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I actually made a telemarketer speechless!

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You know, when they call to tell you that you "won" a free vacation? The kind where you have to go to a 90 minute presentation (sans children, of course) and then they want you to join their (not free) club for a vacation for life. . . When I turn down the "free" offer, they always argue with me. (Drives me nuts.) But this time, when he asked me "why not?" I told him "It doesn't fit our priorities at this time." He was speechless! He then told me, "I'm supposed to argue with you. But how can I argue with that?:D" Victory!:hurray:

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That is wonderful!!! You should feel mighty proud!!


I'm evil--when my xh left, and left me with $80,000 worth of debt, and bill collector's started calling, asking for Mr. "Deadbeat", I'd say he is with the floozy he just ran of with, with all of our money, you can call him there--that would leave them with nothing to say ;).

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that is a great line!!


I left one speechless once, it was a cable company-and I told them I wasn't interested because we do not have a t.v.


the person had to know...not one?




It seemed to be a first for that telemarketer. I felt really good, I hate being called and then argued with...it was good to leave him speechless.:lol:

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I had fun once getting one of the political activist calls to actually hang up on me (after 45 minutes of discussion on why I felt his position was in error). It was one of the automated ones where they call you then say "if at any time in this recording you would like to talk to a real person, press 1". I pressed 1.:D

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Oh, I like that answer! I'll have to remember it!


My son has recently discovered the joys of speaking with telemarketers. His current favorite response, when they ask if they can speak to his father, is to say, "I'm sorry. He's grounded right now and can't come to the phone."


Dorky child.:001_huh:


Oh! That's just great! :lol:

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