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National Review Online: Palin Problem

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Really have you ever prepped for a debate? I was on a debate team in college and won awards. Debate preparation takes up tons of time especially the couple of days before the debate. This debate is more important than any I ever did in college and it is more important than any Obama has ever done or will do.


What do we the people of IL get from Senator Obama I am busy but if you really need me just phone...... Hmmmm seems like a line from a guy the day after who got what he wanted and really doesn't give a fig for the gals needs, sorry state of IL my being pres. is way more important. After all he is busy leading the Democratic party...... but whoops who is leading this deal Senator Barney Frank the great protector of Fannie and Freddie who helped to get us where we are.... So what is a gal to do..... Live and learn I guess.


We really need to agree to disagree on this. Senator Obama is a star in your book great and I have no desire to change your mind....... Palin is a star in my book and nothing you write will change that.


Yes I've prepared for debates. Typically by the end of debate season you weren't doing much preparing, you'd been through the issues already, it came down to style and polish. What we see on TV are far from a real National Forensic League debate and don't take as much time to prepare for. Preparation would not be a reason for Senator McCain to delay. Being an x debate person I think you understand that.


I'm glad you have some passion for your candidate. You've made a decision and plan to stick with it. Surely you realize that you are seeing what you believe at this point and not being totally objective about the course of current course of events.


Are you saying Barney Frank got us into this finacial mess and because of his party affiliation with Barack Obama he's also culpable? As to campaigning while holding office that shoe fits both of them. That would be a great national law, resign to run. We do it in Florida.





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What do we the people of IL get from Senator Obama I am busy but if you really need me just phone...... Hmmmm seems like a line from a guy the day after who got what he wanted and really doesn't give a fig for the gals needs, sorry state of IL my being pres. is way more important. After all he is busy leading the Democratic party...... but whoops who is leading this deal Senator Barney Frank the great protector of Fannie and Freddie who helped to get us where we are.... So what is a gal to do..... Live and learn I guess.


That's just an amazing analogy. Makes my head spin. Makes my hackles go up. Considering what Sen. McCain did to his first wife, are you sure you want to go down that road of analogy? And for a person who held my breath waiting to see if I could possibly vote for Sen. McCain based on his running mate, I'm not just saying that because Sen. Obama is My Guy. (Who, it seems, just got compared to a slam-bam-thank-you-ma'am jerk. Ugh.)


And yes, I think being on the phone with your fellow senators and actually having read the three-page proposal *before Tuesday* is a sight more hands-on than not having done so. At least Sen. Obama has voted in the Senate since April. His opponent has not done so. Seems that all his friends in the state of Arizona have more to complain about as far as lack of representation goes than the state of Illinois.


All that jet fuel for one 45 minute meeting and some press conferences? How could this not have been done without fanfare via teleconferencing? If the Senate is not equipped with such a thing, maybe someone should introduce it.


I'm with Mike, though. Resign and run sounds like a good plan.

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What do we the people of IL get from Senator Obama I am busy but if you really need me just phone...... Hmmmm seems like a line from a guy the day after who got what he wanted and really doesn't give a fig for the gals needs, sorry state of IL my being pres. is way more important. After all he is busy leading the Democratic party...... but whoops who is leading this deal Senator Barney Frank the great protector of Fannie and Freddie who helped to get us where we are.... So what is a gal to do..... Live and learn I guess.




Given your concerns about Obama being away from the Senate so much while running for president, I'm sure you'll be very interested to hear that John McCain is actually the single most absent Senator of the 110th congress.




Tim Johnson, who spent several months recovering from a brain hemorrhage, comes in a distant second. And, yes, the next five are all people who ran for president in the primaries.

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Rebecca, I think it is important (and significant) that the debate is going forward despite the current crisis in part because we will see the candidates in a context where they will be under more pressure that otherwise might have been the case, and will certainly be less "prepped".


And I think "less prepped" could (or rather will be) a good thing, because then we can see what the candidates really "know" (as opposed to what they have "crammed" at the last moment).


Sen McCain, being a long standing Senator ought not have a problem standing up to a real world test of his foreign policy (or economic) positions. And I'm confident Sen Obama is up to this task as well.


I'm looking forward to tonight as a great test of this two candidates!






Bill, what I think is if one is a Senator and one wants to run for President then one should resign their seat.



What I was staying in the less prep is a dream strategy of every debate that their opponent is less prepped. I put out a hypothetical off the cuff to show that Mrs. Mungo's conclusion that McCain was calling off the debate, to keep Fallin from debating was her opinion and may or may not have been founded in reality and the only fact it was found on was a date and her intuition. My point was there could be and probably was a ton of other reasons why. Palin majored in journalism with an emphasis in broadcast news and you can bet she has had public speaking classes up the whazoo. She will hold her own with Biden and I really doubt that McCain did what he did to keep her from debating. In Fact I have friends who run and finance high ranking republican campaigns and they think this idea is ludacris and have given a few other strategic reasons as to why this happened that I can not disclose here. These are people who helped me lobby to get medical research bills passed they are in the know.


After viewing the debate I think that Obama was not as prepared as he could have been because of all of his umm well um uh before giving a rambling answer. If he had been prepared better he could have given his answers quickly with out the pauses. It is one thing to interject an occasional umm but it is the umm follow by well followed by umm or umm uh umm. It appears that unless he write it down and reads it he has a problem coming up with an answer. These are traits that are or should be honed out while preparing and practicing. This is one reason he did not want to do town hall meetings he is a great orator when he gives a memorize or read speech but he flounders when speaking spontaneously or being asked a series of questions. These are just my observations.

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In Fact I have friends who run and finance high ranking republican campaigns and they think this idea is ludacris and have given a few other strategic reasons as to why this happened that I can not disclose here. These are people who helped me lobby to get medical research bills passed they are in the know.



Why would they strategically keep her from the press so much? Do they (or you) have an opinion about that?


(Or did I misunderstand what you just wrote? I'm thinking maybe I did.)

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Agreeing to disagree means you stop debating. You're still posting counterpoints. Do you want to agree to disagree or not? If so, that's fine, I'll let it lie. But I think our mindsets are actually entirely different as far as our views of our preferred candidates go.


Yes our mindsets are totally different and both of us being free to hold them is what makes this country great! I watched the debate on both CNN and FOX I did that because I wanted both views and I think that is healthy. If I had only watched CNN I would have a lopsided view and if I just watched Fox I would have a lopsided view. I think that by self censoring one venue you are giving your self a lopsided view as to what is happening. Of course this being a free country it is Ok for you to do that.


What I meant by disagreeing is who is best for office. If I read an fallacy due to getting a lopsided view, as in McCain shut things down when it was a grassroots Republican movement of phone calls I will interject with another view of what has happened. I will not debate on who has more experience because it is pointless neither of us will change the others mind :001_smile:

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I put out a hypothetical off the cuff to show that Mrs. Mungo's conclusion that McCain was calling off the debate, to keep Fallin from debating was her opinion and may or may not have been founded in reality....


My new favorite typo (by far!) :D


Palin majored in journalism with an emphasis in broadcast news and you can bet she has had public speaking classes up the whazoo.


I'm sure the regents of Hawaii Pacific College, North Idaho College, Matanuska-Susitna College, and University of Idaho are very proud of her.


She will hold her own with Biden and I really doubt that McCain did what he did to keep her from debating.


Really? In all sincerity I believe they badly want to prevent that debate from happening, and that Sen McCain's stunt was in large measure designed to torpedo the VP debate. The McCain campaign suggested the VP debate should be cancelled, so it's not like the "speculation" is out of thin air.


I'm looking forward to Thursday!



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Yes I've prepared for debates. Typically by the end of debate season you weren't doing much preparing, you'd been through the issues already, it came down to style and polish. What we see on TV are far from a real National Forensic League debate and don't take as much time to prepare for. Preparation would not be a reason for Senator McCain to delay. Being an x debate person I think you understand that.


I'm glad you have some passion for your candidate. You've made a decision and plan to stick with it. Surely you realize that you are seeing what you believe at this point and not being totally objective about the course of current course of events.


Are you saying Barney Frank got us into this financial mess and because of his party affiliation with Barack Obama he's also culpable? As to campaigning while holding office that shoe fits both of them. That would be a great national law, resign to run. We do it in Florida.







Mike I was putting out a hypothetical and a bad one to try and show Mrs. Mungo that there could be many other reasons why McCain might wanted to delay. I pulled something off the cuff. That her reasoning for delaying the debate with Obama had nothing to do with the VP debate and could have many other reasons and probably more strategic than keeping Palin from debating. Itried to give an equally weak example as to why her reasoning was off. I was assumimg that I had made the example in a way that others would see that her opinion was off. that is why I wrote that they were equally valid..... Hope that made sense.


I totally agree with the resign to run and I was hurdily between taxing kids to and from trying to write that. All of these folks should resign their seats and make running their full time job not try and hold on to a seat and run and then not doing justice to the seat they hold while running. I hope this makes sense because I am typing between runs. I like the florida law! Many folks in IL feel that Obama was just getting the Senate seat as a stepping stone to running for president. That he never had intended to do right by being Senator. I wonder how many folks in NY felt the same about Clinton :001_huh: Thanks for the stepping stone but off to what my real dream was..... Although McCain and Biden have a longer track records as Senators and have worked for their states longer I would imagine that there are a few folks who feel they should step down and let some one else take their seat in the senate.


Barney Frank has been a protector and promoter of both Fannie and Freddie over his long tenure in office. His heading up this bill is like giving the fox the hen house after he has raided it more than once. We are in this mess because of Clinton policies from 95 and 99 and Clinton was the head- leader of the Democratic party. I hope that made sense. If not I will clarify between the next taxi trips if I have time. My boys are trying to do more than one Eagle projects and more than one church project and they did the same yesterday. So I picking up one and dropping off the other and checking here between trips when I have 5.


And yes I think that Obama is cupable because it is my feeling, opinion that he is just a party puppet and that others in the Dem party are holding his strings and as such is just a front for the party, not a true leader. His party recognised his charisma and talent as a public speaker and so have put him up as a candidate both as a senator for the state of IL and now as president. I write this because I know people who know him and have worked with him. I have known about Obama for a long long time since he was in the IL state senate. I was at a meeting last night with many IL republicans and his work both public and private in IL was part of the discussion and there were folks who had worked with him in the private sector and folks who had worked with him in the public sector talking. I of course heard quite a different slant on the debate last night and I do not have time or the freedom to write about that now. I hope this made sense.


I am sure that this will probably ruffle feathers and not be understood by many who back Obama if it does just spit the bones out and move on. What any of us write here will not change the world or make a real difference.

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My new favorite typo (by far!) :D




Oh my Lands that is just TOOOOOOOOOO funny SPELL CHECK IS NOT MY FRIEND. I will be repeating this all day :D


Well, I look forward to Thrusday to and maybe I will be proven wrong ;) who knows I have lived through worse things. Off to take number two home from an Eagel project and then to pick up number one son and make dinner before becoming a taxi again.

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Obama and Biden both voted for the bridge to nowhere. http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/09/23/biden.earmarks/index.html


They voted no to the Coburn amendment not to divert those funds that had previously been approved, that's correct. Sen. McCain did not vote. Sen. Stevens said he would be happy to contribute state money (which was what it was, now that it had been approved) if other states were contributing as well, but that he was not sure it was quite fair that AK was asked to pony up via this amendment but that other states were not.


But the issue is that Gov. Palin says that she said no thanks to the bridge -- that is, to the earmark for the bridge. (I do believe that is the point of the "no thanks" stump speech, anyway.) The Ob/Bid ticket is not railing against the bridge, and one of their platforms is not that the country's infrastructure should not be shored up and *fixed before it is dangerous*. The point being made is that Gov. Palin says she was against it, but she was certainly for it before she was against it, and she certainly wasn't against the *money*.

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They voted no to the Coburn amendment not to divert those funds that had previously been approved, that's correct. Sen. McCain did not vote. Sen. Stevens said he would be happy to contribute state money (which was what it was, now that it had been approved) if other states were contributing as well, but that he was not sure it was quite fair that AK was asked to pony up via this amendment but that other states were not.


But the issue is that Gov. Palin says that she said no thanks to the bridge -- that is, to the earmark for the bridge. (I do believe that is the point of the "no thanks" stump speech, anyway.) The Ob/Bid ticket is not railing against the bridge, and one of their platforms is not that the country's infrastructure should not be shored up and *fixed before it is dangerous*. The point being made is that Gov. Palin says she was against it, but she was certainly for it before she was against it, and she certainly wasn't against the *money*.



She also did have the opportunity to stop the "road to nowhere"--which at only, like, $25M, is chump change, I know--and did not do so. I can't figure this one out, really....





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She also did have the opportunity to stop the "road to nowhere"--which at only, like, $25M, is chump change, I know--and did not do so. I can't figure this one out, really....






I *think* the reason was that she would have had to break a contract to do so. It sounds as if they awarded the contract for the road before they were assured of the earmark for the bridge. Or else they were very confident that they would be getting it.

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Why would they strategically keep her from the press so much? Do they (or you) have an opinion about that?


(Or did I misunderstand what you just wrote? I'm thinking maybe I did.)


Pam she has had 3 interviews and she took questions from the press yesterday. She can not take every interview. She will have more interviews and she will take more questions from the press as the campaign continues. Will they invite every reporter who wants to to come and grill her for as long as the want to, no and Obama and Biden and Clinton don't do that either. They all pick and chose who will interview them, what shows they go on, when they answers questions from the press on the road. She has done roughly one interview per week.


It is all strategically planned and controlled by every candidate and their party and it should be when there is millions and millions of dollars being spent and when the stakes are high. There is only so much time in a day.


Obama drug his feet before he went on the O'Rielly factor and only did so when it was strategically beneficial. No one was whining that he was being kept from the press because he did not go on FOX News Sunday or the Factor or Hannity or...... Fox Sunday did a day count down from when Obama promise to appear to when he did appeared and it was several hundred days. O'Rielly carped about him not being on his show..... but you did not hear Oh the Democratic party is muzzling Obama and keeping him from the press. If you stop and think about this logically and watch both liberal and no so liberal programs I think you will see a bit of a double standard in this. Palin was interview by Gibson first and that was not by a friendly person Obama only went to conservative leaning press interviews until he needed to, had too. He staid with the friendly press for much of his campaign only in the last month or so has he ventured on to FOX. Out of Palin's 3 interviews 2 have been with unfriendly liberal press. Palin's first job as VP is to energize the base, campaign, debate, and raise funds after this it is interviews and press conferences.


I just have to laugh at some of the theories out there about Palin. Like she was a last minute pick when she was being looked at from April and talked about before, that she was not vetted when she was. It is the same with the theories that they feel she is not a stellar candidate. She was picked to shore up the Evangelical and pro-life vote and that is what she had done. She was not picked to please liberals, undecided, or secular conservative folks. Binden was picked to shore up the conservative Catholic and then white male middle and working class vote in PA and other places which he really has not done. I hope that this last line does not get anyones undies in a bunch but these are the stragic groups that Biden was to shore up for Obama. So far Palin has done her job she has energized the folks she was meant to energize.


I have to run yet again and may not be on line till tomorrow night, "so says the junky ;) " I have to chaperone a teen event tonight, teach Sunday school tomorrow morning, and do a BSA highway Clean up in the afternoon. If I bungled this, as in it made no sense, I wil be back on line later.

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No woman I know thinks she is qualified- that includes both Democrats and Republicans. Three women have asked me about 3rd party candidates in the last week because they won't be voting McCain because of her but don't want to vote for Obama either.


I - and this is JMO- see her nomination as just another symptom of the anti-intellectualism so prevalent in our country today.



as far as I'm concerned, they are ALL qualified per the US Constitution :D


The only conservatives I've heard wanting to vote third party is because the McCain/Palin ticket isn't flipped more like the Obama/Biden ticket, lol. So my personal conversations have apparently been opposite yours. ;)


I'm not sure if I would vote for her if it was flipped.

I do know she's not enough for me to vote for McCain.

And since I'm happy voting third party, i haven't kept up w/ the Big Two that much, even tho i do get drawn into threads like this.....




It was on THIS board that i heard quite a few people slamming her as "only" having whatever minor degree she has......

methinks the anti-whatever is coming from both sides too.

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It was on THIS board that i heard quite a few people slamming her as "only" having whatever minor degree she has......

methinks the anti-whatever is coming from both sides too.


And that's anti-intellectual because...?


I won't slam her for only having a bachelors and having gone to four different schools in order to get it. I just don't think it's a reach, that's all. I could do that. Heck, I DID do that. It's just not that hard. And I expect Oh So Much More for the woman who would be VP and who stands a darn good chance of being president.

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Rebecca, a few months ago you said that you thought women who were not post-menopausal should not be President. You were adamant that they could not be trusted to make good decisions when they had their period. Obviously Sarah Palin is not post-menopausal, but you ardently support her. What changed your mind about the role of women?

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And that's anti-intellectual because...?


I won't slam her for only having a bachelors and having gone to four different schools in order to get it. I just don't think it's a reach, that's all. I could do that. Heck, I DID do that. It's just not that hard. And I expect Oh So Much More for the woman who would be VP and who stands a darn good chance of being president.



the slamming for NOT having a "solid" degree is NOT anti-intellectualism --it's the exact opposite :D


it's just another anti-.



anti-whatever MY view of education is?


since when did "educated" and "intellectual" become definitions only pertaining to "college educated"?


Why should a woman -- or ANY President-- be required to have a degree?


I don't expect our Presidents to bring too much to the table except to meet the requirements per the Constitution and be able to make decisions that i happen to agree with -- degree or not. i do think a person's character makes a difference, but you don't need a specific form of education to determine that.

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the slamming for NOT having a "solid" degree is NOT anti-intellectualism --it's the exact opposite :D


it's just another anti-.



anti-whatever MY view of education is?


since when did "educated" and "intellectual" become definitions only pertaining to "college educated"?


Why should a woman -- or ANY President-- be required to have a degree?


I don't expect our Presidents to bring too much to the table except to meet the requirements per the Constitution and be able to make decisions that i happen to agree with -- degree or not. i do think a person's character makes a difference, but you don't need a specific form of education to determine that.


That's definitely my bias, though. And with the caveat that I have many good, wonderful, smart friends -- including a man who is honestly the smartest person I know -- who do not have degrees.


But despite all this, my bias is that my President and his/her proxy have an extensive education and be enormously and voraciously intellectually curious.


You and my dh would be more akin in your views. But he and I don't see eye to eye on this one. He whips out his handy dandy pocket constitution and READS it to me, lol!

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But despite all this, my bias is that my President and his/her proxy have an extensive education and be enormously and voraciously intellectually curious.


You and my dh would be more akin in your views. But he and I don't see eye to eye on this one. He whips out his handy dandy pocket constitution and READS it to me, lol!


yeah, I'm definitely in the Read It camp ;)

{{we just sold a few pocket constitutions today at our Get Out the Vote drive, lol!}}


and I do agree that a President should have an extensive education and be enormously and voraciously intellectually curious, i just disagree that's available only through a college education.

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yeah, I'm definitely in the Read It camp ;)

{{we just sold a few pocket constitutions today at our Get Out the Vote drive, lol!}}


and I do agree that a President should have an extensive education and be enormously and voraciously intellectually curious, i just disagree that's available only through a college education.


Where can you buy a pocket constitution?? How cool.....learning new things everyday.

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Pam she has had 3 interviews and she took questions from the press yesterday. She can not take every interview. She will have more interviews and she will take more questions from the press as the campaign continues. Will they invite every reporter who wants to to come and grill her for as long as the want to, no and Obama and Biden and Clinton don't do that either. .


Actually according to fact check she's had four interviews and Biden has had 84 since they both accepted their party's nomination.



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Pam she has had 3 interviews and she took questions from the press yesterday. She can not take every interview. She will have more interviews and she will take more questions from the press as the campaign continues. Will they invite every reporter who wants to to come and grill her for as long as the want to, no and Obama and Biden and Clinton don't do that either. .


Actually according to fact check she's had four interviews and Biden has had 84 since they both accepted their party's nomination.



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Rebecca, a few months ago you said that you thought women who were not post-menopausal should not be President. You were adamant that they could not be trusted to make good decisions when they had their period. Obviously Sarah Palin is not post-menopausal, but you ardently support her. What changed your mind about the role of women?


This allegation alone merits a subscription to this thread. What an interesting, hopefully unique, position to hold.

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Rebecca, a few months ago you said that you thought women who were not post-menopausal should not be President. You were adamant that they could not be trusted to make good decisions when they had their period. Obviously Sarah Palin is not post-menopausal, but you ardently support her. What changed your mind about the role of women?



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Rebecca, a few months ago you said that you thought women who were not post-menopausal should not be President. You were adamant that they could not be trusted to make good decisions when they had their period. Obviously Sarah Palin is not post-menopausal, but you ardently support her. What changed your mind about the role of women?


Wha-?! Yes, I'm :bigear: over this one, too.


I guess my biggest beef with the Palin pick is something that someone else (was it you, Jenny in Atl?) mentioned: Does McCain seriously expect me to believe that Gov. Palin is the most qualified conservative female politician for this position? Because I just simply do NOT believe it. Sexiest? Snappiest dresser? Perhaps. Most qualified? Surely he jests.


IMHO the real Palin Problem, to get back to the title of this thread, is that choosing her apparently revved up the Republican base--but really, the base didn't have anywhere else to go anyway. The Palin pick didn't do anything to sway me, the supposedly sought-after, right-of-center Independent (or, in my case, the "crunchy con"). Quite the contrary. And I do not believe that McCain can win this thing without us.


So, like Peek, I'm on the outside looking in for this election.


No hard feelings, Palin lovers--I'm just sharing my own perspective. I can't understand what you see in her, just as you can't understand what I DON'T see. I get that. But OH how I wish that McCain had chosen someone like Elizabeth Dole. Sigh....

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After listening and reading Sunday Editorials on Governor Palin my opinion has shifted. I think if she doesn't have a decent showing at the debate with Senator Biden the Republican Party will clamour for her to step down. In reality this debate shouldn't be that difficult for her. Biden has chewed on his toes a few times and the format lends itself to pre-recorded answers.


The bottom of the ticket should be boring and she certainly isn't!



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