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I want to shop more!

Night Elf

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I finished my shopping today. I have one surprise gift for each of my children and then picked out things they wanted, so they know what they are getting. They're still happy though. I really like shopping for my family and I want to find some more things even though I don't know what else to buy. DH says I'm finished. :tongue_smilie:


I think my favorite gift is salt water taffy for dd17. She got her braces off this week. Last summer she went to the beach with her girlfriend's family and she couldn't enjoy the taffy with the rest of them. She is going to be happy.

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I understand that urge.  I thought I was done but ended up in Target this morning.  I don't even like Target, but  I was thinking about socks for my daughter, so I went.  It was actually pleasant.


During the Christmas season, I do like shopping when I don't have to be frantically searching for something.  Sometimes it's fun to be out in a crowded store, as long as everyone (including me) is in a good mood.



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Lol!!! No way!!! Putting together my grocery list, hoping to get it done today... and then I dissapear from the face of the earth til after Christmas! Hopefully no more shopping for me after today (not even the grocery store). I'm not good at facing the chaos...our Target yesterday was so busy! Ugh! I just can't do it :p

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I will shop until the very last store closes on Christmas Eve.


I love all the shopping!!! :hurray:


But I will say that I've already bought all of the important gifts, so I don't have to worry about the stress of it being 5:45 pm on Christmas Eve and still needing to find someone's big gift. That would take all of the fun out of it! I like to shop at the last minute for extras, not for necessities.

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 I like to shop at the last minute for extras, not for necessities.


I'm technically done shopping but since it was almost all done online dd and I are itching to go out just for some fun shopping. With her work schedule that leaves Christmas Eve- so that's what we're doing. If we find any fun stocking stuffers, cool. If not, no big deal. And she can start scoping out what she wants to buy with her Christmas money during the after Christmas sales. 


Totally unlike me to venture out on Christmas Eve so we'll see how this goes- but I'm encouraged that others enjoy it. 

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Egads, I hate shopping! We needed a few things and braved WalMart on Thursday, it wasn't too bad, but then one of the kids said something about going to get something else in a few days, and I was like, "NO." No WM the week before Christmas if I can help it.


My shopping is done, except for food. I did most of it online and am just waiting for a few items to arrive still.

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I have to go to Walmart in the morning to do our big grocery store shopping but we always go at 9:30 while churches are still in. It seems less crowded then. I don't have any other shopping planned. I did 95% of my shopping online so haven't really been out to any stores when crowds were likely to be a problem. I do have to go to the candy store this week to get specialty candy but I'm going to go on Monday in the morning before the lunch rush when I expect more people to be at that mall, well an outside mall. There is no way I'd go to the regular mall the week before Christmas at any time!

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I finished my shopping today. I have one surprise gift for each of my children and then picked out things they wanted, so they know what they are getting. They're still happy though. I really like shopping for my family and I want to find some more things even though I don't know what else to buy. DH says I'm finished. :tongue_smilie:


I think my favorite gift is salt water taffy for dd17. She got her braces off this week. Last summer she went to the beach with her girlfriend's family and she couldn't enjoy the taffy with the rest of them. She is going to be happy.

That's what Amazon is for.  ;)

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I usually find "something else" if I go into any store from now until Christmas eve. Take today for example, Dd decided she wanted build a bear with her Christmas money from grandpa, I went by aeropostle just to look and they had some cool vintage rock band shirts for $7, perfect gift, great price for ds so I bought 2. Yeah I probably should just stay home😒

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