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Ash Whiteflies (PNW)


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I have no idea what you're talking about, but you have my sympathy!

They're these little ash colored bugs half of the size of a gnat. Since they came to town it seems everyone is sick. Not stay home from work sick, just a little off. There are billions of them. Nobody opens their mouths outside anymore.


Eta: Billions is not an exaggeration. There. are. billions.

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They must be just down south of us.  No bugs like that here up north.



They're coming. They've been misplaced by the fires. They've only been here for about 6 weeks. If they go that far north you will know!



haven't seen anything.



They are all over Oregon and at least Vancouver Washington.  I don't know how far North they are traveling.  The are very odd looking.  The literally look like little tiny bits of ash in the air. You can't really tell they are a bug at all.  They float about  in little clusters and then you notice that they aren't being pulled down by gravity, and they are all about the same size.

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Weird! I'm in Vancouver and haven't noticed them at all. And I've been outside every day with my kids.

LOL  I have seen them at least 10 times in the past month.  I first noticed them on a foggy day on a walk by my house.  I honestly thought that someone was burning debris.  I remember thinking it was odd that I didn't smell smoke, but just went on about my day.  Same thing happened a few days later in a parking lot.  That was when I noticed they were the same size, and weren't falling like normal.  It wasn't until the 3rd time (different location) that I was convinced they were actually a bug,  They don't seem to zip about like a gnat they float and hover more than anything.   They remind me of when the cotton wood blows in the air.  They are just much, much smaller.

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We had them in Seattle last year. They are very distinctive. Not a lot of light gray bugs floating around out there.

They're gone? According to the newspaper which is of course always correct they're here for good. They are supposed to become less condensed though.

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