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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Hi guys.  Up most of the night again.  I have to get some work out before 8am and then start the normal busy day.  :)


  • Work until 8am.
  • Kids to horse camp.
  • At some point the building inspector will come to see if our builders are doing it right.
  • Work.
  • Kids to gym camp.  Lunch on the fly.
  • Work.
  • Pick up some things at saddlery store?
  • Kids to math camp.
  • Work.
  • Dinner.
  • Kids to bed.
  • Work.
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I think I have too much on my list...


--physical therapy at 9 am (sucks up 2 hours of my time)

--errands on the way home: post office, library, grocery store

--finish psych syllabus

--proofread said syllabus

--submit said syllabus to College Board for approval

--vacation-related paperwork

--clean up dd15's room like I said I would (left from packing--have to take out recycling and remove other suitcases, etc)

--email dd




Dd20's roommate will be staying here tonight. She's in town to meet with her advisor and do some other stuff :)

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- Bath mats: washing now drying now; check before dinner It's so humid, some of them didn't dry outdoors all day. *sigh*

- Fold load of laundry that's in the dryer and put it away Done.

- One more load: washing now drying now Done.

- School Done.

- Read Done.

- Start bread for dinner Done

- Poetry tea Done.

- Run dishwasher Done.



Failed: registering for fall activities.

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For Today:

Done Email

Done Kids' instrument practice

Done History lesson planning - books, maps, coloring sheets

Wrap presents for dd's birthday

Done Fishbowl

Done Pay medical bill

Done Turkey broth

Done Buy cake/ice cream

Make decision about theater class

Organize books

15 minute bedroom tidy

Done Finish laundry - put away

Done Dance class


Lunch - cottage cheese, fresh peaches & grapes

Dinner - turkey casserole

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Good morning

- dd2 doctor appointment- done and made appointments for the rest of us

- tidy house- round 1 done

- dishes- done

- laundry- in dryer

- clean camper if not too hot- too d@mn hot. Maybe tomorrow or Thursday

- more catch up on A&P notes and reading on statistics

- dinner- meat pulled to thaw- tacos- scrub that going out for dinner

- baths

- bedtime routine

- anything else I get done- setup girls new TV, dh wants to go look at new stoves when he gets out of work (we have one burner out, one on the way out and oven is wonky, it's a gas stove), purchased new range, ordered birthday gift for party on Saturday and made appointment for family pictures on Saturday

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Good morning!



breakfast and meds for nephew


breakfast for ds


To Do:

breakfast for me and dd

dress nephew

pack up his stuff

drive a couple of hours to meet sister for her to take him back home

come back home

make a side dish to take to swim banquet

compile co-op supply lists into one file to upload on FB group


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Good morning! I am going in to practice with dd1, lunch with a coach after. Then home.


To do:

Figure out dinner


Start plan for decluttering when dd1 and Dh are gone


Finish with calendar


I seem to be stuck. I have a lot to do and yet all the projects seem to be overwhelming large. Just need to find a way to get started.


Have a great day!

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For Tuesday, I need to: 

  • Paint the baseboards
  • Paint the banister
  • Finish sanding the hand rails
  • Shower
  • Clean the school room (hold over from yesterday)
  • Email re: job search --> Sigh. I don't remember what this was about. I'm marking it off in hopes that I remember...
  • Appt with accountant 



  • Update document and circulate
  • Move furniture from walls in sitting room
  • Drop off stuff to USPS



Posting has been really helpful! Yippee for accountability!  :hurray:

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Oh and now they tell me the inspector is coming *tomorrow.*  Is it just me or have I heard this before, multiple times?


I should add taking out the garbage tonight.  The maids put some on the porch yesterday, and cats or raccoons got into it during the night.  Not fun to deal with.  We also dug a bunch of junk out of the basement which is going on the treelawn tonight.  I can hardly wait.

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I seem to be stuck. I have a lot to do and yet all the projects seem to be overwhelming large. Just need to find a way to get started.


I get this way, too. Right now I'm tackling the time-sensitive projects, like finishing up the syllabi for school this coming year.

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Drop Ds at camp bus with his lunch, water and swimsuit

Take Dh to and from counseling appt.


laundry (halfway done)


To do:

laundry and make Ds' bed with clean sheets

science planning (almost done)

pick up CSA veggies

drop off library books

pick up Ds from camp bus


watch Julie Bogart's 3rd webinar session on writing.

run milk jars through dishwasher

fold my laundry



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Didn't get to folding laundry or the webinar, but the laundry will still be there in the baskets tomorrow and the webinar will be online next week and I can listen then. 



One day at a time, do the next thing, breathe, pray, sleep, laugh, do the next thing....

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