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Who's going to tackle Monday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Me! I am totally finally doing this because it's 5:30 in the morning and I'm already up and going! 


Yoga - done! 

Shower - done!

Breakfast - done! 

Sit in front of the boards with my coffee - aaahhhhh. Happy face. 

Make muffins

Make lunches

School, school, school

Pick up dd14 from school

Work on blog 

Put laundry away

Bible study


PLAY WITH THE CHILDREN (and enjoy it!)

Kiss DH 

Go to bed at a reasonable hour


If I'm not back tomorrow, I burnt myself out. Send chocolate. 

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Good morning! It was a long weekend but lots of fun. 



fed cats

breakfast and lunch for dh


placed an online order (Walmart has my favorite tea for almost $2 a box less than a local store!)


To Do:

put dinner in crockpot  (changed to a different meal tonight)

bible study (behind a little for group tomorrow)


make ds' school assignment list 

make a big to do list for this week because I have so much to do

school with ds

ds' ortho appointment (find out the timeframe and cost on braces)


tidy house

go to my tea group



play some games? watch something?




Edited by mom31257
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My big goal this week is to get back into exercising.  I am getting out my Leslie Sansone dvd.


Full day of academics

Clean master bathroom

Plan for RE class

Figure out how to do 3 way skype

Latin prep

Send emails


AHG meeting

Mac and cheese for dinner


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It's Monday!  I really love Monday!  It's like the world is new again!  Anything is possible!  


So far today I have: 

tidied up

garbage out

laundry started

beds moved/rooms tidied for window guys to come

quick walmart trip for gift

gather things for package to college dd

violin practice


To Do:

window guys here between 8-9 - it's 8:45... 


visit with friend at 9:30am


post office


laundry wash

laundry fold

laundry put away

type up notes for work 

send work emails

violin lessons x5

send violin email

family night


dinner: Cafe Rio

Edited by wendy not in HI
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Good Morning Y'all  :seeya:


I think I celebrated a tad to much last night and I'm moving slow this morning....really I'm waiting for my Starbucks to kick in.  :D


Drive home 1 1/2 hrs...unpack, laundry, exercise and get ready to tackle this week!


As of Saturday morning I had lost 12 lbs and I was able to stick to the plan about 90% while away...so now I'm off to tackle the next 10 days of the challenge.   Next weigh in day is March 1st, so loads to accomplish by then.  


Hope you all have a great day!  :biggrinjester:  :auto:  :biggrinjester:

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Wow, it is halfway through Monday morning and we are just getting started! When I am out of pocket all day Saturday, there has to be some catch-up time and this morning was that. Adjusting our trajectory for today in my mind.



Dd mythology review

oil change for my van

figure out dinner - possibly a quick grocery trip

drop off at the thrift shop


walk the dog

work in my garden a bit

supervise kids' housework


make snack dinner for Dh to take to basketball practice




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check Calypso our goat in labor

scrambled eggs and cheesecake w/raspberries for breakfast

decide on lunch and dinner menu

take flat tire to shop

pick up prescription for me at CVS

check on Calypso


check on Calypso

bathe Rebekah

call in prescription for Rebekah to Medicine Shoppe

text our family doctor so she can order thyroid labs for me

check on Calypso

clean floor in addition

move refrigerator into new addition

check on Calypso

start moving kitchen stuff to new addition

catch new orphan calf and convince him to nurse off of new mama

check cut on pigs ear

check on Calypso

finish watching Max with children

date night with Naomi

check on Calypso



After children are in bed:

work on bills

find ss card and birth certificate to get my dl renewed

send emails

write a couple of thank you cards

discuss life with night owl son

yet again, check on Calypso

Edited by Melinda S in TX
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Feeling like a jerk right now because I didn't catch up on the weekend and didn't get up early.


I did get my kids out to the bus on time.  I guess that's something.  Washed a few dishes, did a bit of pet care.  Then I took a nap.


Today I have a lot of work to do before my kids go to swim at 4:45.  I hope I will be able to walk while they are swimming.


Then they have gymnastics.  They are also supposed to practice their band instruments in prep for tomorrow.  Hopefully they don't have much homework tonight.

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