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Meet In Person! UPDATE: PIX. In South-Central PA



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Have you looked at directlabs.com?  You simply put in your request and pay, and then you print out the sheet, take it to the place, and then you get results yourself.  I've used it for bloodwork, and it's cheaper than other places and very fast.


They do have imaging listed, although I'm having some trouble getting it to come up right now.


I haven't thought about them.  I'll have to look into it.  I have time now.  Thanks!


In the meantime, today has been a much better day thankfully, though "better" gets redefined as "bad" gets worse.  This type of day is completely livable.  Now if only I can find the connection to keep things better rather than worse...


The kids are all off at a concert in Hershey at the moment (21 Pilots?).  It's quiet around here.


It was incredibly awesome to hear them talking about how much they like our place - esp since our actual house is pretty old and outdated.  It would never be featured on House Hunters - except as an awful "fixer upper" job!  Our setting though... can't beat that!   ;)  And the house has nice features - for an old house - it's just not updated or even close to modern and I suspected today's "modern" kids would be put off by that.  They aren't.  Like us, they like the whole package.   :party:  It's always nice when we old folks can impress our kid's friends!  It's ok if we don't impress House Hunters.

Edited by creekland
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Have you looked at directlabs.com?  You simply put in your request and pay, and then you print out the sheet, take it to the place, and then you get results yourself.  I've used it for bloodwork, and it's cheaper than other places and very fast.


They do have imaging listed, although I'm having some trouble getting it to come up right now.


Ok, I just finished looking at that sight - GREAT resource for DIY - thanks!  However, it doesn't have the imaging I'm looking for.  I want to see what the blood vessels are doing in the head and one other area of concern.  That requires an MRA instead of an MRI.  MRI's don't get specific enough.  Hearing one's pulse is often a vascular issue according to quite a few credible sites I've seen (sent to me by others) and it matches some other things going on too.  It might not be "the" cause - one never knows - but I fail to see why it can't be done to rule it in or out, esp since other causes have been ruled out and money certainly isn't an issue.


Looking at some of their blood testing costs, I wanted to make sure you knew about Wellspan's and Hanover Hospital's multiphasic testing.  Those are often open to the public (no Dr necessary) and offer a ton of the basic tests for $35.  Adding TSH is just $10 or $15 more.  Ditto that with Ha1C.  We've had test results within a day or two.  One can't beat that price.  You have to sign up early as they fill up quickly.  We've been using them for a few years now to keep up on our basic numbers.


It's awesome that direct labs offers so many other tests too - very, very good resource if needed, so thanks again for it.

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Please L-rd and the creek don't rise, I'll be there.  



Yay!  Another new person to meet!  I'm looking forward to meeting the new people and seeing everyone I've already met again.  And that's saying something because I greatly dislike leaving the house.

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Hopefully today will be better.  It's tough to imagine getting worse.


It's the same cwap that's been going on that's supposed to be all in my mind.   :cursing:  Apparently some days my mind makes it up and other days it doesn't find it such a priority.   :lol:


I'm doctor-free now, for better or worse.  I'm not pleased about it, but when the doctors won't do anything besides prescribing addictive meds, we need to part ways.  (I'd get the med "plan" if everything that could be investigated had been, but it hasn't.  There's still one major category that often causes one of my symptoms that they refuse to let me check into.  I honestly have no idea why other than maybe a power struggle.)


As long as the better days keep coming in between the cwap days I'll survive.  When that doesn't happen, so be it.  The bad days are not worth living through, so when they're continual, something has to change.


Now on bad days my mind wanders into traveling to better (medical) areas, but I'm not really convinced there's a difference anymore.  What I need is a place where I can pay for my own requested medical tests and not involve any doctors.  If the tests are clear - then I'd at least have peace of mind.  If not, I might not have to  :banghead:  trying to get doctors to listen.  That's the part I'm really tired of and never expected (in spite of all the stories on here that should have warned me).


It is interesting having a son who's premed and having my own experience with doctors.  He's been watching and learning.  I suppose that's at least one plus.  If I can hang on until he gets out of med school (or in it with decent contacts), then maybe there's hope.  He, at least, believes me!


On good days I still have hope that my body is fixing itself as it should.  So hopefully today will be a good day.   :D  Last Monday was a really good day.  I want that one again.  Memorable good days...


Time will tell, but at least the morning isn't starting off bad as it does on many bad days (not yesterday though - yesterday was deceptive in the morning  :mad: ).



I have a friend who has many, many medical issues.  Often bizarre ones.  She lives near me, so she's in our general area.  She seems to have found a doctor who will listen.  When she went through cancer in her 20's this doctor (from what I'm remembering) was willing to work with her on some alternate methods for helping her as well as traditional things and seemed to really listen.


Do you want me to ask her for recommendations?  Did I already do this for you (I remember doing this for someone, but can't remember who)? Or are you just DONE with it all? 


My MIL goes to doctors near Baltimore, or even just Westminster.  She has more medical issues than I do and says that she thinks the medical people in this area are too sheltered.  They have too few patients/issues so they're not up on things as much as the doctors in a busy metropolis are.  So your idea of going to a different area might be sound.  You may have better luck with someone in the Baltimore/Towson area.  In a busy area, there's a greater chance of the doctors having run into someone else with your condition before.  Around here there just isn't that big of a pool to choose from.  Your condition might be the big fish in a small pond that the doctors don't know about.  In another area, you might just be one of many fishes with your condition and they might be more open to your ideas.  Does your DH go with you to the appointments and help talk to them about it?  Since I know you have trouble talking to the doctors in a patient/doctor setting, vs on a plane or somewhere.


But no pressure from me for you to take action.  I'm just throwing that stuff out there.  I completely respect your wishes to be done with all this if that's what you prefer. 

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Editing because this is getting way too far off on a rabbit trail for the topic of the thread.  I don't plan on my health issues being part of our get together either.  ;)


ps  Garga, did you ever find the transcript, etc?

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how did it go?  How many were able to show up?


Past tense?  You had me worried that my older brain is going more quickly than I thought.   :lol:


The get-together is Tuesday July 19th, though I'll admit I just flipped back to post one to double check that I didn't miss it.


Now the important question... does this mean you can come?

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Past tense?  You had me worried that my older brain is going more quickly than I thought.   :lol:


The get-together is Tuesday July 19th, though I'll admit I just flipped back to post one to double check that I didn't miss it.


Now the important question... does this mean you can come?


Yes!!  I thought it was this past Tues.  Don't know how I did that.   Yay.

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Bumping yet again so everyone who wants to come has a chance to see this. Our meetup is in just under three weeks from now.


I'll bump again in two weeks and probably the two days before we meet to give everyone a chance to attend.

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Editing because this is getting way too far off on a rabbit trail for the topic of the thread.  I don't plan on my health issues being part of our get together either.   ;)



ps  Garga, did you ever find the transcript, etc?

Creekland, I looked in the pile where I have all the papers from that night, and I no longer have the transcripts.  I think I must have not have saved them for privacy reasons.  Oh, well.

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Creekland, I looked in the pile where I have all the papers from that night, and I no longer have the transcripts.  I think I must have not have saved them for privacy reasons.  Oh, well.


Middle son needed his ACT scores for med school secondary applications... fortunately, they were on his transcript and hubby did keep it on his computer.


Now the hard part.  I need to remember to print it off and bring it!


To anyone creating records... keep them!  We're four years off from needing the transcript and five years off from middle son taking the ACT - yet now, he needs those scores!


(Technically, the scores might still be on the ACT site itself, but neither of us remember any passwords we used for that.)

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Middle son needed his ACT scores for med school secondary applications... fortunately, they were on his transcript and hubby did keep it on his computer.


Now the hard part. I need to remember to print it off and bring it!


To anyone creating records... keep them! We're four years off from needing the transcript and five years off from middle son taking the ACT - yet now, he needs those scores!


(Technically, the scores might still be on the ACT site itself, but neither of us remember any passwords we used for that.)

I finally got to the part of my summer projects where I cleaned out the homeschool bookcase and I found notes from that meeting, but not your son's transcripts. Just the general outline of what you were going to speak about. Drat.


I keep getting a little confused about exactly what colleges want. Transcript, course summary, some sort of description of something? Maybe of the homeschool? Some people talk about telling the college how they graded the student? Something like "tests counted for 20% of the grade, papers counted for 60%", etc, I think? I have to figure out this summer how I will "grade" my son. Maybe. ? And I've heard the term "weighted grade" tossed around and I don't even know what that means or if I have to worry about it.


Urgh. This is the summer to figure all this out and I'm not sure if I even know what questions to ask just yet. I want to gather this information as we go and not try to create it 3.5 years from now when we're applying to colleges.


If I remember to bring it up, maybe someone will want to discuss these things at the meetup. But I don't want to drag down the meetup with boring topics if no one else wants to drone on about grades and summaries. We'll see how it all goes when we get there.

Edited by Garga
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Yeah!  You are meeting again!  This time I am coming Tuesday July 19, right?


We finally sold our house and our house is being built in Hanover, PA.  Ds has to take the 8th Grade test in PA and I want to know the easiest route and advice about High School and etc, etc...... :seeya:

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I finally got to the part of my summer projects where I cleaned out the homeschool bookcase and I found notes from that meeting, but not your son's transcripts. Just the general outline of what you were going to speak about. Drat.


I keep getting a little confused about exactly what colleges want. Transcript, course summary, some sort of description of something? Maybe of the homeschool? Some people talk about telling the college how they graded the student? Something like "tests counted for 20% of the grade, papers counted for 60%", etc, I think? I have to figure out this summer how I will "grade" my son. Maybe. ? And I've heard the term "weighted grade" tossed around and I don't even know what that means or if I have to worry about it.


Urgh. This is the summer to figure all this out and I'm not sure if I even know what questions to ask just yet. I want to gather this information as we go and not try to create it 3.5 years from now when we're applying to colleges.


If I remember to bring it up, maybe someone will want to discuss these things at the meetup. But I don't want to drag down the meetup with boring topics if no one else wants to drone on about grades and summaries. We'll see how it all goes when we get there.


I can always stay longer or we could meet in person another time.


But realize I tend to march to a different drummer than many on this board in that I did far less.  Doing so worked out just fine for my three guys.  ;)

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Yeah! You are meeting again! This time I am coming Tuesday July 19, right?


We finally sold our house and our house is being built in Hanover, PA. Ds has to take the 8th Grade test in PA and I want to know the easiest route and advice about High School and etc, etc...... :seeya:

Yup--July 19th at noon. Looking forward to meeting you!

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Pardon my interruption, but:


If any of you homeschool high school in MD, I have an exploratory query about the rules in MD on the high school board, and would love your input:




(If you are wondering why I am stalking your thread here, I grew up in MD and lived in South Central PA for several years. On the off chance that I will be in the area when you have these meetups, I always check the date. Alas, not this time. But someday!!)


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Pardon my interruption, but:


If any of you homeschool high school in MD, I have an exploratory query about the rules in MD on the high school board, and would love your input:




(If you are wondering why I am stalking your thread here, I grew up in MD and lived in South Central PA for several years. On the off chance that I will be in the area when you have these meetups, I always check the date. Alas, not this time. But someday!!)


Hopefully someday!  


Can't help with your question myself though.  We're pretty darn close to the border, but north of it and I've had no desire to check into any other state's rules.  Sorry!  Others ought to be able to... 

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Yeah!  You are meeting again!  This time I am coming Tuesday July 19, right?


We finally sold our house and our house is being built in Hanover, PA.  Ds has to take the 8th Grade test in PA and I want to know the easiest route and advice about High School and etc, etc...... :seeya:

You can do the online CAT from Christian Liberty Press for 8th grade if you want; that's what my DD did this year for 8th, and it was very easy to get done.


I can bring you an application if you want to join the support group to which Garga and I belong.  It's a Christian-oriented group, but you don't have to be Christian or attend a church to join; you just need to agree to abide by our statement of faith at our events.  We're not a co-op; we offer social and enrichment activities.

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I am bitterly disappointed to announce that I will not be able to come Tuesday. *hysterical crying here* We had an educational assessment done for DS and the meeting with parents was supposed to be today. But DH has a job in D.C. This week and his employed plumber is on vacation so I had to change it. There is no other day this month that we can both attend but next Tuesday morning.


I am so sad!

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I am bitterly disappointed to announce that I will not be able to come Tuesday. *hysterical crying here* We had an educational assessment done for DS and the meeting with parents was supposed to be today. But DH has a job in D.C. This week and his employed plumber is on vacation so I had to change it. There is no other day this month that we can both attend but next Tuesday morning.


I am so sad!

Nooooo! Oh, that is sad news. :(. We will miss you very much.

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I am bitterly disappointed to announce that I will not be able to come Tuesday. *hysterical crying here* We had an educational assessment done for DS and the meeting with parents was supposed to be today. But DH has a job in D.C. This week and his employed plumber is on vacation so I had to change it. There is no other day this month that we can both attend but next Tuesday morning.


I am so sad!


Bummer!  If there's any chance you're done before our meeting time is over, remember, you can always drop in later.  If not, we completely understand.  Family comes first.  We still luv ya!

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I am bitterly disappointed to announce that I will not be able to come Tuesday. *hysterical crying here* We had an educational assessment done for DS and the meeting with parents was supposed to be today. But DH has a job in D.C. This week and his employed plumber is on vacation so I had to change it. There is no other day this month that we can both attend but next Tuesday morning.


I am so sad!


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Bummer! If there's any chance you're done before our meeting time is over, remember, you can always drop in later. If not, we completely understand. Family comes first. We still luv ya!

Thanks for the sweet sentiment. I guess there's a chance. The meeting starts at 10 in the southeast direction from my house. I really have no idea how long it will run. If only perhaps an hour, then i may still be able to swing up. It would take an hour and a half if I go directly from the office to the meet up, putting me ther between 12:30 and 1:00. So we'll see.


I may need consoling from my hs mom friends. Who knows what state I'll be in after I hear what the tests revealed.

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Thanks for the sweet sentiment. I guess there's a chance. The meeting starts at 10 in the southeast direction from my house. I really have no idea how long it will run. If only perhaps an hour, then i may still be able to swing up. It would take an hour and a half if I go directly from the office to the meet up, putting me ther between 12:30 and 1:00. So we'll see.


I may need consoling from my hs mom friends. Who knows what state I'll be in after I hear what the tests revealed.


We'll be there and are just as willing to listen to vents, console, or celebrate as needed.  ;)


But still... do what seems best on Tuesday.

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Oh, that's too bad, Quill.   I hope the appt. goes well (((hugs)))


I've managed to over book myself and if I can come, it will also be on the late side.  It ends at 3PM, right?  Oh, that's pushing it. 


We'd love to see you if you can make it.  If not, you'll be missed, but we'll still love you.


I haven't heard that we approved shunning just yet.


Now if only Garga and/or Happypamama and I make it, then we'll form our own little clique and talk about the rest of you.   :coolgleamA:


Has anyone thought about what they want to bring for snacks yet?

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We'd love to see you if you can make it. If not, you'll be missed, but we'll still love you.


I haven't heard that we approved shunning just yet.


Now if only Garga and/or Happypamama and I make it, then we'll form our own little clique and talk about the rest of you. :coolgleamA:


Has anyone thought about what they want to bring for snacks yet?

I'm still coming! I've made an entire day out of it and will be going to meet my best friend's newborn in Baltimore after chatting with you ladies.

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Instant Pot Demo needed here!  Does the church have a kitchen or at least an outlet that can be used???


Yes, it does have a kitchen


I'd love an Instant Pot demo too.  I just don't get the appeal but maybe seeing it in action would help.  But, I think I'll be way too late to watch it.  Maybe I should Youtube it?

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We will be there, and I'll bring something, but I have no idea what yet.


Garga, I am so sorry that I won't be able to stay to help clean up much because you know normally I would. I have to leave by 3:15 to make an appointment, but I'll do what I can before that. I can come help set up after I take my kids to karate at 11, as long as I leave at 11:50 to go get them.

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I'm empty nesting with nothing else planned for that day.  I can help set up and clean up.  Just let me know when to get there.


No clue what I'm bringing, but don't expect home baked with this heat wave and my lack of love for cooking/baking.  Maybe cheese and crackers.  I think I brought those last time...

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Reg and I plan to come.  We ate all of the homemade salsa, so we won't be bringing that (Creekland, do you still have my jar?).  I'll think of something.  It's not about the food, though.  Don't worry about bringing anything if you're not up for it.  We'd just like to meet ya'll.


Hey now, I brought you the jar.  I forgot the correct lid.  I still have that here and think of you every time I see it.


Do we wanna place bets on whether I can remember to bring it or not?  I can easily see remembering it about 3/4ths of my way there...

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Hey now, I brought you the jar.  I forgot the correct lid.  I still have that here and think of you every time I see it.


Do we wanna place bets on whether I can remember to bring it or not?  I can easily see remembering it about 3/4ths of my way there...


Oh dear, my memory is shot.  Yes, you did!  Don't worry about the lid!


Looking forward to seeing everyone!  I hope all can make it somehow.

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Oh, that's too bad, Quill.   I hope the appt. goes well (((hugs)))


I've managed to over book myself and if I can come, it will also be on the late side.  It ends at 3PM, right?  Oh, that's pushing it. 


I hope you can make it, even if it's for just a little bit.



We'd love to see you if you can make it.  If not, you'll be missed, but we'll still love you.


I haven't heard that we approved shunning just yet.


Now if only Garga and/or Happypamama and I make it, then we'll form our own little clique and talk about the rest of you.   :coolgleamA:


Has anyone thought about what they want to bring for snacks yet?


Snacks aren't mandatory.  I'm bringing that thing that I can't remember the name of:  where you mix fresh mozza, tomatoes, basil, salt, and balsamic vinegar.  Yum. 


Instant Pot Demo needed here!  Does the church have a kitchen or at least an outlet that can be used???


Yes, to the kitchen and a number of outlets.



We will be there, and I'll bring something, but I have no idea what yet.


Garga, I am so sorry that I won't be able to stay to help clean up much because you know normally I would. I have to leave by 3:15 to make an appointment, but I'll do what I can before that. I can come help set up after I take my kids to karate at 11, as long as I leave at 11:50 to go get them.


I'll be doing the same thing: dropping at karate, then heading over to set up. 



I'm empty nesting with nothing else planned for that day.  I can help set up and clean up.  Just let me know when to get there.


No clue what I'm bringing, but don't expect home baked with this heat wave and my lack of love for cooking/baking.  Maybe cheese and crackers.  I think I brought those last time...


If you want to help set up, I'll be dropping my kids off at karate at 11 and heading over to set up a little after 11.  Cleaning up is a little easier because a few people usually help out.  It's not too hard to set up/clean up.  There are already a bunch of chairs out for the church to use.  I'll just set up a few tables and then shuffle the chairs from their rows to be around the tables.  Easy.  But help and company are always welcome!

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Oh dear, my memory is shot.  Yes, you did!  Don't worry about the lid!


Looking forward to seeing everyone!  I hope all can make it somehow.


Oh no you don't.  I just set the lid out on our kitchen bar where it can sit and remind me between now and Tuesday.


(Now if I still forget it, then thank you in advance for saying I don't need to bring it.)


I also have a couple of canning jars I've kept after using the jam in them - purchased from the local Amish market.  We won't use them as we freeze or dry everything we keep.  Would you like them?  They're currently just taking up space in one of my cabinets because I can't bring myself to throw them away...

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Oh no you don't.  I just set the lid out on our kitchen bar where it can sit and remind me between now and Tuesday.


(Now if I still forget it, then thank you in advance for saying I don't need to bring it.)


I also have a couple of canning jars I've kept after using the jam in them - purchased from the local Amish market.  We won't use them as we freeze or dry everything we keep.  Would you like them?  They're currently just taking up space in one of my cabinets because I can't bring myself to throw them away...




I'd love your old canning jars - thanks!  I give so much salsa away that I am always looking for more.


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I am going to attempt to come, though I will be late. If I bring any kids, it will probably only be DS11. I'm going to try and bring Hersheys Perfectly Chocolate Cupcakes again.

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