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It's a small thing...

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but my ds didn't wet today!  And, what's even weirder, is he seemed to wake up dry this morning!  We've been doing Therapeutic Listening, and we had a string of about 3 weeks where it was just off the charts, with him even wetting in situations where he never used to have problems.  *Maybe* we are coming to the other side and something is clicking in his brain?  I sure hope so! 


So go for it, tell us a small thing!  :)

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That is so not small!  Sounds pretty big to me!


My ASD kid's moods have stabilized, and we have much more peace in the house after a really difficult summer.  He and I are connecting, and both of us enjoy our relationship now.


(Also, he brushed his teeth the other morning without me having to prompt him to.)

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My son is walking into school from the drop-off lane, by himself, no aide, no big brother waiting to hold his hand.  


I am so proud of him.


If he is not doing well, his aide comes out after she sees my other 2 kids walk in.  But she is waiting inside instead of outside, so that he can have a chance to walk in by himself.  And he has been doing it most of the time!  He did it this morning!  



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My son is walking into school from the drop-off lane, by himself, no aide, no big brother waiting to hold his hand.  


I am so proud of him.


If he is not doing well, his aide comes out after she sees my other 2 kids walk in.  But she is waiting inside instead of outside, so that he can have a chance to walk in by himself.  And he has been doing it most of the time!  He did it this morning!  

That's really interesting, because there's stuff like that I do for ds.  After a year and a half at the gym, doing the same thing four days a week, he's now to the point where he can hang up his bag, wave, and go in.  I never just drop him off at the door though like other kids.  I actually walk him in, back to the locker rooms, watch him hang up, prompt to go to the bathroom, and make sure he goes in the door to get to his class.  Then I can stand there and just kind of watch to make sure he joins his group.  Before I actually stood there till class started to make SURE he connected to his group.  When we started doing this, I thought it was because he was little.  I didn't think of it in terms of initiation and self-advocacy, hmm.  But even just to be able to take a sling bag, put his shoes in it, hang it up, these are good things and recent.  


Anyways, interesting.  Sounds like good changes and growth for your ds!  :)

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Those sound like such huge successes!


DS2 talked to the psychologist yesterday!! He never talks to medical professionals (PTSD). He is also often cooperating with my reminders to say the "v" sound.


DS1 only complained about schoolwork for an hour this morning despite having 3 days off in a row (kryptonite to my routine boy).

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