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Feeling "meh"


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Mostly just venting here, I think.


Personally, I'm feeling as though I don't fit in anywhere IRL.

My marriage, while still intact, is lacking. We don't really seem to communicate. We go on "dates", which usually means

I say, "Hey, let's go to this Happy Hour or this movie" and we do but that's it.


I always seem to be the one to call a friend and say "Let's do something."  Local friends seem more like acquaintances, really. I can't remember the last time someone actually called and said,

"Hey would you like to come over for dinner? Or would you like to go to a movie or shopping?"

My BFF lives 1000 miles away so it might be different if we lived

closer to one another. Had a job offer near her that I was all prepared to accept the beginning of this year, only to find out my husband had no interest in moving. :-/


Yesterday, at least two of my closer acquaintances had birthday parties to attend. And two others had birthday parties for their kids - with whom my kids really do get along - but we weren't invited 

to either. I realize budgets are tight, etc, but when there are four birthday parties within your "circle" to which you're not invited, it can grate, you know?


And then this morning, because I elected to stay home from church due to not feeling well, my husband decided to go to our former church, instead of the one we've been attending so that the kids and I can actually make some friends. Or, rather, strengthen the friendships we already have with people there.


Just feeling ousted, and a little lost.


Thanks for reading if you did. I know it will get better. Just had to "get it out", you know? And can't vent like this on FB because the vent includes some of those listed above. B-)

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:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


I relate to much of what you said. Also, I lack the energy to try and fix most of it.  One day at a time here.  I am doing what I can and hoping for the second wave of energy to hit!


For me, FB is for pics of kids and pets, funnies, sharing a few serious topics (like missing my mom on the anniversary of her death) but not for baring my soul.  I see people who use it like that, and that is fine by me!  It is just not what I feel comfortable doing.  


ETA:  I looked at your neglected blog and noted that you have an ASD kid.  Me, too, and a teen, as well.  This is a significant part of what is draining me currently.  (That, and another kid with severe anxiety.)

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:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:




ETA:  I looked at your neglected blog and noted that you have an ASD kid.  Me, too, and a teen, as well.  This is a significant part of what is draining me currently.  (That, and another kid with severe anxiety.)


You're so right. It is neglected! I need to get back on that. Thanks for the reminder. I'll get there. Eventually. B-)


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Perhaps taking some time for just you and your dh to go somewhere where you are alone and make and discuss some plans for the short term if it's too overwhwelming to lay out long-term plans. Sounds like you were ready to move and he wasn't. It also seems that this was a big disappointment for you. Have you rolled this whole thing out and talked about it, including the painful parts?

Sometimes I feel meh when I feel I am not really heard or my dreams and wishes are acknowleged and considered.

I want my dh to at least listen to my pipe dreams even if they remain pipe dreams.

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Every so often, someone makes a post like this on the board, and I think, "Wow! I know exactly how you feel. I wish you lived near me so that we could hang out together!"


Just a few weeks ago, I pushed myself outside of my comfort zone and sent a friendly PM to another boardie who I am pretty sure lives in my area- just a note saying hello, and an open offer to get together some time. The boardie never sent a reply. Not so much as a "Hi! Thanks for the note." I have spent way too much time overthinking the note and hoping I didn't offend her in some way. Now I wish I had never bothered. :sad:


Anyway, :grouphug: . You are not alone!

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I'm feeling that way currently, too. We're attending a new church that I thought would be better for meeting people than it actually has been. We're returning to homeschooling this year after a trial of ps. Trying to reconnect with local homeschool groups has been futile so far (why can't people take a minute to respond to a FB group request--this is people we know, we're not strangers?),so I'm concerned about dc's social lives this fall, which are important to them as tween/early teens.

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Glad to know I'm not alone but sad to know so many of us are feeling so blah at the beginning of the school year.

If ANY of you live in AZ, I will make an effort to drive to meet you!. Just not today as it turns out I am

actually sick today. On that note, do any of you ever experience your husband not believing you when you say you're sick?

Mine never comes right out and says, "I don't believe you" but it's his actions and questions the same day I've said,

"I'm not feeling well" that tells me he's not convinced. *sigh*

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I have often had similar feelings,and I think that my addiction to social media makes me feel worse.  I am an outgoing person and seem to have lost of friends but I  often feel insecure.  But, I will also admit that I sometimes get down when I am not invited to something that I really should have no expectations to bring invited to.  I tend to be a bit self-centered when it comes to social activities and think "how is not everyone thinking of inviting me."  When I feel like that, after an appropriate tine of feeling sorry for myself (pity party), I then try to make an effort to reach out to others assuming they feel lonely too.  

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I have often had similar feelings,and I think that my addiction to social media makes me feel worse. I am an outgoing person and seem to have lost of friends but I often feel insecure. But, I will also admit that I sometimes get down when I am not invited to something that I really should have no expectations to bring invited to. I tend to be a bit self-centered when it comes to social activities and think "how is not everyone thinking of inviting me." When I feel like that, after an appropriate tine of feeling sorry for myself (pity party), I then try to make an effort to reach out to others assuming they feel lonely too.

You are awesome, and I think I love you. :D This is so me. It's harder than people know to be a sensitive extrovert. I don't even want to attend most of the things but I want an invitation, by golly!
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You are awesome, and I think I love you. :D This is so me. It's harder than people know to be a sensitive extrovert. I don't even want to attend most of the things but I want an invitation, by golly!

I am kinda awesome!!  I like that, sensitive extrovert, I am probably the most confident insecure person I know.  Plus I am an overthinker.  Basically, I am a delightful mess.  

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