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Apologia Science....success stories please

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My daughter is taking Apologia Biology we are using the DVD, audio book, notebook journal...the whole program.  But then I had a friend tell me that she is using DIVE science because Apologia isn't as good of a program.  I am not a Science person, but it (Apologia) looks good to me.  SO, I would really like to hear about others who have had kids use Apologia in High School and they went on to college and did fine with their Science classes. 


For what it's worth...my daughter is NOT going to go into a Science related field, so if your chid(ren) is a super science kid by nature, a comparison may not be as equal for me...but since I do have one who is interested in science, I still want to hear your stories.  I just want to hear from both types of situations.  Does that make sense?


thank you so much!!!!!

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This is my story on it.  Oldest did apologia 2nd edition of general, physical, biology, chemistry, and physics while in homeschool.   She is engineering major in college and did very well (A's) in physics 1 and 2 for engineers, and chemistry for engineers.  Her lab reports were great.  (that was A as well).  And we barely did fancy lab reports in high school with her.   Maybe 2 from each course were "formal" reports using the stuff on the book extras site of apologia. The rest of year was recorded in lab notebook, (old school style with composition notebook before the fancy pre printed things).  It was enough for her to learn that one needs to follow the template the professor gives you.


We didn't use the dvd with her.   Middle gal likes the audio cd to hear while reading the book.  notebook journal..  oh man. .I sound old.. but we used cheap notebooks from discount store at beginning of school year and made notes and lab reports.   no DIVE here.  (not even with our saxon).   However, if you need extras like that, use them.   That's why they are there.


oldest is one of those motivated types and knew to follow the template.  She doesn't have to take any biology.  only the one chemistry course (and she is sooooooooooo glad that is done).  and plenty of physics.


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We've used Apologia General, Physical, Bio, Advanced Bio, Chemistry, Adv Chemistry, and Physics throughout the years.  Third ds is a Physicist and felt prepared for his field of study.   He also gave feedback on his math program ( TT ) and felt it didn't prepare him well, and that I should reconsider using it with his sister.  I only added that part so you'd know he isn't shy when it comes to giving feedback.  


ETA:  We did the labs and lab reports but did not use the study guide.   We used the book as written with the instructions Dr. Wile gives at the beginning of the book.  We also used the scheduling guide form Donna Young's website.  We would occasionally check out videos from the library or watch something on youtube to help illustrate a concept.   My kids did the bio labs at our tutorial since I really didn't want to deal with the dissections.  

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We use it and feel confident our kids will go on to college and be successful with it. My husband is an engineer and he feels it's plenty sufficient. But we haven't actually experienced that success yet ourselves because our oldest is only a sophomore.


I do know IRL 3 students who used it all the way through and went on to success at a state university.


I personally feel it's a great program, and I love Dr. Wile! I've met him personally and he's also given me specific advice on things via Facebook, so he's very responsive and helpful to parents when you ask. He's a chemistry professor too, so although I know he's trying to sell a product, I also feel like he knows what he's talking about when it comes to preparing kids for college science.

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Apologia is a solid program.  You're going to find a lot of posters here don't use a creation based text so that's going to eliminate some of your pool.  


Donning my flame suit, many programs are as good as they are teachable and completed.  For example, DS attended a co-op for labs for Biology and Chemistry - both based off Apologia.  Many of the kids couldn't do the math in Chem and it was apparent many had bothered to do the reading, let alone memorize terms.  I'm sure some of their parents aren't impressed with the curriculum.


I had to eat humble pie yesterday regarding Teaching Textbooks so, frankly, if you have Apologia, there an awful lot of folks who, over the years, have used it and loved it to teach their kids.  But curriculum is EXACTLY like fashion and it comes and goes.  15 years ago a huge amount of folks were using Apologia.  Then new things come out and people want to try that.  We used Shepherd Science for a very short while before we found out there was an option for DS doing labs if we went with Apologia.  Loved that. 


Did I adore Apologia?  Not really.  I actually have a hard time loving Science and Science tends to be the area where homeschool parents struggle the most, so you are probably not hearing a lot of "success" stories in part that many just don't feel confident about the measurable results of success.  My oldest has successfully completed a couple science courses at the university and hasn't struggled and she wasn't stellar at Apologia.  Apologia has a lot of terms, a lot of reading, takes a fair amount of effort.  Like most things, you'll get out of it what you put into it.  We used it for her (Psychology / Communication Disorders major) and we've used it for DS (intended Civil Eng. major) and I just recommended it to someone this last week.

Edited by BlsdMama
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Just noticed this thread and typed out a response from our experiences on another similar one. I hate to type again, so I think I'm going to cut and paste and cross post instead.  Yes I can be lazy, though I prefer to think of it as efficient...  Here's the original thread I posted on (Post 14):




Here's what I wrote:


We are Christian, but do not take a stance on creation fully believing God could have done whatever He wanted to do from Theistic Evolution to a Literal Creation.  To us, that falls far more into Ancient History than Science.  Science is what we see (seeing can be via tests) and can replicate.


Since so many have varying views on it all, I wanted my guys to know both - with a decent number of variations, so all of that was part of our discussions over the years.


We used multiple Bio books - Apologia, Campbells, McGraw Hill (what our school uses if I'm remembering it correctly).  Apologia was a pretty darn good beginner book - beating what our school uses (for depth) by miles.  Campbell's (college level book) was terrific at taking the foundation and going deeper.  Apologia's Advanced Bio was a super good Anatomy book.


Physical Science and Physics were good for beginners as well - it provided a nice foundation in an easy to learn way.  None of mine cared to go deeper on those subjects, so we didn't.  I don't recall YEC being a big deal in those books, but I didn't read them. I only discussed concepts and corrected problems - explaining more if needed.


Chemistry is the one I would change in hindsight.  As with Bio, I should have added more (but I only thought to for Bio for obvious reasons).  Chem did not go deep enough and taught things in a different order so if one didn't do both years, one missed a bit - and it still didn't do that great a job at setting up a good college foundation.  If I had it to do over again, I'd likely use Zumdahl, but it'd have required a bit more work as it's not set up as a homeschooling text with tests, etc, pre-made.


ALL of my final assessments regarding what we used have come from my middle son - my science major who has needed all of these courses in college.  He's gotten As in his college courses (well, an A- in his second Physics course), and I truly wanted to know if he felt I had set him up well for college...  


Bio - absolutely - esp doing Anatomy with Apologia's Bio 2 book.  He said that set him up far better than his peers for many of his classes.


Physics - fine - it's not his love, but he felt good foundationally.


Chem - he agrees that adding more or completely doing something else would have been better.  He still got his As (and was a TA for the class later, but he had to put in far more effort due to not having as strong of a foundation).


ps  Learning about both evolution and creation (from pro sides, not just one sided) is also something they have thanked me for.  It's actually been useful for them in peer conversations.  Knowing about creation certainly didn't stop middle son from getting the highest grade in his Evolution class!  I'm not sure why some feel knowing about something equates with not knowing other things....

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Donning my flame suit, many programs are as good as they are teachable and completed.


no flames here.  agreeing on that.  yep. I've been glad to do science at home for some of the reasons you mentioned.  :)



adding in how it worked for us at home.   We didn't do science in co-ops.  We did complete each apologia book at home.  used mfw's lesson plans to stay on track.  purchased needed equipment from home science tools.  and as much as my oldest despised the labs in physics were you had to average times for 10 trials..  she learned that oh wow.. she had to do that in college too.   a few times her freshman college year she told me thank you for making her do those labs with minimal help as a lab partner.  that helped her with reality that some people only sorta show up for class.    Basically, I'm saying that as encouragement for completing any science labs.. you can do this stuff at home.


We didn't need AP in science for oldest.. so that wasn't a factor in our decision process.


adding other information for original poster:  apologia 3rd edition chemistry did not get off to a good start with its reputation (not written by same author).   my chemistry apologia experience is from 2nd edition written by Wile.  Wile has written a new chemistry book under a new publisher.   as you decide which books you will use, that will be something you may need to research. I don't know if you're aware of that major change in the sequence.

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thank you for all of the responses.


referring to the one right above...I was NOT aware that the 3rd edition wasn't written by Wile.  Thanks for pointing that out.  However, I was going to ask anyway what the differences were between the 2nd and 3rd edition because the 3rd edition doesn't have a DVD with it...as of yet...and I just received an email from Apologia saying that they won't give out any information concerning that...in other words, I won't be given any information as to whether or not a DVD is in the works...or when it might be available.  So now I am considering the 2nd edition even more...knowing about the authorship. 


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well, 2nd edition chemistry may become harder to find.  although I do have the books sitting here.. hmmm..  .. no video with it.  so you'd have to find something used on that.


here's the new chemistry book  that Jay Wile wrote.   It's not published by apologia.  It's also not 2nd edition with a do over. 


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adding other information for original poster:  apologia 3rd edition chemistry did not get off to a good start with its reputation (not written by same author).   my chemistry apologia experience is from 2nd edition written by Wile.  Wile has written a new chemistry book under a new publisher.   as you decide which books you will use, that will be something you may need to research. I don't know if you're aware of that major change in the sequence.




I should have clarified on my above response that I think Dr. Wile's books are a great program ... not necessarily Apologia's.


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We used Apologia Chemistry and Physics, in conjunction with a local lab class taught by a retired science teacher. My daughter took the SAT subject test for chemistry and physics in June following the completion of each class, and scored 740 on chem and 730 on physics. She did do a little self study in a test prep book just before the exams, but she felt pretty well prepared. She is going into engineering, and has been accepted at several schools, including Princeton and Ga Tech.

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We used Apologia Chemistry for ds and Advanced Biology for dd. Dd used DIVE for ICP, Biology, and Chemistry. DIVE definitely covered more and with a little more depth. The DIVE labs were MUCH better. We had done almost all the labs in Apologia Chemistry in middle school and I was completely unimpressed. However, for my non-sciency guy, Apologia Chemistry was a good fit, no regrets.


I have the 2nd edition Chemistry full course CD available on Classifieds if you want it :).



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Debbie, I would consider your offer (actually I saw it on Classifieds) but I would also want the DVD and the Journal (and I haven't found the journals anywhere for 2nd edition).  So I am not interested in the books.  but thanks.  


You can print all the assignment pages and labs, so you don't need the journal with the full course CD. I'm not sure what is on the DVD, but I know the full course CD has all the supplemental videos and animations included as links within the text. 


If I were buying new, I'd look at Jay Wile's new Chemistry program instead of Apologia.

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We have used Apologia Biology and Chemistry (2nd edition), are currently using Physics, and have Advanced Biology (which my daughter won at our regional science fair) waiting for next year. It's worked very well here, and my daughter is strongly considering going on in a STEM field. Our doctor's wife homeschools their children, and told her that the Biology covers some things that he didn't learn until college--he thinks it's excellent. 


We haven't used a DVD with any of them...

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  • 4 months later...

My daughter did Apologia all the way through -Gen. Sci., Phy. Sci, Bio, Chem., Physics, Chem. 2. She said that she was well prepared for college with college classes in Bio, Chem 1 and 2 Organic Chem 1 and 2, Microbiology, Biochemistry 1 and 2. 

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We used Apologia for Physical Science and my son loved it because everything actually worked, and worked together.  We used it with Apologia Academy which really stepped up the challenge a notch due to the studying, exam, and formal lab requirements.  But it's not necessary.


However the reason we aren't using it for Biology is because he will take a secular approved Biology course that has been approved by our state university system (our state system only takes courses it has approved as valid for entrance.).....however let's just say he absolutely hates the course and decides to drop it, we already have the Apologia Biology and the SAT2 book for Biology and the SAT 2 only covers a few areas, and a few in more depth than the actual Jay Wile text/  If a student really digests the text and really does the work, then the student should be able to just study the extra material for a month or so and do fine.  So the course seems to me not only to be college prep but advanced enough for someone to pass the subject tests.....

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I haven't used Apologia at the upper levels, but that doesn't mean that I won't/wouldn't.


My older kids have some fairly defined goals WRT to their science, and IMO, Apologia wasn't the best option to help them reach those goals (Biology, Physics, Chem), OR I already had invested in a different curriculum and couldn't justify buying another one.  PonyGirl will be using Apologia for Marine Biology next year, and I know PokeMan will use A&P one year.  Blondie will use General Science next year as I try to stretch her a bit next year.  Boo is using the elementary books, MP3s, Lab Notebooks for 2-3 more years.

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We used Apologia all the way through high school and then my sons did the following: 


DS1: B.S. in biology, currently in 4th year dental school, worked as lab assistant in various science courses and TA in chemistry

DS2: B.S. in aeronautical science, working as a pilot and airplane tech

DS3: B.S. computer science, senior year in hs used both the Apologia Advanced Physics and Kathy in Richmond's AP physics plan and got a 5 on each of the AP Physics C exams

DS4: B.A. history -- used CLEP for his college science requirements (the biology CLEP after Apologia Biology and the REA guide)

DS5: senior BSN student with a 3.9 or 4.0 (He's been straight A's, but I think he got his first B this past semester -- I haven't heard the final score yet.) Worked as lab assistant.


The ones who've graduated college all got honors.


All of them have repeatedly stated that Apologia was extremely valuable for giving them a solid foundation for college science and have urged me to continue using it for their younger siblings.

Edited by Jane Elliot
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Everyone I know uses Apologia in high school and their kids go to college. One in particular is a junior now, majoring in chemistry, in the honors program, and maintaining near a 4.0. 


However, I did hear the new Chemistry by Apologia is not very good. I heard the better choice would be Jay Wile's new chemistry book.

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FWIW, my dh is a chemist and looked at the 3rd edition Apologia Chemistry book and he was very impressed. He said that there's stuff in there that isn't taught until college. He has already said he wants to teach the chemistry to our sons. I've seen the new chem course by Wile and my husband looked at it also, but said that he'd stick with the Apologia Chemistry for various reasons, only I didn't ask what those reasons are.


We used Apologia with our oldest thru physical and then they all went to public high school. They all told me that they were better prepared for high school courses than their friends who had been in ps all the way thru. My husband looked at the other books and said he was pleasantly surprised and impressed with all of the science texts and didn't expect such depth from a homeschool science program. I'm not at all concerned in using the 3rd edition chem book, especially when I have my chemist husband teaching it.

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FWIW, my dh is a chemist and looked at the 3rd edition Apologia Chemistry book and he was very impressed. He said that there's stuff in there that isn't taught until college. He has already said he wants to teach the chemistry to our sons. I've seen the new chem course by Wile and my husband looked at it also, but said that he'd stick with the Apologia Chemistry for various reasons, only I didn't ask what those reasons are.


We used Apologia with our oldest thru physical and then they all went to public high school. They all told me that they were better prepared for high school courses than their friends who had been in ps all the way thru. My husband looked at the other books and said he was pleasantly surprised and impressed with all of the science texts and didn't expect such depth from a homeschool science program. I'm not at all concerned in using the 3rd edition chem book, especially when I have my chemist husband teaching it.


This is good to hear.  Thanks for sharing it.  I like it when companies update their material and fill in gaps that were there.


I also agree that Apologia prepared my guys (even my ps guy) very well compared to their ps counterparts.  Chem was the only exception, and as I mentioned before, we added more (higher level) to Bio after Apologia.

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Our experience with Apologia has also been good. It is a good solid text.  And I have found that it increases in difficulty from the 7th grade General Science to the Advanced Physics. So, it is age appropriate.  


 Oldest son is a math major and was well prepared with Apologia and oldest daughter is a nutrition major and was well prepared with Apologia.  


DS#1 took: Apologia Physical Science, Apologia Biology(our least favorite), Apologia Chemistry, and ABEKA Physics, taken with a co-op, homeschool class.

DD#1 took: Apologia Physical Science, Apologia Biology, Apologia Chemistry, and Advanced Biology, taken with a homeschool class in the Memphis area.  


Except when they were older and could drive themselves to classes(cause I had "littles" at home) we did all of these at home with no DVD's, just like "cbollin" said in her post.  But that was "back in the day"......


I think some folks don't like the format of Apologia.  It is not a traditional text. And the book is written as if Wile is "speaking" to the student.  My third child LOVES this text.  He thinks much like Wile and loves his explanations.  However, some of my students would rather have had a straight-forward, get to the point, kind of textbook like Abeka or BJU.  


DS#2(third child) is taking a slightly  different path but still using some  Apologia.  We are just able to branch out.  We have a little more money and no "littles" at home that need naps.  


But here is his sequence:


DS#2: Apologia Physical Science with Rusty Hughes DVD, Apologia Biology with no DVD, Clover Creek Science(Physics) with Jetta Seboly, Apologia Chemistry with local co-op class, and planning on Apologia Advanced Physics this year at home.


Not sure about DD#2......Still too early to tell you about her.....


If you still have questions I would check out SWB's write up in the WTM or Cathy Duffy's review in one of her top pick books.  


Hope that helps!



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