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Crash Course World History on youtube... what age?

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Well, history is violent. So in that sense, there's tons of violence. But it's all very matter of fact - these guys attacked those guys, etc. For some of the modern episodes, there are images - so, like, images of people killed in various 20th century conflicts, which can be disturbing by themselves. But, again, so fast, so matter of fact.


There are some mild s*x jokes. He calls it scoodelly-pooping (or something... there's some funny stand in word... I'm sure I've spelled it wrong, whatever it is).


In generally, he's pretty irreverent so there are a lot of jokey things that are meant to play a bit to teens. But I let my 10 yos watch several of them. 

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Yeah, I watched the first one, and if it stays at that level, I'm fine with it, though I think he talks too fast for my kids to get much out of it quite yet.  Maybe I'll wait a year or two.  I will just have to preview each one I suppose.  :-)


Does anyone have an alternative series that might be slightly better for younger kids?

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Yeah, I watched the first one, and if it stays at that level, I'm fine with it, though I think he talks too fast for my kids to get much out of it quite yet. Maybe I'll wait a year or two. I will just have to preview each one I suppose. :-)


Does anyone have an alternative series that might be slightly better for younger kids?

Maybe Horrible Histories? Again, of course there is violence because it's...you know...history. But it's presented in a silly way. Not sure if an 8 yo would get most of it or not, though?


My 12 yo loves Crash Course for all kinds of subjects, but I can see a 3rd grader not getting much out of them. They are intended for high school students, I believe.

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There are some mild s*x jokes. He calls it scoodelly-pooping (or something... there's some funny stand in word... I'm sure I've spelled it wrong, whatever it is).


Yup, it's scoodlypooping.  My 9 year old loves Crash Course.  He understands and absorbs maybe half of it which I figure is pretty awesome since it's aimed at high schoolers.


There are Crash Course for kids now.

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Mine started watching them as soon as I found them ... so, maybe 11 down to 3? Some are favorites that the kids will watch over & over again. Others, we use as a review or, occasionally, an intro to something. If I want them to get something else out of it, we either have to watch them multiple times or stop them a lot. They work great for review for us since it pulls everything together into a 'big picture' and often points to other things to tie in with the rest of history. 


My youngers don't understand even half of it, but they enjoy the Thought Bubble & the boys like where he goes over & sits in a chair (A Letter to... or the document he has to name segment).

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I would think middle school is fine. He talks so fast that I think anything innappropriate would go over younger kids' heads - but that also means so would the content.  However, I love them. I think I would pick John Green as one of the two 'celebrities' I would like to go to dinner with, the other being  J.K. Rowling.

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My DS (13) loves them. My DDs (11) tolerate them. My DD (7) is completely bored when we watch them. I don't have a problem with any of the content for younger children, but I think they miss the jokes, have a hard time following the quick speech, and generally just don't get much out of it. We alternate who we pick shows for and DD (7) has to tolerate Crash Course sometimes because it is one of the best options for shows that appeal to my older child without having too much in it that I don't want her to see. 

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My kids, 12 and 8, watched them last year. The 12 year old got a fair amount out of them, as she'd been through history before and was watching them (together with me) alongside relevant readings. They brought up some really good discussion points. She also watched them inside of the Big History Project. They definitely bear a 2nd or 3rd watching.


My 8 year old got nothing from them but giggles, and exposure, and participated in some of the discussions. But that's ok with me! Something that exposes her to ideas and people and events she will study later, in a fun context, is only a good thing.  I have no problem with the humor, which I'd characterize as 14 year old boy rather than adult.  My kids know what skoodeley-pooping is, so no worries there. If your kids don't know anything about sex, it would be awkward.  So it's definitely not for a little kid.

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My kids, 12 and 8, watched them last year. The 12 year old got a fair amount out of them, as she'd been through history before and was watching them (together with me) alongside relevant readings. They brought up some really good discussion points. She also watched them inside of the Big History Project. They definitely bear a 2nd or 3rd watching.


My 8 year old got nothing from them but giggles, and exposure, and participated in some of the discussions. But that's ok with me! Something that exposes her to ideas and people and events she will study later, in a fun context, is only a good thing.  I have no problem with the humor, which I'd characterize as 14 year old boy rather than adult.  My kids know what skoodeley-pooping is, so no worries there. If your kids don't know anything about sex, it would be awkward.  So it's definitely not for a little kid.


I'm a doula, my kids know how babies get made.  


The other day at dinner, my oldest asked if Daddy and I were planning to mate again so they could have another baby sibling.  LOLOLOLOL.  



So for biology, they are covered.  As to all the OTHER aspects of sex, we'll save those for later.  :-D  

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