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So I'm pretty much checked out...

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We're stopping in the middle of our math books too. We'll have everything else finished though. My younger three sat down tonight and did their math for the whole week. We'll do math via LOF during the summer but the SM is being put away until September. We'll pick it up where we left off then. I'm totally fine with that this year. :-)

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Everyone but oldest is on half-days. She has 5 or 6 weeks left of just about everything except her online class.

For the girls: One day of history review & then, the final. They have their final math checklists. (We, too, are stopping mid-math book. But, they'll pick it up & get a little further during the summer. We do continue math during the summer - with a week or two off here or there.) Spelling is down to just a test on frequently missed words, turning in a composition, and things like that. They still have science left. Not sure how much on that since they do it on their own.

Boys have only math & reading left. They will continue reading aloud, but get to stop math mid-next week.


:hurray: Almost there.

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Arg! We just discovered the 12 year old actually has another chapter of math to complete!  :w00t:  Yeah, not a happy camper. We had been thinking this was the last chapter, then MM6 end-of-year test next week for the wrap, now we need to bust out the statistics and probability chapter. With other things falling off the list, it should be completed in about 2 weeks, but it was a bit of a downer. Thankfully, that particular child had a nice attitude about it and was only bummed for a couple of minutes, then declared, "Well, I will be getting that finished in the next two weeks. I am not doing any of that math over summer!" 


Other than that, we are wrapping things up around here. We wrapped history this week. Latin will be finished next week, I believe. 


Everyone will continue working on math over the summer and will read voraciously. The littlest and I will continue reading instruction (AAR level 1) over the summer, play lots of games and lots of read aloud. 

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  • Still need to recheck Latin tests to make sure all the necessary fixes were made.

Science done. 

Wrapping up math.

Writing the final for Story of the World 4. Girls take it tomorrow.

Time to start cleaning the school room & filing away this year's stuff.  :hurray:

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3 weeks left... almost.there. They are all short weeks for us, 2 day week, 4 day week and another 4 day week ending with a park day. Not that I'm counting or anything:) I really love homeschooling but I need to recharge. We should be on 1/2 days but we are all just dragging at this point and it's still taking us all day to finish school.

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We are really winding down.  OUr main focus at the moment is finishing up the books we've been reading for various subjects, and we're still doing math daily.  But - my older dd will do math through the summer this year, to try and give her roughly the same coverage as the ps students for next year when she starts at the local school.


We're doing a little more nature study too which is typically a summer thing for us.  Dandelion study for this afternoon.  But that is probably the only new thing, althou dd wants to work on some German.  That will be largely her own time though.


It's almost time to sign up for summer swim lessons, which is always a bit of a scrum.  It's free and first-come first served, so I have to be there to line up as early as possible.  I'm actually thinking of maybe getting my dh to take a bit of family leave and either sign up or watch the kids.


As far as activities we are at the finishing up point, but I find that exaughsting in itself.  In the next few weeks we have a ballet recital, guitar recital, violin recital, and choir recital.


I'm trying to think about organizing for next year - putting books away mostly, so I have more room, I'd like the kids to be able to find things themselves, and dd who is going to school was who had the bulk of the curricula on the shelf.  I also need to get some things printed out and order a text.  I'm going to be in the third trimester by August so I am guesing I will be quite a slug in the heat.

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