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AP Exams 2016 Check-in

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D made it and is in the testing room!


School #1 set her up in her own room w her own proctor because of the time mess-up.


School #2 bent their "you must be in the room by this time" rule for her. The coordinator told me she adds a really long buffer period before the test starts just in case.


I am so pleased with both schools right now :)


I hope all afternoon testers have smooth sailing today!

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My only job was to delivery my dd safely to the exam room. Of course, as I'm accelerating on a busy street, the cars ahead of me are braking for a pedestrian. So I need to brake *really hard* like my tires would have been squealing if there weren't anti-lock breaks. So it was a weirdly quiet slam on the brakes. I didn't hit the guy in front and the guy behind me didn't hit me, so it was all good, but scary, as I have never had to brake so hard in I don't know how long. And of course it happens today.

So glad it wasn't worse!!
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We used a passport for a photo ID, but I'm thinking now is a good time to get her set up with a DMV photo ID.  As I was spying on her, she and the proctor were thumbing through the book looking for her name.  


Mine takes her passport, and I just put a tape flag/arrow on that page and have her point that out.


Our DMV is slower than slow, so we only go there if we have to. She'll be getting her learner's permit this summer, so we'll have to and that will solve it.

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Was she able to eat, or was she too nervous?

She ate just a bit---nerves and adrenaline, combined with a very cold testing room. I didn't think to have her bring her half gloves (she had Reynaud's), alas.


I expect she'll sleep on the drive home. Getting up at 5:30 is difficult!

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Yes, we got the DMV photo ID just for this.  


daijobu, glad you are all okay!  Not like you needed any extra stress!!


Phew, glad that AP Chem is done.  I think with stuff like this, you can always wish you had more time.  One more, computer science, tomorrow.  Hard to get back into study mode but he is doing it.



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We just got him a state id from the DMV.  It was easy, in and out quickly.


My son is doing last minute cramming for the Art History test TOMORROW.  I'm more nervous than he is, I think. He's taking it at the Christian school next door.  He'll be sitting in the Elementary School Library, which I find funny.


He took one of those silly tests on facebook "only 1 in 50 can name all of these artworks"  He only got one wrong.. he was very proud of himself.

Edited by abdesigns
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Ok Dh has taken Ds to Computer Science. He admitted last night he was "a bit nervous". He is not the kind of guy to admit things like that. In his case, though, it might light a fire under him. Lol


He still has a ton of work to do this afternoon for a big project in lit class. I don't think he has any idea how tired he'll be after the test.


I'm nervous for him even though, as I said up thread,I'm okay no matter how he does--is that baggage from my type A high school years????

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Dh called and ds is done with Computer Science. Having a snack than heading home. Our family was exposed to the flu Sunday evening. Our friends became ill right after we went home. Hoping we make it through the Calculus exam.

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Dh called and ds is done with Computer Science. Having a snack than heading home. Our family was exposed to the flu Sunday evening. Our friends became ill right after we went home. Hoping we make it through the Calculus exam.

I hope none of you get the flu. What a let down that would be after a year of study.
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Dh called and ds is done with Computer Science. Having a snack than heading home. Our family was exposed to the flu Sunday evening. Our friends became ill right after we went home. Hoping we make it through the Calculus exam.

Oh no! Maybe the virus didn't "stick"!

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We apparently didn't get the message that the venue had changed . It worked out ok, but I'm a wreck. I wish the whole process was like signing up for the SATs.

First of all, :eek: :grouphug:


Second, I agree but there's no way that could work (PSAT, on the other hand....)

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First of all, :eek: :grouphug:


Second, I agree but there's no way that could work (PSAT, on the other hand....)

I know, it's just wishful thinking. I had feeling like an inconvenience(even though everyone has been nice) and I feel like it's my fault I didn't know (b/c they said they notified everyone) but really, we didn't know. Fortunately, dh got right on the phone and tracked down the coordinator instead of waiting around hoping someone would show up (at the unused school we were told they were using).
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Well, he's home from Computer Science and feels really good about it--so I'm hopeful for at least a 3.


The things I did right:

1. Sent steady dh to do dropoff so that he could handle the venue issue. LOL

2. Sent copies of all paperwork and e-mails so he had all the phone numbers, etc. that he needed.


What I wish I'd done:

1. Sent a confirmation e-mail yesterday about time and place. I didn't do it b/c I didn't want to be a bother. We'd have been less of a bother if I'd sent it.

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We are done!  Yay!  


freesia, I know how you feel.  I never want to seem like I am a bother, and worry that I will be pegged the overly involved homeschooling parent.  But I am beginning to let go and not care about that anymore!  So glad he made it.

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My Art History taker feels positive, although it's a re-designed test, so he is nervous about that.  He took it at the small Christian private school next door.  He said his room was tiny, hot and right next door to the elementary music room, so it became loud (the proctor started laughing at one point about it).  All of that said, he is eager to do more APs next year.  So we'll see what happens.


I'm just glad it's over!!!

Edited by abdesigns
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Thank you so much for all the information you posted. Do you have a recommendation for a study guide? We are going to self-study for this next year and I want to get the study guide early on so we'll be more aware of what we should be looking out for as we go along.


The guide that seems to be preferred by many of the APUSH teachers is the AMSCO one. I think the 2016 guide just came out and that is the one you will want. Revising the revised curriculum has been a bit of a pain. For review throughout the year, Adam Norris's site is very good.


I can't wait until this test is over on Friday.  Ds has focused on content and far less on the specific formats, so I am not holding my breath. Of all the tests he has taken or is taking, this is the one that feels like it needs to be "gamed." 

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I think I joined the AP Teacher Community while I was prepping my syllabus a couple years ago.  You would need to make a College Board teacher account, then request to join the community.  Usually they are pretty good about letting people join before they have an approved syllabus.  


You might explain that you are teaching it in the coming school year and are working on your syllabus.


I did remember a study book that was written by one of the prominent members of the AP Teacher Community for APUSH.  He's been an APUSH teacher and exam reader for many years.  I intended to get this book, but then forgot about it.  http://www.amazon.com/Historical-Thinking-Skills-Workbook-History/dp/0393264955/ref=sr_1_16?ie=UTF8&qid=1462076396&sr=8-16&keywords=ap+us+history  On the other hand, you may find that there are notetaking organizers available for free that are just as useful.


I didn't think it was worth the money.  It's good you forgot about, Sebastian.

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D made it and is in the testing room!


School #1 set her up in her own room w her own proctor because of the time mess-up.


School #2 bent their "you must be in the room by this time" rule for her. The coordinator told me she adds a really long buffer period before the test starts just in case.


I am so pleased with both schools right now :)


I hope all afternoon testers have smooth sailing today!


:party: I love really competent school administrators. I am so glad it all worked out.


A belated congratulations to those whose students are done with their tests and "good luck" to all those with students who still have tests.


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Comp Sci for my tester today. She thought it went well. She did it at the office of one of our local "public" homeschool programs. She isn't even going to get any credit at her college for these APs, but is doing the testing for closure, of sorts :-)

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FRQs from the Monday tests should be released today. Where do we find them and when?


Please post a link here if you start a thread!  I had no idea they would be released so quickly.  Seems sort of unfair, because the late test takers will see them.  I know they will be completely different, but still gives an idea of what they will be looking at, it seems.  But maybe it's no different than looking at previous years.

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Please post a link here if you start a thread! I had no idea they would be released so quickly. Seems sort of unfair, because the late test takers will see them. I know they will be completely different, but still gives an idea of what they will be looking at, it seems. But maybe it's no different than looking at previous years.

No, it's no different than looking at past FRQs on the College Board site :)


Those FRQs with scoring guidelines and actual students' work are such a valuable resource for study and preparation! I cannot believe how many teachers do not direct their students to them. My son's first AP teacher clued us in.

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The guide that seems to be preferred by many of the APUSH teachers is the AMSCO one. I think the 2016 guide just came out and that is the one you will want. Revising the revised curriculum has been a bit of a pain. For review throughout the year, Adam Norris's site is very good.


I can't wait until this test is over on Friday.  Ds has focused on content and far less on the specific formats, so I am not holding my breath. Of all the tests he has taken or is taking, this is the one that feels like it needs to be "gamed." 




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No, it's no different than looking at past FRQs on the College Board site :)


Those FRQs with scoring guidelines and actual students' work are such a valuable resource for study and preparation! I cannot believe how many teachers do not direct their students to them. My son's first AP teacher clued us in.

If you don't know what to look for you end up at the AP student site, which only has the prompts and no scoring guidelines or samples. What surprises me is the AP teachers who don't know about the archive.

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If you don't know what to look for you end up at the AP student site, which only has the prompts and no scoring guidelines or samples. What surprises me is the AP teachers who don't know about the archive.

For those reading who are new to APs, you want the "for professionals" side of the site




Click on one of the exams and you'll be brought to the page with more information than you can handle :lol:

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For those reading who are new to APs, you want the "for professionals" side of the site




Click on one of the exams and you'll be brought to the page with more information than you can handle :lol:

Thanks. I should have included the link. It's interesting how Google knows I want the professional side of CB but sends ds to the student pages. Cookies from past visits probably.


The individual course home pages are great resources too. Some have lengthy addendums on the course topics.

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DD has Calc in the morning and she is so sick - double ear infection :( She is taking it anyway. Hopefully it goes ok.

I hope she is feeling better this morning.


Ds is taking the exam now. Yesterday was super stressful. He had two papers due elsewhere and didn't receive his topics until noon Monday so had to finish those. He was busy doing his first run through of the frq questions at 8 last night. Nothing like leaving it to the last minute.


Regarding the new Calculus AP exams. I have been looking at this info but doubt we will be able to find a test center for BC for ds. I think the first year for Calculus will be easier than most other exams first years. The student won't have prior years to look at but will know exactly what the topics are so can do extra prep with other materials if desired. There are only so many ways to present math....topics like history are so broad.

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I talked with my kids after their test...they had me in stitches.  We were laughing so hard about their experiences with the test.  For example, PonyGirl completely forgot that they provided the equations for the test, so she was staring at the question thinking, "I know there is an equation for this, but I can't remember what it is."  She went on to explain how you would find the answer, and made her own equation to show how you would figure it out.  Or she'd be many questions down the test and then remember the answer to a much earlier question.   DS said he felt "dead inside."  So much information... but both were glad they took the test.  They learned these aren't the normal tests they've taken over the years (SOLs, CAT, ITBS, PSAT, ACT).  We're feeling good about their efforts.  I'm glad they can both see the humor in their errors, and both now know much better how to approach these exams.  


QOTD:  PonyGirl: "I definitely prefer imaginary numbers to finding out what the change in entropy is for a multiple step reaction"

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