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What are you using for 4th grade literature selections?


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Title pretty much says it all...what are you using with your 4th graders for literature choices for this year?  I'm planning on Nancy and Plum for the holidays, and maybe Ben and Me for the spring.  I haven't settled on something for the fall just yet.  


These would be books that they are reading and we are discussing together.  But whatever you're planning on for read-alouds or whatever you're planning on assigning.  

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We are using Wayfarers Ancient History, so most of our book selections come from that.


My 4th grader is reading the literature to go along with ELTL (Dr. Doolittle, Marvelous Land of Oz, etc.).


She reads the grammar selections from Wayfarers science and history (either longer picture books or shorter chapter books).


For read alouds, we are doing the Narnia series, Little Pilgrim's Progress, and the geography selections from Wayfarers.


She also does her own free reading before bed, but I let her choose whatever she wants to read for that. :-)

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We have random things on the list. Right now he is reading the Island of the Blue Dolphin. He really wants to read the Hobbit, so we will do this next. Then we have MCT lit. We did Alice last year, so we will do Peter Pan and Wind in the Willows after the Hobbit. I think that's it for the classics this year. We will read a ton of Newberry books though in no real order.

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These are on our list, though I don't know how many we'll get through: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Misty of Chincoteague, Ginger Pye, A Bear Called Paddington, Sign of the Beaver, A Cricket in Times Square, Because of Winn Dixie, The Mouse and the Motorcycle, The Series of Unfortunate Events series...

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We use a combo of AO & great books academy lists, and some modern classics peppered in.


I don't have my list handy, but from what I remember we are doing 20,000 leagues, Call of the Wild, Island of the Blue Dolphin, Oliver Twist, A Wrinkle in Time, and possibly the Chronicles of Narnia.

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Last year, some of the books my 4th grader read were:


The Borrowers

The Indian in the Cupboard

Chocolate Fever

The Plant that Ate Dirty Socks

There's a Boy in the Girl's Bathroom

From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler


No Talking

Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH

Farmer Boy

Ella Enchanted

A Wrinkle in Time


The Boxcar Children

The Sisters Grimm

Island of the Blue Dolphins

Prince Caspian


I taught a bookclub-style literature class at our homeschool co-op, so most of those titles were for that class.


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DD is a bit older, but this is some of what we used for 4th grade:


Read Aloud:
Hurry Home, Candy
The Graveyard Book
The Princess and the Goblin
A Christmas Carol
Little Lord Fauntleroy
The Land of Oz
Children of the New Forest
The Wind Boy
Understood Betsy
Comet in Moominland
The Wonderful O
The Mysterious Benedict Society
Black Ships Before Troy
Treasure Island
The Wind in the Willows
A Stranger at Green Knowe
The Penderwicks
The Wanderings of Odysseus
The Jungle Book
The Twenty-One Balloons
Peter Pan & Wendy
Ballet Shoes
Black Horses for the King
The Wolves of Willoughby Chase
The Chocolate Touch
Big Susan
Stuart Little
Harry Houdini, Young Magician
Everything on a Waffle
The Magical Monarch of Mo
The Golden Fleece
Pippi in the South Seas

The Ordinary Princess

Odd and the Frost Giants

The Happy Hollisters

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DD is a bit older, but this is some of what we used for 4th grade:


Read Aloud:
Hurry Home, Candy
The Graveyard Book
The Princess and the Goblin
A Christmas Carol
Little Lord Fauntleroy
The Land of Oz
Children of the New Forest
The Wind Boy
Understood Betsy
Comet in Moominland
The Wonderful O
The Mysterious Benedict Society
Black Ships Before Troy
Treasure Island
The Wind in the Willows
A Stranger at Green Knowe
The Penderwicks
The Wanderings of Odysseus
The Jungle Book
The Twenty-One Balloons
Peter Pan & Wendy
Ballet Shoes
Black Horses for the King
The Wolves of Willoughby Chase
The Chocolate Touch
Big Susan
Stuart Little
Harry Houdini, Young Magician
Everything on a Waffle
The Magical Monarch of Mo
The Golden Fleece
Pippi in the South Seas

The Ordinary Princess

Odd and the Frost Giants

The Happy Hollisters


Are you using any abridged versions or sticking with the originals?

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Children of the New Forest was abridged, because I didn't notice when I bought it, but everything else was the original version. I used audiobooks for Treasure Island (Alfred Molina does an awesome job), The Jungle Book (I used this version because I thought the reader was excellent), The Wind in the Willows, and Peter Pan & Wendy. 

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For free reading, I let him choose.

Some things we have on the shelf or library list:


From Mixed Up Files of Mrs. B

Harry Potter book 4

Green Glass House

Fortunately the Milk

Lemonade War


Last few books from How To Train Your Dragon


Starry River of the Sky


My 4th grader is a voracious reader. I love seeing all of the suggestions.

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Door in the Wall

Adam of the Road

Illustrated Classic version of King Arthur

Ella Enchanted


--What else should I add for Middle Ages?


Some options:


Robin Hood

One Thousand and One Arabian Nights (I like the McCaughrean version)

Beowulf, a New Telling

Viking Tales

A Single Shard

The Trumpeter of Krakow

A Little Lower Than the Angels

Famous Men of the Middle Ages

Stories from Shakespeare

The Midwife's Apprentice

Catherine, Called Birdy

Matilda's Secret

The White Company

The Black Arrow

Son of Charlemagne

Rolf and the Viking Bow

The Prince and the Pauper

Crispin, the Cross of Lead

Canterbury Tales (McCaughrean version)

The Cat Who Went to Heaven

I Rode a Horse of Milk White Jade

A Proud Taste for Scarlet and Minver

Castle Diary: The Journal of Tobias Burgess

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Thanks for the suggestions folks!  I have narrowed my list to four.  These are the books that we will be reading together, discussing during literature circle, working on vocabulary, etc.  They will read many other books on their own, and we do audiobooks as a family.


So my list is: 


The Secret Garden

Johnny Tremain

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Toulane

Nancy and Plum.


There's just one problem...I have three semesters of literature, lol.  I have a fall semester, a holiday semester (Nancy and Plum this year) and a spring semester.  So I need to narrow my list down a bit.  Most likely, Johnny Tremain will stay, as it best fits our history cycle.  I'm thinking I'm probably going to go with The Secret Garden.  I'm sure my 8 yr old son will LOVE that.  :eyeroll:  

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Thanks for the suggestions folks!  I have narrowed my list to four.  These are the books that we will be reading together, discussing during literature circle, working on vocabulary, etc.  They will read many other books on their own, and we do audiobooks as a family.


So my list is: 


The Secret Garden

Johnny Tremain

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Toulane

Nancy and Plum.


There's just one problem...I have three semesters of literature, lol.  I have a fall semester, a holiday semester (Nancy and Plum this year) and a spring semester.  So I need to narrow my list down a bit.  Most likely, Johnny Tremain will stay, as it best fits our history cycle.  I'm thinking I'm probably going to go with The Secret Garden.  I'm sure my 8 yr old son will LOVE that.  :eyeroll:  

How long will you study each book? An entire semester? We would be bored spending more than a couple of weeks on each book. 

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First semester mid-September through October...mid-November.  Holiday semester...mid-November through December break.  Last trimester...mid-January through April-ish.  


Last year they did three chapters a week, MWF.  I can probably amp that up a bit, though perhaps not for this year as I'm trying to simplify a bit until my youngest two are independent.  And come to think of it, I can probably squeeze a 4th book in from April through June.  


Mine haven't gotten bored so far, but that's probably because they aren't just reading this and that's it.  They also have their own independent/leisure reads.  

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Last year, my 4th grader read these as required for school. I have become a slacker about tracking all the books she reads in her free time!


Swallows and Amazons


From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler

The Invention of Hugo Cabret

Big Red

A Christmas Carol


The Good Master

A Wrinkle in Time

Tom Sawyer

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We've got The Secret Garden on the here for 4th too.

I'm trying to pick 4 or 5 for our lit study and am also hitting a wall because he has already read so many. This makes it even harder to pick for the boy 1 year behind.


I'm considering:

A Dangerous Journey

A Cricket in Times Square


Lassie or Big Red -  he loves animal books


Also considering The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe as we have not done it yet.




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We've got The Secret Garden on the here for 4th too.

I'm trying to pick 4 or 5 for our lit study and am also hitting a wall because he has already read so many. This makes it even harder to pick for the boy 1 year behind.


I'm considering:

A Dangerous Journey

A Cricket in Times Square


Lassie or Big Red -  he loves animal books


Also considering The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe as we have not done it yet.



Yeah, we've had this issue, too.  I was thinking of Woods Runner but one of the two has already read it.  Similarly with several other titles.  I plan on sitting down and thinking over the titles I specifically want to do WITH them over the next few years.  I'll put those books aside so they can't read them ahead.  


Add in that I have a boy and girl doing lit together and I also have to consider the main protagonist.  Too many female main protags and the boy will revolt.  Too many male protags and the girl will lose interest quickly.  I think my short list will be fair for them both. 

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We use the lists that go with their history (History Odyssey) for the bulk of their literature assignments, but then I supplement by googling lists of great books for other things I want them to read.  For family readalouds, I just kind of pick things I would enjoy reading to them; they may or may not have anything to do with history, and they may or may not be in a theme (we've been reading Narnia for a while, for instance).  I try to balance stuff the big kids would enjoy with stuff that would appeal to the little ones; fourth graders usually get a kick out of most things.

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