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I am in the WRONG business!


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Our dryer picked this week to go out, along with about a dozen other maintenance issues. The repairman came and went, charging a ridiculous amount to tell me what I already knew and promising to order the part.


In the meantime I have laundry piling up, and my house is ripe with the smell of dirty baby clothes and cloth diapers!

Being a college town, there is one of those drop off laundry places where they wash your laundry and fold it when it is clean. I phoned them up thinking It might just be worth it until next week.


So the question is:

HOW COME I DONT GET PAID $1.50 per POUND of LAUNDRY?! I would be rich:)

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I did a very quick Google search and found most front loaders hold 18 pounds of laundry. So, I don't think $30 is asking too much of someone stranger to wash, dry, and fold your laundry. If I was without, I would use the local laundromat. I've had to in the past and it wasn't expensive or horrible.

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I did a very quick Google search and found most front loaders hold 18 pounds of laundry. So, I don't think $30 is asking too much of someone stranger to wash, dry, and fold your laundry. If I was without, I would use the local laundromat. I've had to in the past and it wasn't expensive or horrible.

Oh! I have zero problems with a laundromat:) I have used them in the past. They were my best friend in the army.

But now I am in a wheelchair with a 5 yo and a new baby. No way am I going to be able to do that, lol:)

Didn't mean to sound as though laundromats wereabaf thing.


I guess I should also have said that they told me the average load was $25-30.

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Oh dear, I didn't realize you were in a wheelchair with a baby. I wouldn't have made light of it.


I hope you get some help with that laundry... soon enough they can do their own. HTH

Oh, no worries, I meant it in a light-hearted way. Total first world problem at the moment. Our washer works fine, and um, we live in Texas where the sun would take care of the problem in about 10 minutes:) regardless, the part will be here Monday.


I just thought wow! Wouldn't it be great to get paid like that for doing laundry?

And I also should say, this is not some sweat shop operation, which I would ever joke about. This is next to a private university where the clientele is college students, they employ college students who do their jomework whilst waiting for buzzers. There are about 25 large washers, although I don't know how many are going at once. I know one of the girls, which is why I called. She said most of their customers sign up for regular service...or their parents sign them up for it! Pretty sweet deal!

I can't imagine going off to college and having my parents sign me up for laundry service, but that is a whole other thread in itself:)

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One of my son's suite mates at college last school year had his laundry done by a service like that.  From what DS tells me his family is insanely rich.  But honestly, I checked on the prices at orientation and for one college student I really thought it was a pretty good deal.  I don't think it would be all that much more (if any) than DS lugging his clothes down to the dorm basement and paying for their washers and dryers.  He's on the small side and wears khakis instead of jeans (so lighter weight).  He also doesn't wear many sweatshirts or other heavy stuff.   But I thought having to do it himself was one of those "the experience will be good for him" things. ;)  In your situation I'd be inclined to do it just to get over the hump until your dryer is fixed.

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I paid that when I was a live in nanny. I did it routinely. To me it was worth it so I would have more free time without being in the family's way. HOWEVER they did once ruin a robe of mine. I still use it because it is just a robe, but the color is off.


Just something to consider. I know I wouldn't trust them with diapers.

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When we have had appliances break around here, neighbors have let their machines be used for crucial loads.  Do you have any neighbor who'd do a load or two for you? Is there a diaper service you could use short term?


If any of the Hive were close to you, I am sure we'd help.


Doubt Baby would want to wear line-dried nappies or cloths - not soft enough?  Plus, from a wheelchair, not easy to line-dry.

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Kerileanne, we need a book about Job Perks the Counselor Forgot to Mention. So, run a laundry service and charge $2 a pound (high-end!) then watch the money pile up while you read a book waiting for the buzzer to go off.


Another chapter could be about how if you are a pediatrician you could decide to just work Monday, Tuesday and Friday.


Or, if you have the patience of an ant-lion spider you could teach piano to small children in the afternoons. The market is tight and piano develops their brains, right???


This is all meant in jest. I know all these jobs have downsides and dedicated practitioners.

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Could you spring for the laundry service this once? Just to get something off your plate.


I used a service when I was in school, but I was also a part-time nanny, and had my foster son with me, while we both grieved for his mom (my best friend, his mom). The laundry was something I could outsource. I talked to the laundromat owner, he gave me a better deal than their usual, and threw in pressing anything that needed ironing. It was worth it!

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When we have had appliances break around here, neighbors have let their machines be used for crucial loads. Do you have any neighbor who'd do a load or two for you? Is there a diaper service you could use short term?


If any of the Hive were close to you, I am sure we'd help.


Doubt Baby would want to wear line-dried nappies or cloths - not soft enough? Plus, from a wheelchair, not easy to line-dry.

I absolutely do have neighbors and friends who would either do laundry for me or let me use theirs. And I will ask if it gets to that point:)

This morning I washed everything and covered every available surface with wet clothes to dry. The house looks hilarious, but dd5 thinks it's hysterical. I even let her stand on the table to hang dad's underwear from the chandelier, lol, and we texted him a picture. Good for a few laughs:)


I was more in awe of the fees you could charge! To think, we do laundry daily for free!

If I ever need extra cash I will buy a second set of machines, put them in the garage, and do laundry for the college kids whilst I go about my day:)

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Doubt Baby would want to wear line-dried nappies or cloths - not soft enough? Plus, from a wheelchair, not easy to line-dry.

You can break them in (soften them) by rubbing them together.



Says someone who hasn't owned a dryer in years...

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