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Is your Aldi like this?


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Our Aldis never has an armed guard.

The produce might be picked over on sale items or gone later in the day.

We have limits on our milk and eggs, usually 3, 4, or 6, depending on the store.

We've had AMAZING sales on milk .89 gallon and eggs were .49 dozen. We've had 3 day specials of .94/lb pork tenderloin, $2.69/lb organic bound beef, $2.49/lb sirloin steak, all with limits of 4. They were sold out of some within a few hours.


They are fighting head to head with Walyworld. We are limited with grocery stores in this area.


ETA: I bought some fresh, stuffed tortellini and when I got it home I noticed it was moldy. That has never happened, the package must have had a hole. I took it back and expected to just replace the package and instead I got my money back and another package. No questions asked. :)

Edited by JonesinIndiana
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The last time I shopped in an Aldi was 14 years ago in our village in Germany. They were often out of produce, and sometimes out of other basics. But, it was near the other stores and had super cheap prices on what they did have, even if it was random what they had. They had European looking tennis shoes for $5 once, my husband's lasted 10 years and he fit in a little better after he bought them. I had purchased European shoes right off, as soon as I noted the difference.

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There seems to be no rhyme or reason to when they are out of stuff.


One thing that I do notice though is people go in there a lot and buy 50 gallons of milk or 50 loaves of bread.  I find that annoying. 


I am assuming you are being literal here on the 50 gallons--our store has a limit of 10 gallons of milk per customer.  I suppose it is for that reason?


I normally don't have trouble at my Aldi's with the exception of sometimes chocolate milk (which is not necessary anyway) and sometimes random things like bagels.  They always ask when I check out if I found everything okay and I always tell them if there was something out of stock. Usually they will tell me when it will be back in stock. I think I have had the most trouble on late Saturday afternoons with stock issues. Sometimes they get busy I think and don't get things restocked. Sometimes they run out.


Oh, and the meat buys are gone by Thursday every week. If I want them I need to go on Wed. 

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I am crying. Plain ground beef is $6-7 a pound up here (Alaska). Regular milk is $3.50. Eggs are like $3 a dozen. I just paid $4.50 for a 1 lb tube of breakfast sausage, and we all know those are the scraps. I paid over $2 per green bell pepper today. Costco is a little better (I think the twin pack of milk is under $5) but it's an hour away. We buy most of our bread from the outlet and freeze it.

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I have never used Aldi as our basic or standard supermarket.

So I've never bought bread, milk, or eggs there.

I know their stock is variable, and we learned to shop on certain days at certain times, that helped.

They seemed to have always the ingredients for a pasta, a noodle or rice dish, and a potato/meat/vegetables meal.

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There are several Aldi stores in our area, and the selection varies. They've been out of the grass fed ground beef for the last few weeks I've tried to buy it. None have security guards. I don't shop there as our main store, although I'm trying to more often. I think I need to get better about shopping and meal-planning as I shop based on what is actually in stock. When we move, we'll be close to one of the "nicer" Aldis in the area.

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Never. There two in my area and both are always well stocked. It is also a major city though, so I'm not sure if that factors in.

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I went to Aldi once and thought it was super lame. There were tons of people, you could barely take two steps and I kept wondering what in the world we were all there for. Yes, there were some decent prices, but nothing amazing, when you can get the same prices at Walmart just by showing them the Aldi ad. The selection was really poor and the store is small and crowded. It was the size of a largish convenience store, not a grocery store.

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We have a small Aldi very close - produce is not dependable. Even the cashiers get excited when there's good produce. They always have milk, eggs, and the basics. They may or may not have items listed in the flyer as specials.


A little farther away, there's a much larger and better stocked Aldi. They jokingly call the one close to us The Closet. They have so many more options! Wow. Bigger selection of everything. More stock.


No armed guards. Maybe they do that in stores that have been robbed a few times? I don't know.

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