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Ankle Surgery - week 8 update

dirty ethel rackham

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The saga of "As the Ankle Turns" continues.  I am at week 8 since the surgery. (Posterior tibial tendon repair, arthroscopic cleaning of the joint and a calcaneal osteotomy (cut the heel bone and move it to support the new tendon.) 


Last week, I was pretty frustrated because I really could not walk without lots of pain and swelling AND ... the wound (one of the ones that was infected) still hasn't healed.  So, I went to the doctor for a check and was in tears with frustration.  I had expected to be exercising by now (even if it wasn't as much on my feet.)  They gave me a post op boot since I have not been able to wear shoes - too much residual swelling and wound dressings.  Also, since they moved my heel, I feel like I am constantly walking on a Lego piece.  They gave me a silicone heel-cup and that made a world of difference.  So, I can walk without crutches for short distances (hands-free ... yay!)  But, I still need to have them handy for longer distances so that I don't put it down wrong.  I need to ice 3-4 times a day because it does swell up with too much activity.  I don't start PT for another week because at this point, they would have worked on flexibility and I am already there.  My foot is not ready for strength exercises yet.  Just these little forays into unassisted walking are PT enough for now. 


But this darn wound ... when the megadose ibuprofen wears off, it feels like I have a hot coal on my foot.  Ice helps.  Changing the dressings help for a short time.  I have an appointment with the wound clinic tomorrow, so I hope I am on my way.  


I am so frustrated with the lack of activity.  I still get tired easily. If I cook an entire meal, I need to rest before serving.   I try to do some exercise, but I am so weak.  None of my clothes fit.  I have become so attuned to the couch that I am starting to look and feel like one.  Gives a new meaning to the term "'couch-potato."  I am hungry CONSTANTLY and am trying so hard not to eat since I am doing very little to work it off.

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I'm so sorry that you're still in such pain and so frustrated - that stinks! 

I've recuperated from 14 operations on my legs (hit by a car as a pedestrian), so all I can suggest is to just try to take it as easy as you can and try to enjoy the time off. 

Best wishes for a more timely recovery. 

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Oh no! I am so sorry. I had a terrible infection post-op after a similar surgery. After three  debridements and way too many weeks, i was finally prescribed silver nitrate. Within two days I saw improvement. Within a week it was nearly healed. It was a miracle cream. Call asap and get some. 


Eight weeks is a long time, but remember this is a long recovery time. Many doctors tell you it takes a full year for full healing. Hang in there; it is so tough. Glad you found some relief with the silicon heel. I have not used one of those. Keep advocating for yourself. You deserve to feel better. 



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You had a lot of major stuff done and it is just going to take a lot of time for it to all heal.  Hubby had a busted ankle after our car crash and it took months to heal - plus he had to have a rigid screw removed and replaced with something more flexible before he could be weight bearing much - and he still has a round red spot over the ankle bone that can ache at times (but not nearly as much as a year ago).  He used one of those icing boots a few times a day, too.  He said it really felt good. http://smile.amazon.com/Aircast-Cryo-Cuff-Gravity-Cooler/dp/B01AVVSOZU/ref=pd_sim_sbs_121_12?ie=UTF8&dpID=413CE6gbe6L&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR150%2C160_&refRID=0ACMTJSZ64R7DXMVC6NF 

My tib-fib fracture still aches, too, in particular after I have been sitting or laying down) and that was not a joint (ortho won't remove the dang rods/screws since there is a big screw right under the knee joint and he says removing it would possible mess up the knee. Shoot!)


.  You have gone 8 weeks.  You will get there,

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My ds is 13 weeks out from the same surgery, but on both feet, so we feel your pain. He is walking and has started pt. His surgeon had him immobile a lot longer than yours did. He now wears AFOs to support his ankles. They are hot, but greatly help with balance. We had to do a lot of Epsom salt foot bathing when his casts were first removed, and hat really helped with swelling. I think he had four on some days. They did leave a stich in one foot, and we didn't notice it at first because it was under some scabbing. (Gross!) If you have an infection, be sure you can tell if they removed all your incisions.


Best of luck!! It certainly is a pain, but I really hope that you feel better soon.

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