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Bible In 90 Days


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Good morning, everyone!


And Happy Day One, if you are starting today as I am!


I spend waaaaay too long mulling over thoughts and jotting down ideas this morning, so while my reading time was enjoyable and profitable, I only finished Gen 1-4 in one hour. :svengo: 


But I'll pick away at a few more chapters during the day, and plan to finish through Gen 13 tonight.  



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I actually started yesterday because it seemed like a good thing todo on a Sunday afternoon and it gives me a day buffer.  I finished reading todays and dd wants me to read it to her as well so I will read it a second time later today for her.  I decided not to take notes, that I am just going to do a read through and I have read through Genesis 28.  I really like the android app.

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I enjoyed Day 1, though I started earlier than expected. The power went out around midnight while we were getting ready for bed. It was too hot and muggy to sleep so, I grabbed a flashlight and started reading. I was finishing up just as the power returned. What a great way for me to start Day 1!

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I got through chapter 4 of Genesis, listening to it while working in the garden. I will read other portions throughout the day - or listen, as today is really full. I had several thoughts while listening earlier, so I need to jot those down now before I forget. Toodles!

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Is there going to be discussion of what people have read?  I'd love to join if it meant an opportunity to talk about it, especially if we could have a respectful conversation with people of different denominations and beliefs.

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Is there going to be discussion of what people have read?  I'd love to join if it meant an opportunity to talk about it, especially if we could have a respectful conversation with people of different denominations and beliefs.


That's what I was hoping for.

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That's what I was hoping for.


Would we discuss it on this thread?  Or somewhere else?  It might be nice to have a different thread for each day?


Or is there a way to make a PM group like an email group?


Also, did the group ever agree on where we're going to stop each day?  If we're going to be discussing, it seems like that would help?


Sorry, to ask a million questions.

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Would we discuss it on this thread? Or somewhere else? It might be nice to have a different thread for each day?


Or is there a way to make a PM group like an email group?


Also, did the group ever agree on where we're going to stop each day? If we're going to be discussing, it seems like that would help?


Sorry, to ask a million questions.

The last time I tried this I had weekly threads but people tapered off quickly. And since topics really intertwine I thought one thread would be neat. We can always start different ones if we want to tackle a specific topic.


A bunch of people are doing different things. I'm doing it chronologically so today is Genesis 1-11 and Job 1-5, while others are doing it by book. There are I believe 2 Catholics including the apocrypha with there reading (I hope that wasn't offensive, I don't know another word to use).


I believe you can only have 5 people in a PM group.

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One neat thing I picked up on in the Noah's arc story was there were 7 of the clean animals and 2 of the unclean.  I probably noticed that before, but forgot.  So many of the kids stories just talk about 2 of each animal.  


I also found the answer to which old question of which came first the chicken or the egg.  Based on Geneisis 2:5, it was the chicken.  I thought that but didn't know where to back it up.


Has anyone else picked up on any thing they had missed in the past, that surprised them?

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One neat thing I picked up on in the Noah's arc story was there were 7 of the clean animals and 2 of the unclean. I probably noticed that before, but forgot. So many of the kids stories just talk about 2 of each animal.


I also found the answer to which old question of which came first the chicken or the egg. Based on Geneisis 2:5, it was the chicken. I thought that but didn't know where to back it up.


Has anyone else picked up on any thing they had missed in the past, that surprised them?

It didn't rain until the flood.


Abraham had a second wife.

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I've done 3/4 of Day 1 so far. I got the One Year Bible for my kindle and am reading four days' readings each day (technically that's 91.25 days, not 90, but I'm not sweating being exact ;)). I like how the readings are divided (2-3 ch OT, 1 ch NT, a psalm, and a bit of proverbs) and I like the convenience of having all the readings in order, so I don't have to do any flipping but can just open and go. Plus it's easier to read on my kindle - smaller and more portable - I can hold it with one hand and take it anywhere, and it starts up right where I left off :thumbup:. And if (when) I miss a day, I can catch up gently, reading five or six readings per day until I catch up - or I can easily read ahead, too. I sort of figure I'm aiming to average four readings a day, but will read more or less on some days as circumstances dictate - hoping it will work out to being done around 90 days, plus or minus a bit. I've never gotten anywhere near finishing one of these plans, so we'll see how it goes - my main goal is to just keep plugging along till I am done, but I'm going to try to finish in 90 days :).

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I just finished. These are my thoughts:


1 I find it interesting that the curse states that the earth will bring forth thorns and thistles since Jesus wore a crown of thorns when he died for our sins.


2 I've heard that when Cain asks if he is his brother's keeper was a play on words because his brother was a keeper of sheep.


3 I almost cried at the beginning of Job when he fell on his knees and praised God.

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How is everyone doing today?  It was slow getting started, but once I got into it, it went well.  Maybe it had something to do with dh getting up earlier to work some overtime this week.  I am through Genesis 40 which is in the middle of Joseph and the coat of many colors.  I am still one day ahead.  I will have dd listen to it later this afternoon too.  She did yesterday and says she wants to today.

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I'm halfway through Job now. I thought that it was interesting reading it straight through because I could really see how Job's reasoning was biblical and his friends reasoning was worldly. I don't want to belittle an actual scripture reference but my favorite line from a song came to mind while I was reading. "Nations fall when you speak and you have spoken over me" -Bethany Dillon

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I'm still working on yesterday's and today's reading. But it's going OK. I should be caught up by tonight. :) I can tell I'm going to have to get a little ahead to allow for interruptions. :)

Yesterday I read after the kids went to bed and today I put the Lion King on for them so that I could read and get some housework done. If I read straight through and don't take any notes it only takes me 45 minutes, so now I can plan accordingly. My intention was to read in the mornings before anyone got up but I've had trouble sleeping lately.

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I finished my reading today. I found it interesting that Abimelech said it was out of the integrity of his heart that he didn't touch Sarah. Then God responds with the fact that He withheld Abimelech from sinning and didn't let him touch Sarah. Makes me wonder how often we take credit for our good choices when in reality, God is the one who prohibited us from making the mistake in the first place.

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I finished my reading today. I found it interesting that Abimelech said it was out of the integrity of his heart that he didn't touch Sarah. Then God responds with the fact that He withheld Abimelech from sinning and didn't let him touch Sarah. Makes me wonder how often we take credit for our good choices when in reality, God is the one who prohibited us from making the mistake in the first place.

I'm not sure it has to be an either/or - that *either* it was us *or* it was God - rather that it's more of a both/and.  Because all good comes from God - so, in addition to every other good we are given, *every* good choice we, or anyone, make is through God's gracious work.  Yet, we aren't deterministic automatons - as justified and sanctified Christians by grace through faith in Christ Jesus, we are capable of cooperating with God's will in doing good works in this world.  While our refusal to do God's will is 100% on us, and any good we do or experience is 100% from God, the good we do through the Holy Spirit is actually in a real sense done *by us*.  (It's not meritorious - it doesn't save us or contribute in any way to our salvation - but it is genuinely good and genuinely done by us even as it is also completely God's work.)


And even civil righteousness (following God's moral law while not following God) is a good thing, even as it is still sin (because everything done outside of the righteousness of God is sin) and is neither sufficient nor merits salvation.  So if Abimelech, even as a pagan (I'm not really sure from the context of the post if he feared God or not), didn't touch Sarah because God worked through the integrity of his heart - I think that can be to Abimelech's civil-righteousness-credit even as it is also and ultimately to God's credit.  We do have some degree of free will in this-worldly matters, even as God is both the only source of salvation and the only source of all good, period.

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I finished Genesis this morning.  I also pulled out my copy of the time chart history of the world and looked at where Joseph is in Egypt.  I am dumbfounded at just how much time Genesis covers.


I also knew about the 12 tribes of Israel and that they were descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but I just picked up that Jacob was renamed Israel.  

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I finished Genesis this morning. I also pulled out my copy of the time chart history of the world and looked at where Joseph is in Egypt. I am dumbfounded at just how much time Genesis covers.


I also knew about the 12 tribes of Israel and that they were descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but I just picked up that Jacob was renamed Israel.

If you go back and take notes on the boys behavior you can see the impacts on the tribes behavior. It's just an example of how the sins of the father pass down to their children.

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If you go back and take notes on the boys behavior you can see the impacts on the tribes behavior. It's just an example of how the sins of the father pass down to their children.

I was already starting to come to that conclusion.  I will pay more attention now though.  Thank you.

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I finished Job and I'm back to Genesis this morning. You were all on my heart last night so I prayed for you. My girlfriend is calling today to chat about what we've read so far. She will be thrilled to hear you're all here and will be praying for you too.

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I finished the Israelites crossing the Red Sea this morning.


Thank you Slache for starting this.  I set a goal at the beginning of the year to get a better grasp of biblical history.  This is a big step in that direction.  Reading for an hour or so a day has really cut down on the time that I was wasting playing on the internet.

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I finished through Exodus 3 this morning  (I'm not reading chronologically, though I'm enjoying this so much I may go back and do another 90 someday but chronologically). 


Rather funny this morning to read in Gen 45.20 how Pharaoh tells Joseph to tell Jacob to "never mind about bringing along his belongings" because he'd provide him with all the wealth he could imagine. (maybe a subtle power play??) But then in 46.1-6 Jacob shows up with everything but the kitchen sink (maybe also a subtle --or not-so-subtle -- power play??)


Anyway, never noticed that before.  My sister packs like that too.  :laugh:


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I just finished. These are my thoughts:


1 I find it interesting that the curse states that the earth will bring forth thorns and thistles since Jesus wore a crown of thorns when he died for our sins.


2 I've heard that when Cain asks if he is his brother's keeper was a play on words because his brother was a keeper of sheep.


3 I almost cried at the beginning of Job when he fell on his knees and praised God.



Love this (#1, bolded).  


I've been noticing the curses in Genesis too.  More than usual, I mean.  So the serpent is cursed, and the ground is cursed, but the word curse isn't actually applied to Adam and Eve.  Cain, though is "under" a curse.  


Hmm.  Nothing I can say about that, but I noticed it.  


Also love #2.  

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Just finished reading through Exodus 28...it was hard to keep my eyes from glassing over the detailed descriptions of the ark, tabernacle and clothing for Aaron and his son's, but I made it.  


One thing that really stood out is that God will provide.  He provided for the Israelites whenever they needed food or water.  The state of our economy has been bothering me and dh a lot lately.  We see lots of signs that things are getting worse not better...it is good to step back and remember that God will provide.

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Just finished reading through Exodus 28...it was hard to keep my eyes from glassing over the detailed descriptions of the ark, tabernacle and clothing for Aaron and his son's, but I made it.


One thing that really stood out is that God will provide. He provided for the Israelites whenever they needed food or water. The state of our economy has been bothering me and dh a lot lately. We see lots of signs that things are getting worse not better...it is good to step back and remember that God will provide.

Someday I'm going to read through the Bible and keep a timeline making notes and sketches. Those types of things would be very fun to sketch.


For some reason I have a very hard time believing that God will provide. I know he created the world, I know he sustains it, but I just wonder if he can really handle rent this month. I should keep a notebook of all the times he has provided and every time I'm stressed I could sit down and read it.

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Someday I'm going to read through the Bible and keep a timeline making notes and sketches. Those types of things would be very fun to sketch.


For some reason I have a very hard time believing that God will provide. I know he created the world, I know he sustains it, but I just wonder if he can really handle rent this month. I should keep a notebook of all the times he has provided and every time I'm stressed I could sit down and read it.

We have plenty and we both still worry about tomorrow.  Some of the current worry is coming from the probability of dh's project being complete in another month and kind of being back in limbo as to what is next.  This time a lot of our connections are out of work and no one has any leads on open jobs.  We can get by for a long time if we have too, but that isn't where we want to be.  We want to be in control instead of letting God provide.  We both plan things to death.

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How did everyone do today? I finished reading this morning and will post my thoughts tomorrow.

I just finished Greek class. Weekends are bad for me. I was ahead before and I'll read a little tonight. I'm still in Genesis. I'm hoping to finish it tonight.

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