SSL and the DVD is their favorite part. I'm sure you'd be fine without it but it adds a lot, I think.

We are moving to MP Latin next year and forward because of the simplicity and straightforwardness that one of the previous posters mentioned. It's an interesting read when you search the differences in the approaches of MP Latin vs CAP.

Good luck deciding!

Our one experience with CAP's language instruction was Greek Alphabet Codecrackers. While it was an interesting and fun way to learn the Greek alphabet, I felt that all the "fun" stuff made it very distracting. The kids didn't lean much. So we went on with our Greek studies with Elementary Greek, which is more straight forward. This is my personal opinion, but I think education can be pleasurable, but it doesn't have to be "fun" to hold a child's attention, which is why I stay away from curriculum with a lot of bells and whistles. For me, the pleasure in Latin is that I have learned enough to enjoy the language. Translations are like puzzles and that, to me, is pleasurable.
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Our one experience with CAP's language instruction was Greek Alphabet Codecrackers. While it was an interesting and fun way to learn the Greek alphabet, I felt that all the "fun" stuff made it very distracting. The kids didn't lean much. So we went on with our Greek studies with Elementary Greek, which is more straight forward. This is my personal opinion, but I think education can be pleasurable, but it doesn't have to be "fun" to hold a child's attention, which is why I stay away from curriculum with a lot of bells and whistles. For me, the pleasure in Latin is that I have learned enough to enjoy the language. Translations are like puzzles and that, to me, is pleasurable.

I agree. I'm always trying strike a balance between fun and effective. Hopefully I can pick the right one for my kids that is both. It's so hard to decide.

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Happy SSL user here. I just used it at our co-op with 20 kids. They LOVE Latin. Another mom is going to take over and teach SSL2. I have already started that with my son. It definitely goes up a level as they teach more grammar, verb endings for conjugation of verbs, etc. The work output is increased as well. The workbook is 3 times as thick as SSL1. The kids really liked the DVD, especially the ongoing story thread about My Pet Monkey. The DVD isn't Hollywood production quality, but it did the job and kept the kids engaged. For SSL2, I like having the teacher's manual because it's just plain easier to check the answers. 

We are planning to go onto LFC A after this. I definitely see how SSL2 builds directly into LFC A.

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I'll be re-starting my younger ones with Prima Latina next year.  I've found it very easy to teach.  I known many on the boards use the DVDs, but I've found just the books & CD to be plenty.  Some of my DC can't stand singing, so SSL would be a terrible fit for them.   :rolleyes:

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We love CAP Latin here. I haven't seen the DVDs for SSL. We just did the book and the Cds.

I found MP to be dry and didn't want to have to find additional resources to have my students ready for the NLE (or AP, when we get that far).


We did GSWL after SSL and enjoyed that too!

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