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Who's going to tackle Thursday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Here's the plan for Thursday:

  • Kids to theater camp.  (Nanny will pick them up, take them to Nanny camp, and drive them home by 5pm supposedly.)
  • Clean bathrooms, kitchen, and some clutter.
  • Assemble some more bags of donations.
  • Make an eye appt for me.
  • Work.  I have a lot to do so I need to be productive.
  • Build the kids' paperback bookcase??
  • Kids' work.
  • Dinner.
  • Kids to gymnastics.  Work at gymnastics.
  • Kids to bed.
  • Work.
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Hmm I did so much yesterday but didn't finish my list so there are a few repeats.


- pet sit

- baby to Dr appointment

- hang out with friend

- finish getting laundry put away

- kids clean their room

- quick clean my room

- exercise DVD

- read for an hour

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Another prety day :)


Pictures (and video) of dd have been posted on the Arabic village blog. Thank goodness because I really don't expect her to write to us :lol: (camp is electronics-free)


My day looks like:

--daily and Thursday things

--pick veggies, remove new blossoms from a melon plant

--walk to gym for training

--ballet registration paperwork

--rebate paperwork


--start working on AP Psych syllabus

--research hiking socks

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Hi everyone. Today's the day I tackle the disaster that is my home. I haven't been feeling well the last couple of weeks (chronic stuff) so things have really fallen apart. I am going to enlist the kids and hopefully, it looks worse than it actually is. 


1. clean kitchen

2. tidy living room-book away scrapbooks, clear coffee table, vacuum

3. empty bags from trip--sort dirty laundry

4. fold laundry mountain

5. put knitting bag away

6. fold clothes in closet

7. organize boys' rooms

8. pu meds

9. knit baby blanket

10. exercise

11. work with kippy

12. shop for dinner

13. walk dogs

14. watch a movie? go to waterpark? something fun

15. empty cupboard and organize

16. go through paper piles



If I am up to it (might save for weekend)

1. begin organizing homeschool room--which books for next year? have a dedicated area.

2. figure out how i want to organize and plan next years academic schedule: word? excel? skedtrack? one note? blank schedule which i fill in as we go? some combination thereof? Reading lists for both boys--have them organized and figure out whether borrowing or buying books. 

3. go through yarn and make sure stash is up to date on ravelry.

4. comb kitties

5. trim flowers

6. print photos from savannah trip

7. ......


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This lack of sleep makes it hard to keep things straight in my head!


For Today:

Done Tidy

Done Dishes

Done Afternoon math lessons

Done Teach cello lesson

Done Order gift

Done Send sympathy cards

Order school materials

Done Deal with any new email issues

Done Make uncomfortable phone call (left a message)

Done Make/write out audition plans

Get audition materials together

Done Make grocery list

Done Bank - cash for kids, peaches

Done Pick up peaches

Done Grocery shopping


Lunch - sandwiches, fruit

Dinner - food

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Thanks for doing the meaning of life thing, Jean. Let me know what you decide.


Today is the first day of the state meet. Dh is going down with everyone except ds2 who stays here for his championship meet. Dd1 is only swimming relays, so she is just training. Dd2 and ds3 have huge programs, hope they are ready!


To do:

Get everyone off (they will be gone until Sunday)

Clean up

Library run

Meet with ds2

Pick up dinner

Movie and relax with ds2

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You guys, I have to confess.  I went on Amazon and spent over $1,000 last night.  It was mostly furniture for my kids' new bedrooms and school clothes / shoes / supplies.  This is just the first installment.  It is generally stuff we need, but somehow an Amazon order in the 4 digits just feels wrong.  :P  I should not really count the furniture since it is part of the house remodel, right?  :)

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A bit late

- pay bills- done

- study- did some will just read later since exam is tomorrow

- dishes

- laundry- in washer

- tidy house- round one done

- study some more

- baths

- dinner- decided

- bedtime routine

- pintrest/Google camper stuff for next month's trip

- order new tv for girls room

- make my back to school/camper shopping list

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