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Movie quotes you use

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"Brothers don't shake hands, brothers gotta hug!" Tommy Boy

"Mommy, the rhino's getting too close to the car!" "Oh,he's scared, he's just a little guy!" Tommy Boy

"But why is all the rum gone?" from POC

"Get your own tots" ND

"Do you not realize I have had diarrhea since Easters?" Nacho Libre

"Do you remember when everyone was shouting my name, and I used my strength to rip my blouse?" Nacho Libre

"Be excellent to each other" Bill and Ted

"Taters?!!? What's Taters??" LOTR...you must then say "PO TA TOES, fry 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew"



Also we quote from Seinfeld regularly...not a movie though.

My 8 year old says "George is getting angry!" all the time now and my 14 year old loves "These pretzels are making me thristy!"

I also know a "low talker" :) and describe her as such.

I love "Good luck with all that"

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"You can do eeeet!!!" Water Boy

"Little girls are the debil" Water Boy

From Major Payne "you are offending my delicate nasal passages" since I live with 2 guys I have to say this ALOT!

"resistance is futile" We have a pre-teen, nuff said!

We use "It's just a flesh wound" also...alot.

We use the "no crying in baseball" from League of Their Own alot also.

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We also quote lots of Yoda, or at least we change sentences into Yoda-speak, reversing subjects & predicates.


Dh quotes Monty Python to the point where I think I'm actually now familiar with movies I've never seen. :glare:


Fun thread--enjoyable reading!


My dh does the Yoda voice very well and it makes me laugh every time. He and his family quote Monty Python and I've never seen them either. But I've heard all the funny lines!


We like to quote from The Three Amigos, "We don't need no stinkin' (badges)!" But we insert a different word depending on what the item is that someone is suggesting we need in a given circumstance. Oh, and we also like to say, "Laugh it up Fuzzball!" from Star Wars!

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I might be repeating many but..


"We're gonna need a bigger boat" (JAWS)


"Merely a flesh woooound" Some Monty Python (never seen any of them)


"Say 'ello to my litt'uhl friend" (Al Pacino in something)


"Let it go, Indiana" (Indiana Jones)


"Convoy" (Actually we sing the song from that long ago movie Convoy! :))


Need to look at the rest, I might can find some new meat for my corrections on my children....they're tired of "merely a flesh wound" when they scrape a knee :)



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When there is more than one conversation going (ie family get togethers) and everyone is talking loud and things are not making sense my dh and I always throw out

"These mash potatoes are so creamy."


Its from "While you Were Sleeping." Its perfect.


So what quote(s) do you use frequently?


Anytime someone ask for a spoon everyone suddenly gets a British accent and ask, "Why a soon?" "Because it hurts worse!" (from one of the Robin Hood movies, don't remember which.)




From Johnny Handsome: 'Don't think baby. You're not a thinker." to which is the reply, "Shut up or I'll take you back to that truckstop where I found you."


Ok...the last one we don't quote in front of the kids. But I quoted the first part to my husbank one day in front of an old schoolfriend, (who was also my sisters boyfriend), and my dh quoted the other line...and err...we really had the old guy going for a few minutes. I think for a minute he really thought I'd been picked up at a truck stop.



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We use this quote from Gosford Park a lot since we decided to sell up and travel:

The lady of the house is discussing whether she wants to continue to live in her stately country house after her husband's death. To be said in an off-hand manner in talking about a home:



Does one really want the bother nowadays?



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From I Married an Axe Murder


Me: You've got a pickle up your ar*e. (although I replace with bum;))


My dh: "HEAD! Move it!" when the kids stand in front of the tv on movie night or football.



"Piper down! Piper down!"


I love that movie.

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Enchanted: "Let's not sing, let's just walk." "Well, it's always nice to make new friends.


Ella Enchanted: "I feel it's only fair to warn you that I am studied in the ancient art of origami."


Napolean Dynomite: "Make yourself a dangone Quesadila." "I caught you a delicious bass."


From Shrek: "Yes, he can talk. It's the capacity to shut up that he lacks."


I don't know if that is an actual quote, but you get the idea.


"Down goes Solo." From Robot-Chicken "I never get a space ship I never get anything." from Robot chicken.


"A what-what?" from Futurama. The question was, "Where's your bathroom?"


"A what room? A bath what? A what what?" is the answer.

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