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A week of public school repeated at home -

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Intriguing idea~can't wait to see the original post. (Can't forget to waste time standing in lines, walking with hands down, lips closed...bullying, teaching to the lowest common denominator, dorky morning announcements, raising hand for a question, and not having snacks until lunch time. Oh, in Texas recess is aka "walk around Texas"--walking around the cement block for 15 minutes in a row, much like inmates on cell break. No talking, happiness, joy, or skipping allowed.)

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I think they also had to sit at their desks, ask for permission to speak or go to the bathroom.


I recall it as being a brilliant idea.


My mom did this once. We were on vacation and she was doing school with ds. They love each other dearly but he was so distraught at having to raise his hand and to address his beloved mama as Mrs. ________ that he begged to never let her teach again. :D


I generally threaten to make him wear shoes, a shirt, and sit still and that does it.

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Does anyone have the link to this thread from the old boards or remember what the original poster did? My oldest, who has never experienced public school needs this.


Has anyone else done similar to give their kids a taste of the "other side" and realize how much flexibility they have at home?


I'm positive this was Amy in Orlando. Maybe she posted it on her blog?

Edited by Apiphobic
eta op's quote for clarification
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i would sooo love to see the post if anyone can find it!! My son was pulled from public school 3yrs ago and I think sometimes he forgets what it was like.. my dd has always been homeschooled and has no clue where those kids on that yellow bus go, or why they would be out there so early going there.

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I seem to remember it included a bagged lunch (maybe it stayed in a back pack?) that had to be eaten at a pre-determined time.


Exactly. Very rigid schedule for snacks and lunch, even water (fountain) breaks. (this would kill mine! ;)) Make lunch at 6:30 and pack it in a cooler bag with an ice pack or frozen juice box/water bottle, sandwich, etc. in ziploc baggies.


Bathroom breaks by permission only.


Teach the subjects but make them wait sometimes for a minute or two for help (while you're helping others), make sure you build in the waiting around for things. Ds1 who attended ps for a short bit colored tiny little pictures on things because he spent so much time waiting.


You could throw in a couple lowest common denominator things too, like a too simple craft or going over some math or english concept in a very basic way.


(We're assuming here that dc just missed making it into the super fabulous TAG program with the highly motivated and fantastically loving teacher. :D )


Have fun, hope you achieve good results.

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And don't forget, no talking. Even at lunch time. When my dc was in ps (K-1st) I thought that prisoners probably had more freedom. I was very upset at how the teachers patrolled the lunchroom and kept yelling "Quiet!" unless kids were literally whispering. I asked one of them if she ate silently in the teachers lounge during her lunch.....

Also, make sure you pretend not to actually know your dc. During P/T conf, teacher had to keep looking at her notes to even remember my son's name.

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LOL! I want to read that thread.


My oldest went to school for part of 2nd grade. She did great there, but she still relates Public School Horror Stories to her little sister. Things like "well, if you were in school you wouldn't even *do* science because we never did all year!" (she's still a little bitter, dontcha know) and "well, in school you only get 20 minutes for lunch and no one reads to you!". It cracks me up, and poor ElastiGirl then toes the line because she gets the whole "grass isn't greener" thing via her sister!


In fact, ElastiGirl told me she wanted to home school college. I had to put the smack down on that one- DH started to tell her about online schools, etc, but I just hushed him and said "Nope, no homeschooling college! You have to go!". I have my limits.;)

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And don't forget, no talking. Even at lunch time. When my dc was in ps (K-1st) I thought that prisoners probably had more freedom. I was very upset at how the teachers patrolled the lunchroom and kept yelling "Quiet!" unless kids were literally whispering. I asked one of them if she ate silently in the teachers lounge during her lunch.....

Also, make sure you pretend not to actually know your dc. During P/T conf, teacher had to keep looking at her notes to even remember my son's name.


This reminds me of the school down the street where you had to wear the jacket/coat/parka you wore to school in the morning when you were lined up to leave the building in the afternoon. You had to have it on and zippered or buttoned up or your whole line couldn't leave! This was the principal's rule and she checked all the time.


I just pictured these poor kids sweltering at the end of the day, dying to get out of that building!

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  • 5 weeks later...
Does anyone have the link to this thread from the old boards or remember what the original poster did? My oldest, who has never experienced public school needs this.


Has anyone else done similar to give their kids a taste of the "other side" and realize how much flexibility they have at home?


Help! Who gave their dc a taste of ps at home? I seem to remember someone doing this last year....

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