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Early mail delivery

Night Elf

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Probably a different carrier, especially if the box is larger than tiny.  Frequently, when I purchase tiny things, the Seller ships them as a First Class Mail Package. I suspect those go with the  regular carrier delivering first class mail envelopes..Something like the textbook that was delivered for us in Miami, that was shipped via DHL GlobalMail/USPS, would not be delivered by the regular carrier.   I would prefer an early morning delivery like that and not one after 6 or 7 P.M.

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I often see a mail truck delivering just packages in my town, even when it's not near a holiday.  Our mail person walks his route, (and probably 1/2 mile in each direct of my house is also delivered by a walking mailman) so I think they've found that it's faster to have someone do the package deliveries so it doesn't slow down the regular route delivery.   The guy who often brings our packages is different than our regular mailman - I think he's usually a sorter but might get tapped to deliver when the package count is too high for the regular delivery guy. 



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It was an Amazon box with one bottle of vitamins in it. I've got several more packages I'm expecting. Our mail person tries to avoid coming down my driveway by stuffing large envelopes and boxes in my mailbox. It drives me batty!


My mailman walks to my door and instead of dropping a stuffed envelope at the door, he shoves everything into the mailbox so stuff rips when I try to get it out.   The mailbox is AT the door...which is on a covered porch. And yet he crams everything into the box.  Last week it was a very fat envelope with five yards of quilt fabric. I nearly ripped the mailbox off the side of my house trying to get the envelope out! 


I feel your pain. I'm also noticing more things sent in envelopes instead of boxes. 

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Our delivery schedule gets a little wacky this time of year too. Usually FedEx and UPS are like clockwork - FedEx comes around 10;30 and UPS around 11:30am. Very convenient because we're almost always working on school at that time of day and are generally here when packages get delivered. Last night, UPS came at 8:30pm. They'll come at random times and multiple times a day leading up to Christmas. 

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My mailman walks to my door and instead of dropping a stuffed envelope at the door, he shoves everything into the mailbox so stuff rips when I try to get it out.   The mailbox is AT the door...which is on a covered porch. And yet he crams everything into the box.  Last week it was a very fat envelope with five yards of quilt fabric. I nearly ripped the mailbox off the side of my house trying to get the envelope out! 


I feel your pain. I'm also noticing more things sent in envelopes instead of boxes. 


Exactly! We have to hold the mailbox with one hand and tug on the mail with the other so we don't pull the mailbox out of the ground. DH took a picture of it last time and said he was going to go complain but I don't know if he  did. I've been thinking of taping an index card to the mailbox saying 'please don't shove mail in this box'. Is that allowed?

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I guess they have too much volume this time of the year to bring it all in one trip.


The volume seems to be exceeding the capacity of regular delivery vehicles.  My co-worker noticed FedEx delivering in a Uhaul truck yesterday.

Edited by TrixieB
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Mail does that a lot here (and I live in the middle of nowhere) during Christmas season.  I think it's because it's easier to just send a 2nd truck that delivers only packages, than to have the regular mail truck all crowded up with packages, especially if it means the mail person has to go back to the PO and reload the truck with everything that didn't get on the first time.

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It was an Amazon box with one bottle of vitamins in it. I've got several more packages I'm expecting. Our mail person tries to avoid coming down my driveway by stuffing large envelopes and boxes in my mailbox. It drives me batty!


This is why we have an extra large mailbox.  I would much rather he leave it in there, than get one of those cards to go to the PO to pick it up (especially since our PO is only open about 4 hours per day).

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Exactly! We have to hold the mailbox with one hand and tug on the mail with the other so we don't pull the mailbox out of the ground. DH took a picture of it last time and said he was going to go complain but I don't know if he  did. I've been thinking of taping an index card to the mailbox saying 'please don't shove mail in this box'. Is that allowed?



Seriously, we have the same delivery person!   Our mail box door has to be bent to stay closed.  My PO just told me they could have my mail held and I could come pick it up in person.

A friend said she solved the problem by getting a bigger mailbox.  MyDH says they will just stuff bigger boxes into it.


I feel your pain.

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This year is the first time I've ever noticed the early morning delivery too! I happened to be awake early on Monday, and heard a loud thump outside the door that scared the heck out of me. I looked outside and saw a UPS-van-sized USPS truck, with a carrier headed back to it. It's always possible that this happens every holiday season, but this is the first time I've ever noticed. 


I don't worry so much about the cramming, but I wasn't pleased when our carrier TOSSED an Amazon box onto our porch from about 7 feet away the other day  :glare:  Thankfully it wasn't anything particularly fragile that time, but we do have some electronics coming, and I don't love the idea that they may be chucked at our concrete porch!

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