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Who's going to tackle Monday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Have to get moving...


--dd15 Arabic final

--training session at gym; may walk to/from because it's so warm today

--move dd20 out of dorm for break!

--dh last Chinese class for semester

--dd15 ballet 7:30-9


--daily and Monday things

--decide which Zojirushi water boiler to get for dh's gift; order

--decorate trees, or at least start

--choose pictures to have enlarged


--plan meals for this very busy week

--plan week

Edited by Luckymama
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Me!  Me!  Me!


Tackling it:


Garbage out


Breakfast for shorties


Morning Basket

Barton with the boy

Pick up DS from class

Drop off his rented DE books at the homeschool program 

Pick up library books

Call my dad and have him pick up boy #2 for TWO days! :D

Study for my Social Psych final - LAST ONE! 

Make my house magically clean


Greet the UPS man and get my dogs' Christmas presents - training collars to teach them UPS manners.  My UPS man is going to <3 me.



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Good morning! Back from a great meet, good times and a good time was had by all. I am trying to get back in the groove and all the Christmas stuff still needs to be planned, coordinated, and purchased.


To do:


Kitchen clean up and general pick up

Christmas list making


School for all (late start this morning for you gets)

Update calendar

Quick check of house

Get things ready for ds1 ( home on Wednesday!!!)

PM practice/aikido

Figure out some dinner


Have a great day!

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Tackling is the right word. The power is out here, but I need to go to town to take care of our other restaurant and deal with things there. There is a big hill covered with ice that I have to drive over, I've done it before, but it is nerve wracking.


I need to be patient and wait for DH to deal with DD's school.


I need to get a couple of Christmas presents ordered.


I need to work on my novel.

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My computer is giving me so much grief today. I think I will have to shut everything down and reboot again.  I have several projects going at once so this is a pain in the butt.  I have at least one conference call coming to discuss the work I can't seem to finish thanks to my computer.

Edited by SKL
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Another Monday.  As usual, Sunday night was so much drama here with my son.  We are up and slowly getting ready to start our day.  


Laundry(4 loads)


vacuuming----but first they have to find the floors


grocery store---need sprinkles for scouts tomorrow

dinner-making a pork tenderloin...need to find recipe or get creative


sleep.  I am fighting off a cold.  Didn't sleep last night.  Taking my wellness pills, got the diffuser/oils going.  Planning on a nap later today.  I have much to do this week and can't do a cold right now.  I was sick last year this time....I must not succumb this year!!!

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Good afternoon
- laundry- load in washer and dryer
- clean kitchen floors- done
- call in dh's meds- done
- tidy living room- done
- get dd1 off bus- done
- go to store for a few things- done
- dd1 GS Christmas party- done and I have scored a second degree burn on my left pointer finger
- dinner- girls and I eating at Christmas party so pulling something for dh- done
- baths- not needed
- bedtime routine- ugh
- anything else I get done- took out trash to outside can

Edited by MomtoCandJ
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I had a busy morning with dentist and orthodontist appointments... and now all I want to do is take a nap. but...


tidy up


work on grant writing

send violin invoice emails

order christmas cards

slice bagels to freeze

tidy basement

go to walmart to pick up cards and symphony bars


violin lessons

dinner = taco salad

and I think there's some other stuff I should be working on...

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We got a slow start because last night was our church Christmas concert and kids were late to bed. I have had the glorious music in my mind all day and have not been very focused on working.






dinner prep (switched out regular potatoes for sweet potatoes because those go better with another meal later in the week)



Still to go:


make sure Ds is ready to leave for bball practice on time (with shoes on. last week he went in rain boots!)

fold some laundry


Punted til tomorrow or Wed:

library returns


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This feels like the longest day ever.  :P


I got a big project done today, well, at least until someone rips it up.


Lived through a few conference calls and a bunch of other work stress.


Resolved a couple of lingering issues.


Loved on my kids, one of whom has a belly ache.


I booked rooms for our Kalahari stay in early January.


I talked to the counselor and figured out the next step for my kid.


I confirmed that I am not as far behind on professional education credits as I thought.


Several Big Deadlines on the 15th, which is already today.


I was supposed to finish two more things before going to bed, but I don't think I can do it.  I will have to try to take a power nap and pray I wake up.

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