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2016 decisions thread


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Ok, so after being one of the first to post in this thread, I now have to post again! 


Dd changed her mind and has decided to go to University of Arkansas Fort Smith (still a nursing major). 


I originally posted she would be going to Missouri Western. The two colleges are both smaller state universities and are very similar academically being non-competitive schools with strong competitive nursing programs. They also have similar costs as she gets in-state tuition at both.


The change came when she saw her class schedule for fall and MWSU and had all very large classes. The class sizes at Fort Smith are exactly half of those at Missouri Western (for every class she will take her freshman year!). This convinced her to do a late in spring campus tour and she liked the dorm and the campus layout better at UAFS. I like that it is an hour closer to home (3 hours away instead of 4) and the drive is more pleasant. 


I know, I know it is a very late decision, but the decision is remade!

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Thomas Aquinas College

Major: Liberal Arts (great books college, it's the only major)


He's contemplating going to law school, if he doesn't become a waterman and sail a skipjack (historic vessel for oystering on the Chesapeake Bay) instead. :lol:



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oh my word oh my word oh my WORD I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!


So, I posted this last fall to gush about ds's first uni acceptance:  http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/573284-yay-homeschooling-yay-for-wtm-i-cant-believe-i-get-to-post-this-here/


Ds then went on to decide he was going to attend this school.  And then he applied for a bunch more scholarships through that school, and we were told we may hear about decisions in April.  In late April, I e-mailed the admissions guy to ask if decisions had been made, and we didn't hear back.  I called the office in May to ask, and was told that decisions had gone out in April; so I concluded that ds hadn't won any more.  Which was fine; we were grateful for what he'd been given.  Plus, ds applied for provincial $$ aid (mostly loans, but possible grants).  It turns out he received a pretty big grant for his first year!!!!!!!!


THEN TODAY!  Today ds received a call from the school's admissions office, telling him that he had WON another, bigger, four-year scholarship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  We were so shocked because of what we'd been told!!!!!!!!!!  If he keeps  his grades up, and if he lives at home with us (which he plans for now), he will have most if not all of his tuition, books, and fees paid for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I could. not. stop. yelling and screaming this afternoon when ds told me.  I would never have believed all this a few years ago.  He registered for his classes a few weeks ago - very science and math heavy in a small school - he will be. in. his. element.  I am so, so, SO grateful that he has this opportunity - I have worried for years about the financial aspect.


:D  :D :D

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oh my word oh my word oh my WORD I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!


So, I posted this last fall to gush about ds's first uni acceptance: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/573284-yay-homeschooling-yay-for-wtm-i-cant-believe-i-get-to-post-this-here/


Ds then went on to decide he was going to attend this school. And then he applied for a bunch more scholarships through that school, and we were told we may hear about decisions in April. In late April, I e-mailed the admissions guy to ask if decisions had been made, and we didn't hear back. I called the office in May to ask, and was told that decisions had gone out in April; so I concluded that ds hadn't won any more. Which was fine; we were grateful for what he'd been given. Plus, ds applied for provincial $$ aid (mostly loans, but possible grants). It turns out he received a pretty big grant for his first year!!!!!!!!


THEN TODAY! Today ds received a call from the school's admissions office, telling him that he had WON another, bigger, four-year scholarship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We were so shocked because of what we'd been told!!!!!!!!!! If he keeps his grades up, and if he lives at home with us (which he plans for now), he will have most if not all of his tuition, books, and fees paid for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could. not. stop. yelling and screaming this afternoon when ds told me. I would never have believed all this a few years ago. He registered for his classes a few weeks ago - very science and math heavy in a small school - he will be. in. his. element. I am so, so, SO grateful that he has this opportunity - I have worried for years about the financial aspect.


:D :D :D

Colleen's son is a wonderful and very bright young man, quite deserving of this honor. I am thrilled for both of you!

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Colleen's son is a wonderful and very bright young man, quite deserving of this honor. I am thrilled for both of you!

Thank you SO much, Jane.  I can't wait to hug you again someday.


I'm excited for you.  College has been much less expensive than I feared.  I'm so grateful.  Dh turns 65 next month...



Thank you!  And yes, it's looking that way now, phew!


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THEN TODAY!  Today ds received a call from the school's admissions office, telling him that he had WON another, bigger, four-year scholarship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  


:D  :D :D


You put a smile on my face.  Congratulations!

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I haven't been on these boards in many moons, but I felt it was my duty (and privilege) to announce that my eldest is headed to The Master's College in Santa Clarita, CA. She'll major in Communication. She has wanted to be a writer for as long as I can remember, and my only request of her is that she finds a way to eat, LOL.

TMC (soon to be The Master's University) is local to us, and my daughter has taken high-school level classes there throughout high school. Her senior year she spent doing dual enrollment there. We were all set to head off to community college, but TMC came through with some unexpected money. DD couldn't be happier, except if she were able to live on campus. Since we're committed to getting her through college debt-free, she'll have to commute and graduate in three years. But she'll be there, and I can hardly wait to see all the relationships she'll form with her professors and fellow students.


We made it. Hallelujah. One down, five to go.


I can hardly wait to click "Add Reply" and see what my signature says.

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Adding an update.  Dd will be going to University of Mobile for a Bachelor's of Music - Vocal Performance with a Concentration in Musical Theater. She was accepted into UM's fiddling group, Welsh Revival, which means traveling and performance during the school year, recording an album with the group, and then a mission trip to Romania next May. She also plans to take production classes and work on a 2nd degree in business marketing. She did get a start with dual enrollment last semester, but this looks like a 5-year plan plus summer school to me. We are excited for her and the opportunities that we did not have.


P.S. Thank you to everyone for the support along the way. Dd has had to work hard for every.single.thing. There have been many hurdles, especially in the music world, and nothing has come easily.

Edited by 1Togo
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I haven't been on the boards in a while because of graduation and end-of-the-year music, but I read the post about your son, and I am so happy to hear the news about his scholarships and plans. Wonderful! Wonderful!



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My daughter was accepted Early Decision to Cornell.


Reason for decision: Early decision is binding. No really, she chose Cornell because she fell in love with it while taking classes last summer. It is one of the finest research schools in animal and plant sciences. She wants to be a vet and will minor in bio stats. 



Oh, and it is almost fully funded. God works in mysterious ways. 


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I haven't been on the boards in a while because of graduation and end-of-the-year music, but I read the post about your son, and I am so happy to hear the news about his scholarships and plans. Wonderful! Wonderful!




I have been here sporadically, too, and I miss it.  Thank you!  We are just beyond excited for him.  We have some more encouraging news, too, this week - we are FINALLY getting a second vehicle, which means we can drive him to and from the bus terminal each morning and evening so he can take the bus to school!!!!!!!!  That was pretty much our last hurdle to jump over for him!  (and I'll be able to drive dd to some more activities, which she really needs right now)  (and my reading/writing tutor business is growing by word-of-mouth now, so our family income is coming up out of the penny pinching mode after all these years, and we can pay for more activities for dd)


I, too, was happy to read about your last-to-go.  :D  Big congratulations to you for a job well-done.

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  • 2 weeks later...

DS decided on Brigham Young University, Provo.


Reasons: Mostly it boiled down to cost. He had been excited about attending the University of Utah, so he was indecisive for a while. UofU has this new residential building/creative studio opening this next year that will be for "entrepreneurs, creators,and innovators" that really appealed to him, but the first year tuition ended up being so expensive compared to BYU.  The tuition is already low at BYU, plus he was offered a scholarship. BYU has been investing a lot in new buildings and there appears to be an emphasis building cross-curricular programs, so I think he will be very happy there.


Major: He's been indecisive about his major, so the fact that they offer quite a few majors he is interested in is a plus. He is going to try to take a variety of classes this first year to gain some exposure to different majors and try to find his niche.










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DS decided on Brigham Young University, Provo.


 A friend, BYU alum, recently said the following (and for accuracy's sake I am probably paraphrasing):


"At BYU our football team doesn't loose; we give the opposing team the opportunity to excel.  'Cause we're nice like that." 


I hope your DS has a wonderful time!

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"At BYU our football team doesn't loose; we give the opposing team the opportunity to excel.  'Cause we're nice like that." 




That's pretty funny! DS is very excited about attending the football games, win or lose! He's got his BYU shirts, and I think we'll have to get some blue face paint, too.  :laugh:


Oh, and, one great thing is how he's been able to connect with other incoming freshmen online, and not just his roommates. They are even doing a t-shirt exchange this summer! It's such a different world than when my husband and I went.


In the freshmen online groups he has learned a lot from younger siblings of current students about all sorts of everyday stuff. We even changed his meal plan because of what he's learned from these other students (after I verified the info, of course).


DS is also doing a late summer honors course, which is a 1 unit/1 week/1 topic class, and a great way to get a jump start on getting to know the campus. He's literally counting down the days until he starts school. He is a homeschool boy who is ready to fly!

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I realized I have not posted ds final decision. He will be attending the University of Alabama his fall majoring in Computer Science. He will be in the honors college and will also be in he STEM MBA program which allows STEM students to receive their BS/MBA in 5 years.


Ds is a National Merit Scholar and received their wonderful NMF scholarship which is a near full ride, plus many "extras". We initially visited UA because of the excellent sholarship, but ds fell in love with the campus, the honors program, and the many opportunities at the school.


I want to say a BIG THANK YOU to all the WTM community. This board has been such a huge help, and has given me the confidence I needed moving forward in the high school years. Congratulations to the class of 2016 and their parents! I love reading about the achievements of our children, and look forward to reading about the class of 2017 as they start the college application process.

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I realized I have not posted ds final decision. He will be attending the University of Alabama his fall majoring in Computer Science.  



UA is great! I know we have at least one WTM kid currently there. 


In the end, dd decided on UAH, 2 hours down the road, but we visited UA several times and they have many strong programs and a lot of positives. It's a great school. 

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