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Consider organ donation...talk with your loved ones.


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I have loved ones who have received organs and are waiting for one. I also have family members who work with donor families.


Our dear board member's family is involved right now.


I'm just asking for people to think about it, talk to loved ones. Educate yourself and then take the right steps for you if needed.

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My wife and my DD and I were talking about this, a week or two ago. I believe that my wife said this was previously a voluntary thing here in Colombia, but that it is now mandatory. We are all in favor of organ donation and are glad that is now the law here.

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Please do. The most important person in my life died waiting for a heart transplant.  


And even if it makes you uncomfortable, please discuss it with your family so they know your wishes.


Also know that all mainstream religions allow and/or support organ donation. When I used to hand out organ donation cards many people told me that they were forbidden by their religion to donate organs. One otherwise intelligent person even told me that he couldn't go to heaven if his body wasn't whole.  :confused1:


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My sib is a double-lung transplant recipient. Changed his life completely--saved it and made it worth living. He and his wife adopted two dear boys from Central America--changed their lives, too!


I told him he could have a living lobe transplant from me, but he held out and now has an amazing life.


Pls consider donation.

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Please do. The most important person in my life died waiting for a heart transplant.


And even if it makes you uncomfortable, please discuss it with your family so they know your wishes.


Also know that all mainstream religions allow and/or support organ donation. When I used to hand out organ donation cards many people told me that they were forbidden by their religion to donate organs. One otherwise intelligent person even told me that he couldn't go to heaven if his body wasn't whole. :confused1:


There have been several threads here where organ donation has been discussed and apparently it is against the religious beliefs of a significant number of regular posters.


We are organ donors. What a gift. A close friend has received a kidney transplant. Lifechanging.

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Yes! Our state is one that does it with driver's license renewal.  


I just want to tell you that I used to always check everything but eyes...'cause it kind of grossed me out.  Then I married an ophthalmologist who during his residency used to actually go "collect" corneas that were donated.  You cannot tell if somebody has donated their corneas.  It's not like the eye is mutilated in any way.  But it can change somebody's life...give them sight.   The surgery has a high success rate.


So don't be like me and forget to include your corneas.  (Often written as eyes on some forms, which is misleading...but only the cornea itself is donated.)


ETA: Also please consider Be the Match for bone marrow donation.

Edited by umsami
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There have been several threads here where organ donation has been discussed and apparently it is against the religious beliefs of a significant number of regular posters.


We are organ donors. What a gift. A close friend has received a kidney transplant. Lifechanging.


I think the problem often has to do with identifying the end of life, which makes a difference to whether they can use the organs or not. 


There are some different cultural views on it as well that may factor in - I heard an interesting radio show on views on the body which said that in Japan, organ donation is rare, because people don't tend to differentiate between the person as brain/mind and body in the same way we do in the west. People are their body as much as their mind.  It affects their perception of when death occurs.

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There have been several threads here where organ donation has been discussed and apparently it is against the religious beliefs of a significant number of regular posters.


We are organ donors. What a gift. A close friend has received a kidney transplant. Lifechanging.

I used to think that organ donation was prohibited by Jewish law until I found the Halakhic Organ Donor Society. Now, I carry a card in my wallet that gives me the confidence to know that I can help in a way consistent with Jewish law. Edited by SeaConquest
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Yes, yes, and yes again!!!


Even if cardiac death occurs before major organ donation can be initiated, there can still be tissue donation.  Our 13 yr old DS was a tissue donation recipient in August this past year.  He is physically disabled and needed a new ACL & LCL.  One leg doesn't have enough muscle to take tissue from and we can't risk damaging his "good leg" to take tissue from it.


That one little piece of tissue has completely CHANGED his life and I now have a healthy, active 13 yr old who you can't even tell has a physical disability!

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