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Who's going to tackle Monday with Me?

Jean in Newcastle

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First day back to a (hopefully) normal work schedule?  Except that I'm up past 4:30am, so Monday might be tough.  On the positive side, I finished some of my Monday work already.


The list:

  • Get the kids up & out to camp.  They need to bring lunches and swim stuff.
  • Basic daily cleaning.
  • Work.
  • During work breaks:
    • a little reading
    • a little exercise
    • maybe sneak a nap??
  • Get some serious decluttering done.
  • Pick kids up after swim team.
  • Family TKD.
  • Quick grocery stop.
  • Laundry.
  • Dinner.
  • Read-aloud.
  • Kids do some math, reading, language.
  • Kids to bed.
  • Work.





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I have decided that play dates with little children are a huge frustrating time consuming activity.


twin one has developed a pressure sore on his tow from his AFO. this requires treatment pronto. So have managed to get appointment in Melbourne for next week. Lasts night he cracked one of his AFOs Just as well we have the appointment. many many phone calls to Hospital, case manager, etc. Case manager is trying to arrange an angel flight. (Yay)


Toddler gym with Occupational Therapist and twins.


Came home to find the next door neighbour (age 4) waiting at her fence to come over and play. 2 hours later she went home and we had a very late lunch


more calls to case manager


 my sister decided to visit with her 4 year old and 4 month old- she stayed the whole afternoon.


Visitors finally left and the kitchen fire was out. Mad scramble to get fire restarted and get tea cooked.


The large amount of housework has not been done at all. my house looks like a bomb has gone off in it.


I did manage to clean the bathroom ( three times - I have forgotten how massy little boys who have just been toilet trained are) :glare:




the very good news is that with a huge amount of work by Speech Pathologist, Psychologist and ourselves, twin 2 has had 5 DAYS WITHOUT SCREAMING. :hurray: This is a record. Before this he was screaming for 2-4 hours a day. He had a relapse on Saturday and Sunday, but no screaming at all today.



Other exciting news is I have a new washing machine. It has a 7 kg capacity. My previous one had a 4.5 kg capacity.



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Day 1 of the oldest being at summer camp means getting some major decluttering done!


- park with younger 2

- laundry washed, folded, and away

- dishes washed and away

- exercise DVD

- purge boardgames

- purge and reorganize kid's clothes

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Today will be busy with the final bits of getting dd ready to leave tomorrow for her 10 day visit with her best friend. She admitted yesterday to being nervous. So I spent last night awake and nervous for her. Sheesh.



--load of laundry outside

--check gardens; pick

--walk to/from gym for training session

--drugstore run for dd

--locate one of the girls' usb kindle chargers so dd can take my wall plug charger with her

--bake dd's favorite muffins so she can eat dairy-free safely on the plane

--hostess gift for our friends

--cash for dd

--make sure she's packed the important things!


and so on.

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Good morning! We arrived home late last night. The house is in decent shape (thanks, ds2) and I have mounds of laundry and coolers to empty and clean (my absolute least favorite chore). The kids had a great meet, especially dd2 who pretty much had the breakout meet of her life.

I am tired and lost my voice from all the cheering and am stiff from the driving last night.


To do:


Kitchen clean up


Clean bathroom

Tackle mail

Bills (where is my money tree?)

Clean study (it is a total disaster)

Get a kid to bathe the dog

PM practice

Picnic dinner/ ds2 late aikido class


Have a great day!

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Good morning

- tidy house- round 2 done

- dishes- done

- laundry- load in dryer

- fold laundry (absolutely must do, there are no bath towels in bathroom)- done even the socks, folded and put away load that was in dryer

- start week's school work (want to do all math for Wednesday and next Monday so I won't need to haul my laptop to my mom's, I use my kindle for A&P)- well I got 1 practice session done so far but a lot left to go

- wait to find out info for funeral of friends' grandma (rest of week is riding on this info)- service isn't until next week so I can't go to that but I'm going to head up tomorrow just to show my support and to see my mom and brother. Also so the girls can see the 4th of July like it was when I was growing up (not as many games since a different family took it over but everything else is the same)

- find kindle- done

- start gathering stuff to go to my mom's- started

- dinner- done

- baths- round 1 done, dd2 decided her yogurt was makeup and hair gel

- bedtime routine- done

- school work- all assignments due Wednesday are done, I will do Monday's assignments when I get back Sunday unless I get really bored and am done with all my anatomy then I might do them up there

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Good morning! Today is our 24th anniversary. We've been married half of our lives to each other. 



breakfast and coffee


To Do:

figure out where we are going to eat out for lunch today and go out

work on co-op meeting stuff I have for tomorrow


one of us take ds to swim and one take dd to play practice (She has bronchitis and is on medication they told her not to drive on. She got her license right before going to her summer program.)



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Got up late today, after 9am, but got the kids to camp.  This camp is very flexible - it's more daycare than "camp."


Found some "urgent" client emails that came in while I slept.  Can you believe this one client keeps sending me stuff in the morning and saying "I need it for a meeting by 1pm today, sorry for the late notice."  What the heck?  I feel like saying "sorry, I can't do it."  But I will try.  Again.


Meanwhile the construction guys are banging away on the other side of the wall.  Which is good, but kind of distracting.  I can't sit in my usual place because the internet has decided it doesn't reach there any more.  :/

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I really need to start paying attention when dh says he has the day off, so I don't spend a lot of energy running around like a chicken without it's head while I try to get him ready for work. . .    I guess he's ready for tomorrow!


human care done

medical care done

pet care done

grocery shopping at two different store done

medical bill corrected, the proof copied and enclosed and done.


Now to run out the door to my doctor appt.

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Good Afternoon! 


Amy--Happy Anniversary!!

I got up at 6am and got busy!   


Bible study --making it a priority 

washed 2 vehicles and cleaned them out on the inside 

2 loads of laundry

vacuumed and tidied up the upstairs 

vacuumed and dusted the main floor

watered all the flowers and dead-headed them 

swept the porches


To do:

fold and put away laundry

cook tacos for dinner 


Have a great day everyone! 




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I decided to purge kitchen stuff instead of the kid's clothes today. Halfway through it and I can't believe how much we have that I simply don't need or want. Some things I've never even used or knew existed because they were dh's before we married. Goodwill will be getting some nice things that I simply don't want taking up my precious space.

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Happy Anniversary, Amy!



swim practice

play with friends at the pool


call mom


to do:

more laundry


plan for the week!



Dd and I were out of town for four days and I need to really look carefully at the calendar and do some budgeting, meal planning, school planning and filling in dates for things like consignment sales (90% of my kids' clothes!), church events, AHG etc. for August and the early fall.


I feel like I am swimming in a river of entropy! Need to exert some energy to create a modicum of order, at least in my mind and on paper.

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