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Should transcript include grading scale?

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yes. It is standard to include the grading scale.


Which is complete nonsense, of course, since the grading scale is absolutely meaningless without seeing the actual assignments and tests- but for some reason, colleges want to see the grading scale. So, I included it.

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Yes. Schools want to see it, even if it it "meaningless". It helps them at least see if they are weighted or unweighted grades.

Interesting. I didn't consider grading scale part of the credit weighting scheme. I just added a grading scale because one school specifically asked for it.


I'm just using a 90-100 A, 80-89 B, etc. I've seen some really detailed schemes from schools but figured that it wasn't that meaningful from me.

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Yes. All the advice I read back when I did my dc's transcripts said to include it, and many of the colleges we looked into mentioned it specifically.  So it's important, even if it seems meaningless. During our college visits, we sometimes had the opportunity to sit down with an admissions counselor, show our transcript and supporting documents and ask if it met their expectations, if there was anything else they'd like to see from a homeschooled student, etc. Each of the admissions counselors liked our transcript, and I seem to recall positive comments on the fact that I had included the grading scale. So... I'd definitely advise including it.


ETA: And it does not need to be complicated, by the way.  Mine was a simple 90-100 = A, 80-89 = B, 70-79 = C, 60-69 = D and < 60 = F. I also reiterated the grading scale in my school profile, explaining briefly why I used that particular scale (it was the scale used most often in our outside courses and the one recommended by the authors of several of our at-home curricula), and noting any differences (some of our outside courses awarded A+ for scores over 95, whereas I did not give A+'s.)

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We didn't include the grading scale on the transcript per se as that is supposed to be a 1 page summary.  It would not have fit on a single page if I had provided it.   I did include it in the school profile.  I included my grading policies, plus the policies of all our outside providers.   Our local highly regarded public high school does not put the grading scale on the transcript either.  It is included in their school profile.

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We didn't include the grading scale on the transcript per se as that is supposed to be a 1 page summary.  It would not have fit on a single page if I had provided it.   I did include it in the school profile.  I included my grading policies, plus the policies of all our outside providers.   Our local highly regarded public high school does not put the grading scale on the transcript either.  It is included in their school profile.


Bolding by me; dd's would also not fit onto a single page if I included it. I don't see how people do that and keep it readable. 


dd's transcript is finally readable and symmetrical and a thing of beauty. We will also have a school profile. 

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Bolding by me; dd's would also not fit onto a single page if I included it. I don't see how people do that and keep it readable. 


dd's transcript is finally readable and symmetrical and a thing of beauty. We will also have a school profile. 


I'm trying to imagine a transcript that takes up more than a single page. :blink:

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I'm trying to imagine a transcript that takes up more than a single page. :blink:

I've been having some trouble with it. I have been going chronologically because I anticipated needing to submit to NCAA. There are five grading blocks over two columns because I list math and language taken in 8th grade.

I have a block with test scores (both SAT/ACT and AP). I have another block with annual gpa (I may take this out). The signature block has a statement about having legally homeschooled that is several lines long because I name three different states.


I did gain a lot of room by moving the personal info up to the header, which raised it on the page and compressed it. I may try a subject organized transcript now that varsity sports looks unlikely.


But it was a challenge to communicate all that I wanted and keep to one page.


Fwiw the grading scale on mine is a single line listing the breakdown. It is part of the info under the gpa table.


I have noticed some schools asking for so much info as part of the transcript that either the transcript would run long or that they expect course descriptions as part of the transcript. For example one asks of a transcript that includes textbook used. I think in this case they use transcript to refer to the relevant school records not just the one page summary.

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