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Who's going to tackle Wednesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Get kids off to school.  [done]

Clean bathrooms and kitchen and some clutter.  [done]

Take out some more garbage if I get time (old junk from the basement).  [nah]


Pay bills.  Organize papers.

Kids' school debrief / homework / afterschooling.

Kids to soccer practice.


?? depends on what happens at school.

Kids to bed.


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--physical therapy at 9

--daily and Wednesday things


--continue ds room project

--finish writing course descriptions!!!!!

--more emails


--decide how many Hatch chiles to order for pickup Sunday


I think the girls are going to campus today to find dd15's classrooms (the recitation section is in a different building than the "lecture" sections---lol, there are 9 registered for the class) and to get her student id. Move-in for freshman is Saturday, Sunday for others, including dd20.

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Good morning!



breakfast and lunch for dh

fed cats



To Do:

breakfast for ds and me

school: history, science, LA, math, Fix-It, spelling, reading


finish stuff from yesterday: 

3rd load of laundry in the dryer

lesson plans for co-op



pick up a few groceries on the way home



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hi all--copying my incomplete list from yesterday. Feeling negative this morning, not sure why--need to snap out of it. 


1. laundry-need detergent

2. school

3. call back evan for specifics on auto body estimate

4. start crocheting dog blanket

5. patient files AND bills *****

6 pay for snorkel trip TODAY

7. healthy breakfast please!

8/. clean kitchen and living room

9. put clothes away

10. walk dogs

11. vacuum litter area

12. vacuum car

13. work at 330

14. soccer shin guards for L?

15. laundry

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Good morning

- school work- have terms done for psychology

- tidy house- round 1 done

- fold laundry- done!!!!

- dishes

- go to store for milk and bread- done

- dinner- done

- baths

- bedtime routine

- anything else I get done- took back library books, load of laundry in dryer, took cans in for deposit, cleaned oven, swept and swiffered kitchen and hall floor (dry and wet swiffer), put stickers on sign so we can see our drive way at night

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Good morning! 2 more days of easy then the real practices start. I have housework to do, but it is hard to find the motivation.


To do:

General pick up

Sweep and mop

School for all

Chores for all

Dd1 to class (and fill up the van)

Any sort of project in the house (maybe under the bathroom sinks?)

PM practice

Store and pizza for dinner


Have a great day!

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What's with this 58 degree weather?  I had to go put on a jacket and fuzzy socks.  I hope this isn't going to last, because I didn't even buy my kid a coat yet (thought I had a couple more months and the way she's growing, ...).


Taking work in short-ish spurts so I don't blow up my computer.  :/  Need to plan on a trip to the computer store soon.

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Sigh.  I miss being able to take a nap once in a while, when alone in the house.  I think I managed to sneak maybe 1 daytime nap this summer.  :/


I'm clearing my second external backup so I can make a fresh copy of my files and a system image, before I go to the computer store.  (Not sure when I will go to the store, just want to be ready for anything.)

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My clients are trying to give me a heart attack.  "Why did you make a $50,000 error?"  Turns out the error is that they don't understand how to read a balance sheet.  I think I will go breathe now.  :P


My kids are due home from school.  Can't wait to do the debrief.  :)

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Well, other than the coffee I spilled all over myself and my car, it was a great day.  I got some work done (not enough, but it's never enough, is it?).  The girls like their new teacher.  We got a little afterschooling done, some exercise at soccer (them and me), a great dinner at home and some relaxing.  The girls went to bed smiling, and that always makes me happy.  :)


The backup file backup is taking forever.  Unfortunately there is no "progress" indicator so I can tell whether we're close to done or not.


I should probably do some work before bed, but I don't know if I feel like it.  :P

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