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Are we doing enough?


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I'm having a hard day. (ME-not the kids-they are happy as clams)


Without boring you with all of the details as to my inner turmoil, would you experienced homeschoolers take a look at what we are doing? (My daughter keeps saying the work is too easy and my son does at times as well)




girl-9-3rd grade - labeled "gifted" when in public school


  • Reading from All In One Homeschool 3: Poetry by William Blake, Sara Teasdale, Hilda Conkling, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow; Books: Heidi, Spry; The Bears of Blue River, Major; Five Little Peppers and How They Grew, Sidney             Short stories: Aesop’s Fables (selection), as well as a variety of other short stories and plays
  • (Currently she is reading Heidi)
  • Writing and Rhetoric: Narrative (we JUST started this yesterday, we were doing the writing from Sonlight 3rd)
  • Fix it! Grammar: The Nose Tree
  • Spelling 3rd grade McGraw-Hill b/c it's free and she's used to it from PS :-)
  • Teaching Textbooks 4 Math as well as some logic workbooks when she has spare time
  • Beautiful Feet American History and also our own study of Pennsylvania (Just starting this as well moving from SOTW)
  • Apologia Science Land Animals
  • HWT Cursive
  • EPAIO Bible Study
  • CNN Student news with discussion and follow up with Window on the World
  • Classical Conversations with review of 1-2 subjects each day
  • Journal writing, writing for CC presentations and freewriting time where she has time to work on a chapter book she is writing
  • Read Aloud selections from Ambleside (50 Famous People, Aesop, Burgess Birds etc.)


boy-7-1st grade

  • Reading from Sonlight 1st grade and ETC
  • FLL1
  • WWE1
  • Journal writing, writing to present at CC
  • McGraw-Hill grammar review 1st (free)
  • Spelling 1st grade McGraww-Hill b/c its free and he's used to it)
  • Singapore math
  • Beautiful Feet American History and also our own study of Pennsylvania (Just starting this as well moving from SOTW)
  • Apologia Science Land Animals
  • EPAIO Bible Study
  • CNN Student news with discussion and follow up with Window on the World
  • Classical Conversations with review of 1-2 subjects each day
  • Read Aloud selections from Ambleside (50 Famous People, Aesop, Burgess Birds etc.)


Edited by mom2kando
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Our year has been a mess- we've bounced around so much and for some reason I can't get it out of my head that we're not competing with the public school. I have a very good friend that has been really discouraging (PS teacher and reading specialist)


First off, don't compare yourself to the PS.  The PS teachers are trained that they are superior.  Not the case.  You know your children better than anyone.  You know what they need more than the PS.  The PS wants us to believe that they know better.  Studies show.... they don't!  I suggest taking a few minutes and write down in a notebook what your educational goals are for each child right now.  If you are moving forward you are doing fine.  If you aren't then try to evaluate what is going wrong and address the situation.  I am a firm believer that each and every child should have an individualized education and we simply can not give that to them if we are putting them in PS and/or comparing our progress to the PS.  Is it wrong to be sure that they are not falling behind the PS?  Absolutely not.  But here's the thing - the PS is just going to push your child through the system and not allow your kids to take their time actually learning and enjoying what they are learning.  I see that you are part of CC also.  CC is a very competitive program.  Don't allow yourself to get sucked in to that mentality.  Again, decide what is important (and needed) for your specific family.  It sounds like I may have been where you are right now.  What really helped me was reading some books on education from multiple sources (not just CC).  I read TWTM, books from CC, the free ebooks from SCM and also the CM books that are free on AO.  I have been able to put together a program that I have been able to pick and choose from that works best for my family.  Maybe by reading these it can help you?  Hope this helps.

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You're doing a ton!


Remember to ask yourself: is the public school going the direction you want to go?  If so, then maybe at least consider what your friend is saying.  If not, if you want to go a different direction, then...is your friend an expert in what you need?  Nope.


The only thing I see missing from your list is fine arts of some kind, if you wanted to include those.  And lots of physical activity, but I'm sort of assuming that just didn't make the list. ;) 


If your daughter is complaining that it's too easy, maybe compress, slice out bits, and move her along faster?  Don't add more work, just cut out more of the review/busywork and race ahead until she gets to more challenging material.  You could also look at what material you're choosing.  If it's math that she's complaining is too easy, one solution is to race ahead but another is to change curricula to something different.  Likewise other subjects.

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I am just concerned we're missing something?


Of course you are. Lots of people are doing lots of thing that you aren't. But that's ok. You will never teach your children "everything they need to learn." There will alway be gaps if you compare yourself to what other people are doing. But I assume you are homeschooling to give your kid what they need, not what someone, somewhere else needs or what someone who has never met your specific kids decided what kids in general need to know. So don't worry about it.


FWIW, when my kids were your kids' ages, we were doing way less than what you kids are doing. Yet my dd13 is in 8th grade and already has three high school credits under her belt. You're doing fine. As long as your kids are tolerating your schedule, you're fine. Be aware, though, that your load looks very heavy, and, in my opinion, it's more than what they really need to be doing at those ages.


But then again, I am someone who has never met your specific kids, so take what I say with a grain of salt.

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First off, don't compare yourself to the PS.  The PS teachers are trained that they are superior. 

That is not a fair assumption and certainly not true of myself or the public school teachers I work with. A lot of us see the benefits of homeschooling and quite a few of us want to homeschool our kids later. I certainly don't see myself as superior. 




To the OP: You are doing FAR MORE than my students currently get, so props to you! If you are missing something, it's not abnormal. You can't get everything in. Public, private, homeschool - there is always something missing. That's why we have so many year for educating and why we never stop learning. :)

Edited by Southern Ivy
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Wow.  You are doing plenty.  Do they like that it seems "easy" to them or are they complaining?  If they are happy about it, I really wouldn't change anything (and also be prepared to do a little less if needed some day because you really are doing a lot.)  If they seem to want more challenges, then you need to post on the Accelerated Learner board.  They will have some great suggestions for you.



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That is not a fair assumption and certainly not true of myself or the public school teachers I work with. A lot of us see the benefits of homeschooling and quite a few of us want to homeschool our kids later. I certainly don't see myself as superior. 




To the OP: You are doing FAR MORE than my students currently get, so props to you! If you are missing something, it's not abnormal. You can't get everything in. Public, private, homeschool - there is always something missing. That's why we have so many year for educating and why we never stop learning. :)


Not an assumption from where I am.  I'm sorry that this offended you.  Not the intention.  However, where I am coming from the PS is completely anti homeschool.  Every single PS teacher that I have ever encountered has had a superiority complex.  Maybe it's the school district I live in.  

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Not an assumption from where I am.  I'm sorry that this offended you.  Not the intention.  However, where I am coming from the PS is completely anti homeschool.  Every single PS teacher that I have ever encountered has had a superiority complex.  Maybe it's the school district I live in.  

I'm not offended really. :) Just wanted to put out there that we don't all see it that way. 


I'm sorry you live in such an anti-homeschooling district. :( That always makes things harder.

My district doesn't seem that way, but it might be because I am so pro-homeschooling and want to homeschool my own, so I don't notice other issues. 

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If they are bored because it is too easy, then bump up the level until it hits their comfort zone.  If they are just saying its too easy but they are fine with it, then its up to you if you want to bump the level a little. 

You are doing a lot more than my current 5th and 6th grader is doing for language arts :)

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If she was labeled gifted, she might not be the target audience for Teaching Textbooks.

The rest looks to me about right.

Also, if you are interested in learning a modern foreign language, 9 is a good age to start.


I am feeling the same way, but she LOVES doing it, and it was a big investment. I have Logic Safari and Venn Perplexors that I have her work on when she is finished before I'm finished with our 1st grader.


I am pushing her through TT4 and skipping lessons. She picks up math concepts VERY easily. Is there anything you would suggest to move on to when she finishes TT? I think she will be finished by March.

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I am feeling the same way, but she LOVES doing it, and it was a big investment. I have Logic Safari and Venn Perplexors that I have her work on when she is finished before I'm finished with our 1st grader.


I am pushing her through TT4 and skipping lessons. She picks up math concepts VERY easily. Is there anything you would suggest to move on to when she finishes TT? I think she will be finished by March.

I like like the mesh of Beast Academy and Singapore IP books for a very strong student, but you could go with a number of other choices. Determine your budget, your level of comfort with teaching math, and the level of her strength. I think those three variables will give you the answer. 

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Looks like you've covered everything! Math, writing, spelling, grammar, reading, science and math. I wanted to add from what I've read gifted children don't need more work they need work that will expand their minds in a different way. Beast academy, moving beyond the pages and Michael Clay Thomas are all curriculum made for gifted children. I'm not suggesting you use there programs but if you look at the samples of them you can see what I'm talking about. Beast academy will give you some really complicated puzzles using your math skills rather than 3 pages of multipication. It just makes you think deeper about a skill that might come easy too you. I pulled my kids out of public school 3 years ago and I feel like it took a year to realize I wasn't competing with the school system or trying to recreate the same environment at home. Last year I spent a year reading up homeschooling books and teaching books and this year I finally feel like I'm starting to get it lol. Only took 3 years. Of course if it's anything like parenting once you feel like you know what your doing everything changes and your back to square one :)

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I'd say you got way more than we had at that age! That would be comparing though, now wouldn't it!


I don't feel you would need two different Grammar lessons for your 7 year old. FLL is enough. I would drop CNN for now and just discuss worldly events on a more personal level. There will be plenty of time for current events as they get older.

I would also drop some of the personal/journal writing unless it is their love.


Good luck to you in finding a balance! 😉


I think Jenns2sons explained perfectly.

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LOL! First year- so I'm like...

:willy_nilly: :lol:  :confused:

(and I hope it won't always be that way!)


Keep in mind that you have more than 1 year to cover everything you'd like to explore with your dc. Enjoy the process. Maybe your dc are a little bored by the busy work of so many different curriculi? You may want to consider delving deeper into an area of high interest and do a unit study approach with more open-ended types of researching, reading and writing. Science or history topics typically work excellent for unit studies.

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