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Who's going to tackle Monday with Me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Oh let's see

- psych quiz- done

- dishes

- tidy house- dh did :D

- fold girls clothes- done

- iron dd1's school clothes- done

- iron patches onto dd1's brownie vest- done

- load stuff in car that I'm giving away- done

- meet people I'm giving stuff to- done

- work on auction book at dd1's school- done

- dd1 Girl Scouts- done

- dd1 soccer practice- done

- dinner- done

- baths- not needed

- dd1 school work if any- did some of it while I was working on the book- done

- bedtime routine

- any other school work I accomplish- some stat notes

- anything else I get done- went to Walmart, had to buy dd1 new shin guards

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Took twins in to the doctor for their 4 year old immunization.




I did the whole explaining thing, plus had a special treat ( chocolate coated muesli bar). I told them that it will hurt a bit, but I know they will be brave and not scream.

 Twin 1 was first. I could not hold him down firm enough. I tried my best and had him firmly pinned with my arm down his side while my other hand held his head against my chest, but as soon as the needle touched him he want berserk,  the Dr jabbed him 3 times in the one arm before administering the dose. then he did the other side and jabbed him twice.  By this time twin 2 was weeping and saying over and over they are hurting my brother. 


the DR then went and got a nurse to assist in holding twin 2 down for his needles. She did not know what to expect and didn't do any better then me. He got 2 jabs in the arm before getting the vaccine. on the other side she was more prepared and used all her upper body weight to push him into my chest. She told me afterwards he will probably have bruises on his arm from the amount of force she needed to use to hold him down. The doctor was visibly shaken afterwards.  he was a younger DR, and I don't think he had come across this level of traumatized children before.


both twins were the most sorrowful boys you have ever seen for the rest of the day. :sad:  :sad:

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Good Morning...


Melissa  :grouphug:  just reading your post broke my heart.  Big hugs to your boys and you this morning! :grouphug:


I have no steam to do much of anything today, but I have a lot to accomplish and had better get to it.


To do:

  1. Bible Study
  2. Prep dinner for the crock pot
  3. Fix breakfast and clean up the kitchen
  4. vacuum the main floor and tidy the house 
  5. Hamlet movie...the last 2 hours of it and go over Acts 4 and 5
  6. Go over all other classes and work to accomplish this week
  7. Read for bookclub tomorrow night
  8. Survive today!  :o
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Yay Monday.




--dd Arabic 12:20-1:10

--gym while she's on campus

--pick up PSAT booklet before 3

--attend webinar 4:30

--dh Chinese 5-6

--dd ballet 7:30-9


--daily and Monday things

--state paperwork

--register for an online event being held Saturday

--make fruit-nut bars for dd

--file papers from last week

--make kefta and pita for dinner

--all those emails I didn't send over the weekend...

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Melissa, I'm so very sorry! I pray this won't cause any setbacks for you all. 


I slept in this morning. It is going to be a very, very busy week, so I needed to rest up for it. I host the book club at my house this week. Our church's missions conference is this week. Ds and I have 2 field trips, and co-op is Friday.


To Do:


make a school plan for the week 

go to the bank

take rental car and pick up the van

clean the whole house today (book club here tomorrow)

finalize book club plans


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Hugs to you and your boys, Melissa. I have a pretty normal week. Dd1 is super busy and leaves again on Thursday. The rest of us are chugging along in our non-glamorous lives :)


To do:

School for all

General house pick up


Maybe some dusting

Pick up study

Check some bills and bank

PM practice/ aikido


Have a great day!

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I am hoping that I will be left mostly alone today, but it's not looking good so far.  :/  I must try to appear super productive so people won't be on my back.


The construction inspection is supposed to be tomorrow afterrnoon, so I assume they will be doing various touch- ups and invade my bedroom/office to finish fixing the mess they made.

  • Get kids up & out to school bus.  [done]
  • Clean kitchen and bathroom.  [done]
  • Work.
  • Deal with construction guys.
  • Try to fit in laundry if I get the house to myself.
  • Kids' work.
  • Kids to swim.  Walk / work during swim.
  • Dinner somewhere.
  • Kids to gymnastics.
  • Run to grocery store during gymnastics.
  • Kids to bed.
  • Work.
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I got the van back and realize I left our garage door opener in the rental car. Thankfully the woman there found it and will hold it for me. I just don't think I can get back over there until later this week. 


I picked up my non-dairy "dairy" products I couldn't get at Kroger yesterday. Kroger doesn't carry my favorite creamer anymore, and the yogurt I like is so much more expensive there. The same product costs over $1 less at the Kroger near my in-laws in Ohio. It's crazy!  


I'm going to hold off on going to the bank until tomorrow when I'll be out near it anyway. The van was in another town in the opposite direction. 


I got ds' school plan made for the whole week. He's working on a Scholastic magazine article/activity now. 


I sent the final reminder email about book club and what the kids should bring with them. 





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SKL, hoping you can keep people from bothering you today!


Thanks!  It seems I will be free of my work boss and houseguest from 10:30 to 3:30, which is better than nothing.  The construction guys are here throughout that time, but I have my room door locked so at least they will have to knock to get in here.  ;)

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well, yesterday we decided to get a lot of chores done even though it was Sunday.  The entire house was cleaned except one bathroom, which will be done tomorrow.  My mom/stepdad arrive Wed morning for a week long visit.  Today is about getting school done and keeping the house clean ;-)   We also need to get to the library  today before ds heads to his scout meeting. 

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1 load of laundry in washing machine

kitchen cleaned

pharmacy done

pet store done

grocery store done

bank done


Despite having it on two to-do lists, I totally forgot to drive into the big city for my shots and  new vials of meds.  It's 4 pm - rush hour traffic.  I won't make it there before 5 and they will then be closed so there is no point in even trying to go now.  I guess I'll have to move it to Wed.  I think I have enough meds to dh to give me my shots today.  Not that I really want my shots . . . .    OK - I just looked up the shot hours and they ended at 4 pm anyway. . .   so really not meant to be today I guess.  

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