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Exercise Thread ~ August 3rd - August 8th


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Dh and I are off on our trip tomorrow :party: We have five days of hiking scheduled (2 while on the cruise, 3 at Denali National Park) and a day of kayaking. We are each other's exercise accountability partner so we will be taking advantage of the ship's gym and promenade deck on the non-hiking/kayaking days :D


See you on the 17th!

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I played 2 hours of great doubles tennis last night. Yay!! I'm getting moving a little slowly this morning. It's raining outside and it's a long weekend here. Rest mode.  


If the rain stops, I'll be playing more tennis this evening. I should probably get out and walk the dogs today, too. 

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Great yoga class tonight.  Then about half the class sat down and had tea together.  It turned out that three of the participants are incoming students in the department where I'm an administrator, and I had sent them all emails this week.  I have a friend who drives to the next town for yoga classes because she doesn't want her students staring at her bottom.  I just can't see it being an issue, but I'm not a teacher.


Anyway: good class; not much walking.  Average for this month: 11,573 steps.

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I got back to doing yoga - yesterday and today.  :thumbup:   it's been awhile since I've had any consistency.  doing PT roller exercises just don't quite count.  but my knee is better than it's been in a long time.  :thumbup1:

I planning on adding in some resistance bands to help with toning and building muscle groups. 


I also picked up a Nordic track skier and am currently cleaning it up. there are a few vendors online who carry parts, or even refurbished machines.  I've actually done it before - and it was wonderful when I was done.   my dd has that one and I haven't the heart to make her give it back. she actually uses it.   (psa - only buy one made before 1998.  after that they were made by icon fitness - and are inferior quality.) having the front legs at an incline is great for core muscles.

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Today was Aerial for me, I was tired but I worked my butt off. Sunday and Monday I kept busy cleaning around here. I'm not sure about the rest of the week, tomorrow is supposed to be Yoga in the am and Gymnastics in the evening but I don't know if I have babysitting for the am. Sleep has been off as his dh's schedule so it has been a bit erratic here.

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Frustratingly, I did something to my knee while playing tennis last night. I've been icing it and resting it, and hopefully it will be good for tomorrow's match.


Some dog walking and gardening accomplished today. The dc did a ton of work inside and outside the house, which was amazing!!! 

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I fizzled out on posting last week. Thanks for all the encouragement with the pregnancy fitness! I haven't gotten a lot of workouts in, but I did walk the dog Saturday (3 miles) and today (1.5 miles). I also had PT for my diastasis recti tonight and that felt like a workout. She's having me do quite a bit for my pelvic floor as well since everything is kind of connected. I'm tired!


Tomorrow I have my first prenatal yoga class. I haven't taken a formal yoga class since I was pregnant with DS nine years ago, so it might be interesting. I am excited though. I did ask DH to drive me because I remember coming out of my old classes so tired and relaxed I would practically fall asleep on the way home. Back then I took the train from work to class and DH picked me up so I didn't have to worry about driving.

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I ran this morning. My dad was taken to the hospital yesterday in pretty dire shape so I needed some stress relief. Better than a vodka tonic I figure.



I hope your dad is doing better. Running is good therapy, although the vodka tonic can have its place too.

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I ran this morning. My dad was taken to the hospital yesterday in pretty dire shape so I needed some stress relief. Better than a vodka tonic I figure.

Laura- at first I read walked off a cliff. That seemed extreme ;)


I hope your dad will be okay.

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Ann-E- Good luck with yoga, I hope you enjoy it!


Joy- (hugs) I hope your dad is ok


I thought we had Ashtanga yoga today but it is off the schedule this week and next and then the schedule is changing, just as well I've been up since 4:30 and although I slept better than the night before I'm still not feeling great! Tonight is gymnastics, which I hope is fine and good after a nap this afternoon. I've got to get my sleep lined back out, it is too hard to do what I want when I'm not getting good sleep.

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I ran this morning. My dad was taken to the hospital yesterday in pretty dire shape so I needed some stress relief. Better than a vodka tonic I figure.

Laura- at first I read walked off a cliff. That seemed extreme ;)


So sorry- I hope today is a healing day.



Wintermom- I hope your knee turns out not serious.



I did run last night- just 1 1/2 miles for speed with about 1/2 mile walking in-between laps.  My "speed" wasn't very speedy.  


Martial arts class was amazing.  We did a lot of judo moves including some partner leg building exercises.  One was loading your parter onto your back for a throw but doing squats instead of throwing them.  Another was sitting on your rear with your knees bent facing your partner sitting in the same way- then hooking your feet under their thighs and hooking one hand behind their neck, rolling onto your back then lifting their body above yours.  It was fun.


Tonight: double martial arts class.

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I am very sore today. I blame this on the gardening I did yesterday. What's the deal with bending and pulling weeds, or even sitting pulling weeds, causing so many sore muscles?! ;)  I have gained a new respect for all you avid gardeners.


Thank goodness my knee is better and I can get back to my tennis! I know and understand these sore muscles!  :laugh:

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Wednesday- 60 min gymnastics- my rolls are getting better and I got my handstands longer, cartwheels still really suck but perhaps there is a little progress


today's plan: bit of yoga(I think Yoga with Adrienne); walk


I've got to get some new yoga videos, I'm in a huge rut the only one I have I really like is Short and Sweet but I've done them a ton and want something new. I've got to get off my butt and get some requested from the library, I need to try before I buy as I seem to have horrible luck picking them out.

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I played some tennis with the dc this morning.


Then I changed the tires and tubes on my bicycle!!!  :hurray:  After all these years of biking, I can't believe I've never attempted this before. The front tire was a lot quicker than the rear, but it wasn't too hard. Then I took the bike for a short ride and there's no more bulge and bumpy ride! 


To complete the day, my wonderful neighbours cut down a whole bunch of branches from a tree crowding my house. I have some sore muscles from sawing wood. ;)


It's looking like a rest day tomorrow.  :laugh:

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I got rear ended on Wednesday- sore back and neck has thrown my schedule off...  I did do a martial arts class last night- but skipped the jarring stuff.  I'm taking it easy today and trying to get into the chiropractor.  


On a more up note I was hired as a Senpai for two nights a week at our dojo:)  

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rieshy- I don't know what a Sen Pei is but congrats, I'm guessing it is some kind of assistant?



Nothing here today and yesterday. I'm not feeling well and not even managing what I need to do. Next week I don't have any Silks, gymnastics and Yoga and coincidentlaly the kids are starting back with their classes, considering the timing of it all it looks like a good time for a rest. I'm hoping if I can get my sleep and diet lined out I'll feel better again.

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I'd like to say that the dc and I had a fantastic tennis session today, but I can't.  :closedeyes:  The dc backed out on me. Oh well, they may regret it tomorrow when they play in their tournament. 


We did get the driveway power washed and sealed the cracks! I also did a little laminate flooring in dd's room. It was very tricky trying to figure out the magic formula of getting the boards to sit together nicely. I'm proud to say that no foul language passed my lips!  :laugh:


I also walked the dogs a couple times. Did the "circuit" three times in the morning as I walked each dog individually. 

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A senpai is an assistant.  Our school only uses paid lead instructors that are at least black belt rank and pays all their assistants (sensei) instead of requiring the upper belts to instruct or assist for free as part of their "black belt training".  


Chiro helped, but I bailed on the scheduled free neighborhood 5K my 9 yo wanted to do this morning which is making me feel guilty as I look over and see him vegging on the sofa.  We do have 2 hours of open mat and tip-testing today.  I'll be taking it easy-ish.


Slache- you'll find it very different running with 30 less pounds!

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